Blair Singer

Gaining Control of Your “Little Voice”

People say that money, success, and relationships aren‘t necessarily what life is all about. And that may be true. But ironically, the quest for money, success, and relationships, and even health are what tend to flush up the little voices that block you.

That‘s why it is imperative that you score your progress in life not just by how you feel, but by what you physically create in the real world. It will measure your success in the battle of your brain and in your ability to serve yourself and others.

You are who you are, for better or worse. I believe that just about everyone is a good person—or at least we start out that way. Every child is born with a pure heart and a fresh spirit in the beginning.

What happens after that is another issue. All of your experiences make you into who you are today. So as you look into the mirror, what part of the reflection are you happy with and which part would you like to change?
• Are your finances the way you want them to be?
• Does your body look the way you want it to?
• Are your kids the kids you want them to be?
• Are you hanging out with the people you really want to?
• Is your job or career in the place you want it to be?
• Do you feel the way you want to every day?

When you look into your own eyes, what are they telling you?
Take a look!

It may be a bit direct, but you have to start the conversation by telling the truth. You may be in better shape than you think.

Order a copy of Little Voice Mastery: How to Win the War Between Your Ears in 30 Seconds or Less and Have an Extraordinary Life!

“Little Voice” is the chatter in the six inches between your ears that turns you into a hero one minute and a dunce the next. The 21 proven techniques presented here will reprogram the “Little Voice” in your brain in 30 seconds. In “Little Voice” Mastery, author Blair Singer delivers strategies and techniques that will give readers the ability to: Maintain power in any pressure situation and stop debilitating chatter in their brain so they can attract what they want – now.

Uncover and realize lifelong dreams
Break through self-sabotaging habits
Build powerful, lasting confidence
Resurrect the hero inside of them


What Kind of Leader Are You?

“Leadership is not about titles, positions, or flowcharts.
It is about one life influencing another.”
—John C. Maxwell

The Summit Leadership Model works like this. We start at the base of the mountain with our overarching mission—in the simplest of terms, our goal or summit. While we are at the base, we are defining our WHY, getting clear on our values and the values of the team, setting our rules and our code of honor, recruiting the best team members, and above all, training and preparing for the climb.

It is only after all these things are done, that we finally begin our execution, our journey to the summit. Some people like to rush through these steps, taking shortcuts, anxious to reach their goal. Ben and I were a bit like this on our first climb. We didn’t have enough time to adequately prepare for a hike as challenging as Kilimanjaro. And we didn’t make it.

As a leader, it’s your job to make sure that you and your team are fully prepared, motivated, and inspired to reach the summit, whatever that might be. So, I ask, what kind of leader are you?

Most people, when asked what kind of leader they are, immediately consider if they are “good” or “bad” leaders. Those aren’t the two categories that come to mind for me when I think about leaders, however. A good leader can have a bad day, week, or year. A bad leader can have a lucky streak and shine their way to the top… for the moment.

Some folks call themselves leaders if they have profile, persona, charisma, and inspiration, but they have no real team. They have admirers or even worshipers, but not folks who will make sacrifices and accept challenges. You’ll find these leaders in the world of social media and YouTube.

There are others who perhaps have none of the above, but have a loyal, committed following of team members who would go to the ends of the earth to achieve a mission.

This book is about this last group. Why? Because I am not that charismatic and not that smart. But what I observed on Kilimanjaro I can emulate. In looking at my life, any great thing I have ever done or any nasty predicament I got myself out of, was due to the team I had… not just me.

Let’s talk about teams for a moment, because today’s definition of a team may be different than it used to be. A team is a group of people who come together for a common purpose and mission. They play by a common set of rules and procedures to make that mission happen. They may dress a certain way, speak a certain way, and have a core set of values. Some of the team may be on the payroll and some may be volunteers. For example, in my organization some of our best salespeople are our customers who have become part of our team.

As an entrepreneur, you start by building a community out in the world, to a large extent through social media, by sharing what you’re trying to do, who you are, and why you are doing it. Some of the people in that community will ultimately become your customers. They’ll buy from you. And then a subset of those customers might become a part of your team. And what does that mean?

To read more order a copy of Summit Leadership: Taking Your Team to the Top

Building or running a business is more than a journey. It’s an adventure. Adventure assumes there is risk in the air. For many business owners, the adventure of building a business is a long one and there are many lessons to be learned over that extended period of time. That takes unwavering commitment, a serious dose of tenacity, and the ability to embrace adventure.

Using the experience of successfully summiting Mt. Kilimanjaro drives years of business building into a 7-day mountain leadership adventure where the pinnacle, as well as the sometimes harsh lessons of the mountain, track exactly with the building of a business. From the moment your spirit is engaged when you commit to the climb until you return home safe and successful, Summit Leadership mirrors the same trail of mission building and ultimate business team victory that entrepreneurs strive for.

The multi-faceted challenge we faced in scaling “Kili” was a microcosm of all that owning and growing a business entails. Those who have experienced the exhilaration and challenges of it have gone on to build amazing businesses and become legendary leaders. With each ascent in altitude with the author, this guidebook explores the critical lessons to lead you and your teams to the summit and beyond.

As 2022 quickly sinks into the horizon, make a difference in 2023

In a world looking for what to believe….teach them how to think

In a world searching for leadership…be one

In a world looking for role models….be a hero

In a world looking for goodness….be good

In a world looking to for direction…help them find their guiding star

In a world operating in fear…. Show courage

In a world of short tempers….show patience and tolerance

In a world operating in scarcity……make good more abundant

In a world of despair…demonstrate hope

In a world of distractions … focus on what works.

In a world of fatigue…give energy

In a world of protection…be the first to reveal

In the face of danger and uncertainty…advance forward

In a world searching for love…give some away

In a world of suffering…help heal by taking a little away from them

In a world craving information…teach how to learn

At the end of the day, find more of the above in yourself and make more of that.

Be the first to give

Be the first to make peace

Take your dog out of the fight for a minute

Believe in something bigger than you

Rally the troops for a good mission

Make a difference

Be a great teacher

Be the topic of dinner conversations at other people’s dinners

Trust yourself

Love someone or something

Show affection

If you have trouble with people….love humanity

In a world full of narratives….seek truth

In 2023 flip the narrative 180 degrees and see what happens:

Instead of telling…ask

Instead of worrying about you…make it about them

Instead of performing… have a conversation

Instead of being the best…create others to be their best

Instead of being the expert…be the best student

Instead of delivering information…draw out the truth

Instead of being the smartest…channel the most wisdom

Instead of leading with logic…lead with your Spirit!

Love, laugh, and hug more in 2023 and may it bring you all the happiness, health, prosperity, and love that you desire, being in the right places at the right times, and getting the right answers to the things that are most important to you.

Love you,





Final Thoughts on Communication

Communication begins with consciousness… With awareness of your surroundings. Think about this: Rather than attempting to communicate with someone, sell something, market something, criticize something, or have a discussion… Be aware of your surroundings and the situation you find yourself in.

You’re probably thinking, “what specifically should I be aware of?”

That’s a great question, keep reading.

When I developed the skill I’m about to share with you, the effectiveness of my communication went through the roof. Like any other skill in business and in life, I had to practice. It didn’t come easy in the beginning.

Communication Skill: Aim for awareness of little voices going on in the other person’s mind. Here’s some ideas…

  • I’m afraid of losing my job.
  • I am afraid about the future.
  • My insecurities get the best of me.
  • I don’t know if this is going to work.

Before I ask you what kind of leader you want to be, you need to know this… As a great communicator, you need to have a firm grasp on the fundamentals of what is going on in the mind of the people you’re communicating with. Once you have this awareness, your aim is to address them effectively in your language.

Recognize that people desire dignity and respect. As you know, sensitivity levels are high right now. Why are sensitivities are so high? Fear is at the center of it all. People do not think rationally until they overcome their fear. You may be the only one who can instill in them a sense of hope, dignity, and respect. They can then rise beyond the desperation of becoming bankrupt, hungry, starving, dying, or becoming ill.

Click “Play” on the video below for my final thoughts on communication… you will be glad you did.

Reader, I must ask you… What kind of a leader do you want to be? How far do you want to take your business? Who do you want to influence?

Your communication is made up of words, tonality, inflection, and body language. Mastering these components will put you on your way to becoming a great communicator.

Since you’re here now, you’re reading this post, and you know you want to enhance your communications skills and take your take your business to the next level… I’d like to invite you to check out Blair Singer’s Training Academy (BSTA).

It’s a new world of business skills for entrepreneurs you can take with you and access anywhere, at any time. 

Click here for the very best in real business skill development by real entrepreneurs, directly at your fingertips >>

I’ll see you on the inside… and until then…

Be Awesome.

Communication Success Model (part 2)

Last time, I shared how communication has changed in the last 2 years.  Communication in our personal lives and as a leader.  Today, we will cover how it applies to your business.

To me, the most obvious way it applies to your business is the fact that the whole game of sales is different now.  Why is it different? Well first, it’s different because, you must use technology to communicate. And if you’re not doing that, you’re not communicating with very many people. In today’s world, people are glued to their devices.  You need to meet them where they are, where they spend their time.

Number two is that in sales, the days of high pressure, selling hard value doesn’t work.  People aren’t going for that anymore. These days, people want to have a conversation, to connect.  They want to know that the person who’s dealing with them cares about them and has their back.  Genuinely.  They want to feel that buying something from you is probably the safest thing that they could do, not the riskiest thing that they could do.

The whole formula of how we deal with people has evolved, morphed, and changed. My friend, Simon Bowen, has done a tremendous amount of work in the area of the shift in sales psychology.  Based on

his study of this shift, he would say it should be a safe encounter. The conversation is different, it’s about deep value.  Not about pricing anymore. People are value their money because there’s not a lot of it going around now.

How does it affect you as a leader?   As a business owner? Or business professional?

As a leader, whether it’s your own business or the world, you’ve got to know how to communicate one to many. Why?   Because our interactions have adjusted and we don’t go out as much, making it hard to talk to big groups of people.  And you can’t talk to one after another, after another, you must understand the technology, be able to talk one to one and be able to lead one to many.

The other thing is this, communication that works is based on authenticity.  In other words, no more promises. People are sick of promises. They’ve been promised so much, and they know those promises are not steeped in reality. People don’t know who to believe.

And that’s why the third component is you must learn how to teach, how to be a great teacher.   Particularly if you have a business (or have kids) it’s important to be able to teach, teach what’s really true.  You can’t always believe what you’re watching on TV or social media.  You can’t always believe what’s going on in this crazy world, or even what’s taught in school.  So, who does that leave?  Life is a lesson, life is a school, business is a school filled with lessons.

So, who’s the teacher?


If you’re going to be a leader.  Your communication and the way you communicate has changed quite a bit. It’s not about promising the future and inspiring people to be the best they can be. I mean, there will always be part of that, but it’s ego less. It’s understanding little voices. It’s about making it safe for people to work with you. It’s about not making promises, by talking one to many, being real, being authentic and teaching people how to empower themselves.


Now this is a broad overview, but communication has changed. If you understand these things or are just being aware of them, you will notice a few things. You’ll notice that the rapport you build with people, whether it’s at home, at work, out in the community; whether it’s sales, marketing, whatever.  It’s changed. So please don’t be left behind by the change.


This time has taught us how to connect better. It’s taught us the power and the importance of connection. And it’s also taught us how easily people get confused and distracted. Be a great leader that can give focus, co-create, and architect the future.  Do this rather than allowing people to be victims of the future.


Nobody’s looking for promises anymore.  What people want to know is what is our future? How do we create it? How do we work together on this? How do I have some buy in it? Give me the dignity, the respect to show that I have something to offer…Let me contribute.


Most importantly, manage the little voice.  The little voice in your head, because as Napoleon Hill says, that fear, which pervades our business and personal lives is rampant in the world today.  Fear runs amuck, there are around 8 billion people out there. Fear of poverty, fear of loss of income, fear of illness, fear of death, fear of criticism.  Franklin D Roosevelt said, “the only fear we have, is fear itself.” Now why did he say that during the great depression? He said that because economic strife is one thing that we can all get through. But when people panic and the fear comes up, the intelligence goes down.  People tend to people fight with each other, and they get depressed. And then, they don’t have the mental attitude, the resourcefulness, the resilience.   The Little Voice is the biggest one of all in your life, in your family, and in all your business dealings. If you can be the person that replaces fear with courage, then there’s hope.

If you want to be a great communicator, hopefully you’ll follow this formula.

Be an amazing communicator starting right now.

Need access to business tools?  Click here for online Entrepreneurial Success tools.

Communication Success Model

We’ve learned a lot the past 2 years.  At least, I know I have.  And being in sales, leadership, and communication, I wanted to share with you a couple of things that have changed dramatically.

Primarily, communication!  Whether in business, at home, or with yourself, I see a few areas of major change in how we communicate.

  • How you communicate in your personal life
  • How you communicate as a leader
  • How you communicate around money
  • And, how you communicate within your business

These are some very significant changes. And if you don’t understand these changes, you’re not going to be effective. You know, in business we say good communication creates good cash flow, internal and external.

If you’re going to be a successful communicator.  You need some solid tools to communicate effectively.

First, consider the communication you have with yourself.  You know, the “little voice.”  Yeah, you do, it’s the one in your head that I always talk about.  The one that just said, “What little voice?”

These days words, like depression, confusion, and hopeless are all over the media and pop into people’s mind.  Especially when they’re easily distracted and desperate. These are words that we haven’t thought about too much. Things we didn’t talk about much because attitudes were good. We didn’t have a pandemic. We didn’t have a crazy economy to face.  But right now, you have to understand that these words are there. They’re in your head. They’re in other people’s heads and they need to be addressed.

There are simple strategies, to deal with it. If you overlook those 500-pound gorillas, then you’re missing the boat and you won’t make the connect.  More importantly, those are issues you need to deal with yourself. Because two people look at the same experience.  One in a depressed frame of mind, one in an optimistic frame of mind, they’re going to see the same situation very differently. They will respond very differently too. That’s happening around the world to everybody.  It’s important to understand your little voice.

The other piece here around communication is your connection with other people.

Now, what do I mean by that?

These days, every group, every person out there is looking to be respected.  In fact, they are not just looking to be respected, they are demanding it.  Demanding a level of dignity that they feel as a human being, they should be entitled to.  If you’re going to be a leader in communication and be able to get what you want, help other people get what they want.

You must understand what sits beneath the surface of most communication.  You need to be aware, aware of what other people are feeling, what they are thinking.  We call that empathy; to be able to feel what other people feel.  As a leader, be willing to address it and shift your communication according to where someone else is at.

The final issue (and probably the biggest) about your connection with other people… lose the ego.  Let go of the ego, that need to be right.  I say, fight being right. It’s okay to be right. Not but to fight, just to be right.   It only upsets the whole connection with other people.  Allow your ego to be less, allow people to criticize. You don’t need to fight back all the time. These are things that are hot beds right now. And if you don’t believe me, just look at the news, just look at what’s going on in many cities around the world.

If you want to be a great communicator, these are things to keep in mind, just in dealing with other people. Next time, I’ll cover how this applies to your business.