Business Skills

Selling Too Soon and Lack of Preparation

Sales equals income.  We all know that.  Without sales, there is no business.  However, most presenters who have something to sell shoot themselves in the foot, by killing their chances to use their presentation as a masterful platform for showcasing their offers. 

I learned a long time ago that in order to sell something, I had to instill trust, respect and credibility in the eyes of a potential buyer.  Best way to do that is to give value first before you sell.

 We have all signed up for webinars that somehow peaked our interest. We also knew in advance that we were probably going to be offering something. But you go  anyway because you think you’re going to learn some good material. Instead what happens is you sit there through a 90 minute sales pitch in which you’ve really learned very little. While the program may have been dynamic did it really add any value to you as the listener?   Hmmmm?

This is where the law of reciprocity comes into play. The law of reciprocity says; …” if you give, you shall receive…” Taking that into the world of sales and presentation, that means giving first, serving first and adding value first.  This is also one of golden rules of business and negotiation.  Serve first.

In other words, make sure that your presentation adds value to the lives of your audience before you sell.  Allow them to have an experience of what you are capable of.  For me, I have always gone by the motto…Teach, then sell.  Let them see the real you and how you operate and give them real information that they can act on that will make a difference in their lives or businesses. 

Even when the group knows that this is simply just a sales presentation,  Still find a way to add some value first.   It could be findings, discoveries, opportunities for growth, leverage points and even case studies. . Showing that these could make a difference in their business shows interest, professionalism and care.

So….Give something before asking for something.

There is a lot more to learn about adding value first.  Check out my video on how you can do it. Click the link below to watch the video in full.

Remember, Be Awesome!

Not Knowing How to Handle the Heat

The worst thing that can happen to you as a trainer, presenter, leader or facilitator is that you do not get your message, your information or your service out to the world. 

Why?  Two reasons:

First because the world will not have the opportunity to better their lives through what you offer.  Second is that you will not gain the wealth, resources and accolades you deserve for what you could potentially give them. 

And that would only happen if you succumb to one of the core fears most would-be-presenters, and even pro’s have.  It’s the fear of public embarrassment which can show up by: being made to look like a fool in front of others, being embarrassed publicly because someone wants to push back or give you grief because they don’t  agree with what you’re saying, or because they are simply being a bit of a butt-head. 

This is called “The Heat” and you need to know how to handle this heat properly and not bend beneath it. This fear alone keeps numerous people from presenting or doing any kind of public speaking on line or off line.

There are a few things you’re going to want to remember. One of which is to not avoid the heat. If you’re prepared for it, chances are it won’t actually show up. If you’re not prepared for it, if you’re acting a little bit arrogant and full of yourself it may show up. Especially if you’re pushing the envelope on your opinion rather than giving facts. Don’t worry this will be addressed later in this series.

If a participant is getting aggressive with a question or complaint don’t avoid it. Don’t  say that you will address it offline or in a side conversation or that you won’t be handling it right then and there. All that is going to do is kill your credibility in front of everybody. It’s going to make the antagonist even more upset and your presentation will go down in a fiery crash…which you don’t want. Believe it or not, in this instance you have the opportunity to be a hero. (and to even turn the “enemy” into an “allie”.

There are some clear steps you can take to navigate this kind of heat. I will warn you that it takes a bit of practice.  Check out my video on YouTube and I will step you through it.  You see, when you assume a position on the zoom, on the camera, in front of any group….you are now a leader whether you like it or not.  Having coached thousands of people to create magic with groups of all sizes, I can tell you that the “way” you show up to present and the “way” you operate in front of a group is more important than whatever information you are delivering to them.  Never doubt that. 

You can click the link below to watch the Video in full for more information.

Creating the Death Spiral Monologue

If you’ve been watching and practicing from the previous videos you’re sure to have noticed some changes in your presentations already. While things may be a little awkward right now, trust they will get easier.

These lessons and advice continue in this next episode. I am talking about the biggest mistakes that most teachers, presenters, trainers make that blow up their programs. Not in a good way either!!  This also affects their sales and prevents them from being the rock-stars they can be.

Question: “How was the presentation?”

Answer: “It was okay.” 

As a presenter of anything, you NEVER want to hear that feedback!  That comment is like a knife being thrust into your heart.  (at least for me)   If you get it, it is probably because you were BORING.  Perhaps your content was great, but the impact was….”eh”

Why does that happen? Its because you descended into the abyss of talking “at” people instead of “with” them.

People come to learn, not to be told. Stop telling people what to do rather than engaging with them. Whenever you are in front of people, no matter what the reason, they’re not there for you to tell them how great you are. They are there to learn something. Make it enjoyable.  Make it easy for them to remember. However, don’t make it feel like they’re in school. Most people have bad memories from school, and will subconsciously check out.

Don’t  drone on and on about yourself, your accomplishments, and why they should heed your advice. (more on how to do this later)  That’s a trap that most speakers get into. Then they wonder why they don’t get the results they were looking for. Even if they think they are doing well, they truly are not. If, by the end of your presentation, there are no questions or remarks from the group….that is NOT good.  That means they weren’t interested or intrigued and certainly not inspired.

Getting them engaged is key.

Once they are physically engaged and even asking questions, they will be hooked. Have them do activities, get involved, share with other people, create visuals to drive home your points.  

People don’t like to be preached at, so don’t!

Use dialogue by continually asking them questions. Teach lessons through stories that they can relate to…stories about you or even better, stories about others.  This isn’t to glorify them but to further dramatize what you’re talking about.

In this less than 11 minute video, you will learn lots of other lessons that will help further your understanding, your skills and never be boring again. If you want to learn more please watch the video below.

Are You Prepared?

Newspapers and cable news contain little to no positivity these days. Since mid-March, the coronavirus has taken over all the headlines.

But why? How can a tiny piece of RNA wrapped in a lipid layer cause so much damage?

There are any number of answers to this question. But there’s only one underlying cause:

The world wasn’t prepared.

If you look at the stats, you’ll recognize that the ill-prepared countries are the most affected.

But what does this have to do with you, apart from the fact that you’re encouraged to shelter-in-place or limit group activity?

Business basics are still working in the same way. But, your business is a lot more likely to fail if you’re ill-prepared.

Of all the things that you can do to grow your business, there are only two categories:

You’re either preparing or executing.

What do you think is going to happen if you attempt to execute unprepared?

You’re going to wander and lose your place. And you’d be lucky to get anything done at all.

Therein lies the problem – you don’t want to depend on luck to succeed.

There’s this inconvenient truth that everybody thinks execution is more exciting than preparation.

But that’s why you’ll have to put it aside. You’ll have to learn how to love both execution and preparation if you want to make it out there. You’ve got to love the sweat that you wipe off your face and the pain that you feel in your body when you do them.

Be aware that your hard work isn’t going to pay off every time. You might even have to make several sales calls before you get to a deal. And that’s fine! 

Learn to love and enjoy making the calls. It’s all part of that discipline again, which I talked about in the previous email. You want to get excited about making these calls yourself, rather than delegating all of them.

Through it all, you have to prepare before you execute. And you’ve got to love the preparation and the drill, in addition to the execution.

When you do, you’ll be ready for whatever the world throws at you.

Stay Strong,

Blair Singer

It’s All About Discipline

In my last post, I reemphasized my position that sales equals income.

And now is a good time to dig deeper and discuss how it’s possible to sell more in the face of the coronavirus chaos.

Believe me when I say that this IS possible.

I have clients who are absolutely making a killing out there! They’re doubling their conversions, quadrupling the reach on social media, and closing 20-30% more sales!

These clients are not looking at the pandemic as an obstacle. Instead, they’re turning it around and making the most out of it.

But of course, there are also those who don’t know how they’re going to make ends meet. They have to worry about money, on top of the fear and uncertainty.

But, what separates those who are doing well and the paralyzed? How can you also use this period to increase your conversions and deals?

There are three things that you’re going to need:

The first is the right mindset. Start with your mind and that’s going to lead to everything else.

And then the second component is the skills.

And perhaps most importantly, you’re going to need discipline! 

Without discipline, your mindset and skills may be for naught.

Much like you need the discipline to stay fit and healthy, you also need discipline to grow sales. It means that you must have the discipline to keep going, despite what’s going on around you.

Your customers haven’t disappeared, pandemic or not. They’re still there and it’s a case of whether you know how to find them or not. You won’t be able to do this if you don’t have the discipline.

What can you do if your selling skills aren’t up to snuff?

Now is a great opportunity to learn. You might as well make use of this social distancing to grow your income, right?

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again.

This can be an opportune time if you know how to use it to your gain.

Don’t use the coronavirus as an excuse to slow down. Take advantage of this tough time to build your sales muscle. When things lighten up, this is going to catapult your business ahead of others.

Stay Strong,

Blair Singer

Sales = Income

The coronavirus pandemic has changed the world at a rapid pace. But it’s not just the virus itself to blame here.

I’d argue that it’s all the panic and chaos that are transforming the world before our eyes.

People are so caught up in it all that they’re not even thinking about business growth. A big part of this is the guilt that business owners may feel. That’s a crucial topic, but I’m going to leave it for another post.

For now, I’d like to make one thing very clear:

You’ve got to continue to grow your income!

Cutting off your income is like cutting off the blood supply to your business, family, and all of your dreams. You’re not going to have the wherewithal to protect yourself and your loved ones.

Like I’ve been saying for the last 25 years, sales equals income. I’ve spent decades teaching people how to create miracle numbers and achieve the level of income for a Legacy LifeStyle.

That’s more important now, than ever. With all of this uncertainty, the inability to generate income is going to make it a lot worse.

But all that is going on shouldn’t prevent you from growing your income. The opposite may be true if you’re able to find and reach new customers. Your ideal customers may be changing, so you need to revisit this and update as necessary.

And your customer base isn’t the only thing that might change under this life-changing event.

If nothing else, you must have at least read or heard that business owners have to be able to adapt to changes. And this is a golden opportunity for you to actually put it into practice.

The pandemic is not going to stop you from growing, unless you let it. You can just sit at home and burn through your savings or you can work on growing your income. 

The choice is yours.

Find out more here: