Successfully handling objections can make the difference between occasionally closing a sale and being a sales super star. In the video below, I share my simple steps to handling objections that can be mastered and used any time, any place to help you close more sales and increase your income.
Creating and Sustaining a Successful Business
After having worked with tens of thousands of entrepreneurs, business owners, and corporate executives from across the globe – I am frequently asked by new start-ups, “Where do I start?” Entrepreneurs often ask, “How do I scale, or how do I keep the success going?” Or, “How do I break past a plateau?”
No matter where you are in your business, or the size of your business – this model will help you identify where you are right now and how to get to your end goal. Then, you’ll learn how to keep the rewards of achieving your goal. Join me as I take you through a very enlightening model called Invisible to Power that has changed thousands of lives!
The Foundation of The Blair Singer Companies
In 1984, I was introduced to a concept from Buckminster Fuller that would change my life forever and become the foundation for the business I started over 30 years ago. This concept is one that is as relevant today as it was when I first heard it…
I’m betting that if you want to be a speaker, teacher, leader or trainer, it will likely have tremendous impact on you, as well!
Watch this video where I share with one of my newest team members what drives me in my business and has become the guiding concept for all the decisions we make at the Blair Singer Companies.
Leveraging Lessons of 2015 for a Successful 2016
I know that some days it feels that way, but no matter what happens there is always something to learn from every experience good or bad. Denying the lessons of those experiences, trying to brush them into a corner, even ignoring them is denying yourself of the pearls of wisdom that are lying all around you.
Those who are able to embrace failure and use its lessons ultimately catapult themselves to success. Those who abhor mistakes are condemned to relive them.
That is why the most powerful tool you have for your personal and business growth is knowing how to leverage your wins and mistakes. That process is called Debriefing. It is knowing when to call a time-out and taking a brief moment in time to assess what has transpired and how to leverage, correct and gain meaningful lessons from the experience.
The process of debriefing is critical to success. It helps focus on doing the things that will create more wins and successes, as well as learning from mistakes so you can improve your future outcomes. Debriefing is an on-going process not one to be saved for the end of a project, event or sales campaign. The time to debrief is while you still can influence the results of something you are actively working on, not wait until it is too late to make improvements and actually achieve your goals.
Debriefing doesn’t have to take a lot of time, yet the results on your business, relationships, health and wealth can truly be massive if you are consistently applying this process. If you are not familiar with the debriefing process, watch the video below which explains it in more depth.
As I mentioned, I don’t believe in SAVING this process until the end of the year before using it. But, I do ENCOURAGE using it to evaluate your 2015 so you can take the lessons into 2016.
So, once you are familiar with the concept (watch that video!), I suggest you use these same set of questions to look back over 2015 and identify what you learned from both the wins you experienced (and hopefully celebrated) in all areas of your life, as well as, the lessons that will allow you to take wiser actions in 2016.
Areas you can benefit from trying this debrief process include:
Your Business – Sales results, productivity, profitability, lead generation, presenting, negotiating, staffing, management, etc.
Your Relationships – Amount of time spent with significant others, kids and friends, communication, connection, honesty, trust, shared values, keeping commitments, etc.
Your Health – Diet/nutrition, exercise, stress management, feeding your mind, body and soul the nutrition they need, etc.
Your Wealth – How did you do with saving, investing, or protecting your money? How did you do with other areas of wealth that are meaningful to you?
To start this process, choose one of the areas of your life that are important to you and practice the debriefing process.
The Debriefing Process:
Ask yourself these questions in this order:
1. What happened?
Think about a specific goal or event and ask the general question What Happened? This includes the hard cold facts, numbers and results. It also includes a recap of the processes that took place.
2. What worked?
Even though sometimes things may have gone horribly wrong and your little voice wants to torment you that the whole thing was just a nightmare, we always learn something from a situation. Think about it: Did someone unexpectedly show you support, did you discover untapped resources, did you discover your own tenacity and fortitude, were you able to save money, identify new talent among your team, discover or create new opportunities, etc.
3. What didn’t work?
This is not about blaming — it is about looking at behaviors, decisions and actions that need to be adjusted in the future. Saying, “It was all Mary’s fault!” doesn’t really help Mary do anything better or solve any actual problem. Saying, “Mary seemed to have some confusion about how urgently this matter needed to be addressed to keep the account,” gives you something to work with. Now you can start solving a real problem with questions like, “How urgent is it when a request like this is made? How do we make sure that everyone knows the level of urgency and what they need to accomplish in a specific time frame?” Identify what occurred that caused the situation to not work as planned.
4. What did you learn?
This is the biggie. You want to figure out:
- What lessons you can take away that help you get really clear on what you want to do more of because that behavior generates success, and
- What you want to do less of (or stop all together) because it yields dissatisfying results.
Remember, you cannot learn less. Trial and error is our built in learning mechanism for growth. Taking the time to go through this process for areas you consider critical in your life and business will help you feel good about all the things you accomplished and learned this year and set you up to use them as a foundation to a better, brighter 2016!
October 2015 Special Little Voice Mastery Bonus
No one wants to believe they are responsible for the lack of getting what they want in their lives.
But, the fact of the matter is, the power to get what you want lies within YOU.
You see, as a human being, you came equipped with a mind, body and store of energy designed for you to share your unique gifts and talents with the world while embarking on an incredible journey pursuing your personal goals and dreams.
Unfortunately, when you were young, (unless you were raised by a pack of wolves away from human civilization) you were taught to believe a wide variety of things about yourself that are simply not true. You may have been told that you are clumsy, shy, stupid, lazy, slow, fat, or many other labels that, as a child, you came to self-identify with. If you buy into these labels (as all children do), then you sabotage yourself in these areas and actually act as if you are these negative things!
In fact, because you believed them at such a young age, you don’t even realize that you have these negative thoughts about yourself… you just do and you unknowingly let these self-limiting, untrue beliefs control the very actions you take every day!
Consider when you just started dating… did you hear your little voice tell you that the person you were interested in might not like you? Did it tell you that you weren’t good looking enough? Or maybe that you weren’t smart enough? Or, rich, funny, tall, thin, or __________ (fill in the blank) enough? That was your little voice sabotaging you from going after a relationship you really wanted.
Achieving big dreams can be nearly impossible if you believe little of your own abilities! When this is the case, your little voice will talk you out of even trying to have what you really want!
Like when you interviewed for a job you REALLY wanted… did your little voice start telling you that you wouldn’t make the cut because you weren’t experienced enough? That you didn’t deserve such great responsibility?
If you let yourself listen to this little voice telling you that you will fail, or you don’t deserve to succeed, or you’re not good enough to have what you want… You will see your goals fade out of reach.
BUT, what if you knew there were 21 simple, fast and easy techniques that would help you identify and stop these subconscious thoughts from getting between you and your goals?
What if you could turn to any one of these techniques whenever you are striving for a goal and STOP the negative, sabotaging little voice that pops into your head dead in its tracks?
Even better… what if these techniques could help you stop that negative chatter in just 30 seconds or less, allowing you to make decisions from a place of power and confidence creating the extraordinary life you dream of?
Well, GREAT NEWS! You can now access 21 Little Voice Mastery techniques that will allow you to manage that negative little voice in your head so you can move past it quickly and stay on track to achieve your most important goals!
These techniques are all available right here in my book Little Voice Mastery and for purchases made through the month of October 2015, there is a very special FREE BONUS available!
Learn more by clicking here.
It’s All About Mastering Your “Little Voice”Blair Singer has been one of my very best friends for over 27 years. He is a great communicator, a great teacher and a great human being. Like he says, when it comes to winning, it’s all about mastering your “Little Voice.” Robert Kiyosaki |
I Recommend This For Anyone Who’s Ready…In “Little Voice” Mastery, Blair brilliantly identifies how we all have a “Little Voice” between our ears that controls our thoughts, and therefore actions, and how, too often, our “Little Voice” is negative and self-sabotaging. T. Harv Eker |
Snapping Out of a Bad Mood
Are you having a bad day, or in a lousy mood? We’ve all experienced them. They are the times when things don’t seem to go our way no matter how we try or what we do. Most people don’t know how to shake the negativity and stay stuck there all day.
The fact of the matter is we don’t always have the luxury of indulging our moods, as much as we may want to. The rest of your team, family, customers, or colleagues don’t really care that you’re having a bad day. Others depend on you, and besides, when you’re in a slump, it seems everything just serves to make you more depressed, so there’s very little upside to staying there. Having said that:
What if I told you that YOU have the power to turn your day and your bad mood around? It’s true! I do it all the time and have taught literally hundreds of thousands of people to do the same. It’s called mastering your Little Voice – you know, the Little Voice that just said to you what little voice?. I learned these Little Voice mastery techniques from some of the brightest people on the planet. The techniques are short (they can be practiced in 30 seconds or less) and incredibly powerful.
Here are some of the best techniques I know that have worked for me and thousands of others to pull yourself out of a bad mood, or to just keep positive energy flowing:
How to Deal with Adversity
What do you do when somebody says no to you? If somebody were to say, “Look, we really like you, but we don’t like your product-don’t come around here again, you walk away feeling defeated.” This can happen.
What you say to yourself in the first minute after something likes this happens is very critical.
Don’t attribute the problem to yourself personally. I’m not saying you’re not going to take it personally, because that’s hard not to do. But what’s easier to do is to say, “Obviously, I was not aware of the other circumstances or other products that they were looking at so, while I’m responsible, it’s not all because of me.”
The thing you don’t want to say to yourself is, “There’s something wrong with me, or I’m not cut out for this. I knew this wasn’t going to work.” If you hear yourself saying those things, say, “Stop!” enough times that you stop seeing it that way. Look, it doesn’t even matter if it’s true. You have to learn to control your own Little Voice. So, you attribute it to outside sources.
Secondly, when faced with adversity, say to yourself, “This is an isolated incident, which has no effect on the rest of the week,” as opposed to, “The rest of my day is ruined. The whole week is going to be like this.” You’ve got to turn that around and isolate the incident. Do not allow it to expand beyond that moment. Even say to yourself, “I’ve got a new call to make. This is a new page. It’s over and done with.”
When you are first practicing these techniques, say them out loud. They will have more impact. Some people may think you’re crazy, but that’s okay. If you watch athletes, many times just before their competitions, you can see their lips moving. High jumpers at the Olympics do this all the time. They’re talking to themselves before they go over that bar. They’re applying Little Voice management tools of their own to get themselves over that bar.
And third, never allow to the problem to be global. In other words, don’t say things to yourself like, “The same things happening to me at work. The same things happening to me at home and with my friends, and this is also why I’m broke.” If your Little Voice starts saying that, you have to say, “Stop!” Say that immediately and turn it around. Again, isolate the incident. Say something like, “Obviously I had a tough time with this call, but I still have great relationships. This doesn’t happen all the time.”
We’ve all felt that poor me thing, wondering why these kinds of things always happen to us. The truth is, they don’t. Think about it. Look at your track record. The truth is that the number of times it actually happens to you is relatively small to the rest of what is happening in your life. Somebody backs into your car and you immediately think, “Why does this always have to happen to me?” It doesn’t always happen to you. It happens to you once every five years or so. If it were happening to you all the time, it would be happening five times a day.
So you have to manage your Little Voice carefully because it can lie to you. So, after you say, “Stop!” you isolate the incident. Then stack the evidence in your favor and say to yourself, “This doesn’t happen to me in any other part of my life; it’s very isolated. It’s not an indication of anything else except that this was a bad experience.” Say it out loud, even if you don’t believe it. It will still help re-frame how your mind sees it.
Celebrate All Wins!
If you can celebrate when things are going right, it will help you isolate incidents and keep-in mind all the things that are going well in your life. To do this:
Capitalize on even your smallest of successes: Did you get out of bed this morning? Take the dog for a walk? Make yourself or a loved one breakfast? Those are ALL wins! Focus on what you DID and not on what you didn’t!
When you have a success here’s how to celebrate:
1. You want to anchor the experience of success into your body whether it’s with a high-five, a clenched fist, or some other method you prefer. No matter how small the success may seem, celebrate all your wins- and the wins of everybody around you as well. This helps you become accustomed to being a winner and to recognizing that feeling and associating it with yourself.
It also becomes contagious to those around you. Celebrating the wins of others is also an excellent form of acknowledgment and it helps to remove any resentment you may have toward others, or that they may have toward you. It creates the feeling that everyone is constantly winning. So when you see a win, celebrate it even if the other person is a bit shy about it.
So, with every success you achieve, anchor it in by making a fist and saying “Yes!” Do it a couple of times to emphasize the point. Or, if there is someone else around, give that person a high-five, a handshake… something physical (I don’t recommend headbutts).
2. Now that you’ve mastered the physical part of celebrating wins, you need to deal with your Little Voice. When you get a win, what does your Little Voice say about it? Does it say that you were lucky, or does it say that you earned it? Don’t let your Little Voice diminish you accomplishments. Studies show that if you tell yourself, “I deserve this because I’ve earned it,” or “I deserve this because I was prepared,” your energy and resilience will increase.
3. Tell yourself that the rest of your week is now going to be great. Have you ever reached into your and pocket and pulled out a $20 bill that you had forgotten you put there. From then on, your day starts going great. People start opening doors for you. All the traffic lights turn green for you. Think about it in those terms. Don’t think about it in the same terms your Little Voice might, and say to yourself, “Well, it’s a win, but I still have all these other problems.” If your Little Voice starts throwing those little darts, tell it to “Stop!” When you hear it going in the wrong direction, say “Stop!” Say it out loud if you need to. I know it sounds crazy, but you have to disrupt and reverse that normal pattern.
4. Lastly, let your win just cascade into the rest of your life. You need to tell yourself, “The whole week is going to be great, and because of this I’ll bet work is going to be awesome today. My golf game will probably even get better!” If you find the $20 bill in your pocket, you say, “You know, this is a statement of my life. My marriage is great. My business is great. This is a sign from the cosmos that things are going to continue to be great.”
Now, I know it sounds ridiculous, but when you think about it, this is what great athletes do. They take the smallest of wins and make them great. How many times have you seen a football game where a team is struggling to come from behind? Each time they gain a few yards, they celebrate. They jump up and down, high-fiving each other and laughing. Why? Because it builds energy, hope, and confidence. They know they have to build that energy in order to carry themselves on to success.
By simply reading this, you’ve probably found that your body and emotions have shifted a bit. This is a very powerful exercise to try when you’re either coaching or being coached by someone else. You can do this with yourself, with your kids, or with your spouse.
Your spirit naturally wants to be big, and this process unleashes that.
Incorporate these techniques into your life and you will find that you can change your mood in seconds and start to create and experience more successes for yourself everyday!
To learn other powerful Little Voice Management techniques, go to