
Fearless, strong, powerful, can dodge bullets and bombs

If you are a business owner, parent, coach, or anyone who leads a group to a goal, and you have chosen to lead, I think it’s important to do a gut check. What kind of leader do you want to be? Commonly in business I see two categories, both of which are strong and powerful leaders. Wonder Woman and Princess Leia.

Let’s talk about Wonder Woman she is legendary. She is fearless, strong, powerful, can dodge bullets and bombs. Others look on in wonder as she races across the battlefield, bombs bursting and bullets flying (ever have a day like that?). The troops are inspired by her and may even be motivated to join the charge. She is a performance leader in that her performance inspires others.

Wonder Woman would not get you up Kilimanjaro unless she carried you there (which she could do).

Where in your life are you attempting to be Wonder Woman, Superman, or some equivalent? In other words, where are you trying to lead by being the best and out-performing everyone else? Maybe you’re incredibly accomplished, hitting all your goals, and the others will be inspired by you to be better. Hopefully, they will catch up to you. Rather than truly inspiring, they may put their energy into finding ways they can get it done.

Learn More order your copy of Summit Leadership today

Building or running a business is more than a journey. It’s an adventure. Adventure assumes there is risk in the air. For many business owners, the adventure of building a business is a long one and there are many lessons to be learned over that extended period of time. That takes unwavering commitment, a serious dose of tenacity, and the ability to embrace adventure.

Using the experience of successfully summiting Mt. Kilimanjaro drives years of business building into a 7-day mountain leadership adventure where the pinnacle, as well as the sometimes harsh lessons of the mountain, track exactly with the building of a business. From the moment your spirit is engaged when you commit to the climb until you return home safe and successful, Summit Leadership mirrors the same trail of mission building and ultimate business team victory that entrepreneurs strive for.

The multi-faceted challenge we faced in scaling “Kili” was a microcosm of all that owning and growing a business entails. Those who have experienced the exhilaration and challenges of it have gone on to build amazing businesses and become legendary leaders. With each ascent in altitude with the author, this guidebook explores the critical lessons to lead you and your teams to the summit and beyond. Learn More order your copy of Summit Leadership today

Skills inherent in sales are probably the most life-changing

The skills inherent in sales are probably the most life-changing skills people can have, even if they never call on one prospect. I can tell you that learning and mastering those skills has woven the tapestry of my life. The incredible quality of my marriage, my family, my career, my friends, my lifestyle are a direct result of the lessons I have learned and implemented from sales.

And most of that was not learned from any sales training course or high-priced consultant. It is the result of thirty years of observation, understanding and implementation. The more you review this book, the more it will make your life easier, richer and more rewarding. SalesDogs takes both a serious and an irreverent view of ourselves. There is a “dog” in each of us. And there is also a jewel. SalesDogs is an attempt to teach you to see both.

Through a bit of humor, powerful personal development training, and many breakthrough techniques, SalesDogs is designed to elevate you to be as strong as you want to be, solely for the advantage of yourself and others. The more you serve, the more you are rewarded. SalesDogs will make any type of selling easier. You will learn to recognize yourself for the SalesDog you are so you can leverage your talent into cash. It will also teach you the best sales skills, mental skills and emotional skills from the other breeds so you can enhance your natural talents and be the leader of the pack. SalesDogs is a methodology that helps you to uncover and capitalize on your strengths.

Sales is a true personal development journey. Everything that you learn about selling, about people, about presenting, about marketing, about handling objections will put cash directly in your pocket. You learn every day about who you really are and what you are made of.
What an adventure!

A true SalesDog knows that enthusiasm, energy and good training can only translate into personal satisfaction and cash! This book is your own personal training program toward a richer, happier, more enjoyable life. The more you read it, the more you will sell and the more fun it will become.
So let’s go hunting.

Order your copy of Sales Dogs: You Don’t Have to be an Attack Dog to Explode Your Income 

The number one skill for any entrepreneur or business owner is the ability to sell. Why? Because sales = income. Yet, many fail financially not because they do not have great ideas or even good work ethic, but typically because they don’t know how to, refuse to, are afraid to, or don’t think it is important to know how to sell.

SalesDogs was written as the very first of the Rich Dad Poor Dad “how-to” Advisory series to teach in a very fun and impactful way how to overcome the fears, the myths and the obstacles to selling your products, services or yourself. It then teaches a simple, time-proven process of selling that will generate great income in most any business. The reader will learn the five most important selling skills to master, how to overcome any objection, manage a territory and much more.

The book quickly de-bunks the idea that you have to be an overly aggressive “attack dog” to be successful. It uses the metaphor of “man’s best friend” to say that a great sales person is like a loyal, persistent and lovable canine. It stipulates that there are five different “breeds” or personalities of SalesDogs that can each make a lot of money by playing to its strength. You will learn how to identify, maximize and train to that strength and also how to teach others on your team to do the same.

While the book is fun and engaging, it also dives deep into the personal development issues that block a person’s ability to generate income and how to overcome them. The book is perfect for first time salespeople, individuals who are uncomfortable with the notion of “selling”, those who need to train others to sell and those who want to simply get better quicker.


What Kind of Leader Are You?

“Leadership is not about titles, positions, or flowcharts.
It is about one life influencing another.”
—John C. Maxwell

The Summit Leadership Model works like this. We start at the base of the mountain with our overarching mission—in the simplest of terms, our goal or summit. While we are at the base, we are defining our WHY, getting clear on our values and the values of the team, setting our rules and our code of honor, recruiting the best team members, and above all, training and preparing for the climb.

It is only after all these things are done, that we finally begin our execution, our journey to the summit. Some people like to rush through these steps, taking shortcuts, anxious to reach their goal. Ben and I were a bit like this on our first climb. We didn’t have enough time to adequately prepare for a hike as challenging as Kilimanjaro. And we didn’t make it.

As a leader, it’s your job to make sure that you and your team are fully prepared, motivated, and inspired to reach the summit, whatever that might be. So, I ask, what kind of leader are you?

Most people, when asked what kind of leader they are, immediately consider if they are “good” or “bad” leaders. Those aren’t the two categories that come to mind for me when I think about leaders, however. A good leader can have a bad day, week, or year. A bad leader can have a lucky streak and shine their way to the top… for the moment.

Some folks call themselves leaders if they have profile, persona, charisma, and inspiration, but they have no real team. They have admirers or even worshipers, but not folks who will make sacrifices and accept challenges. You’ll find these leaders in the world of social media and YouTube.

There are others who perhaps have none of the above, but have a loyal, committed following of team members who would go to the ends of the earth to achieve a mission.

This book is about this last group. Why? Because I am not that charismatic and not that smart. But what I observed on Kilimanjaro I can emulate. In looking at my life, any great thing I have ever done or any nasty predicament I got myself out of, was due to the team I had… not just me.

Let’s talk about teams for a moment, because today’s definition of a team may be different than it used to be. A team is a group of people who come together for a common purpose and mission. They play by a common set of rules and procedures to make that mission happen. They may dress a certain way, speak a certain way, and have a core set of values. Some of the team may be on the payroll and some may be volunteers. For example, in my organization some of our best salespeople are our customers who have become part of our team.

As an entrepreneur, you start by building a community out in the world, to a large extent through social media, by sharing what you’re trying to do, who you are, and why you are doing it. Some of the people in that community will ultimately become your customers. They’ll buy from you. And then a subset of those customers might become a part of your team. And what does that mean?

To read more order a copy of Summit Leadership: Taking Your Team to the Top

Building or running a business is more than a journey. It’s an adventure. Adventure assumes there is risk in the air. For many business owners, the adventure of building a business is a long one and there are many lessons to be learned over that extended period of time. That takes unwavering commitment, a serious dose of tenacity, and the ability to embrace adventure.

Using the experience of successfully summiting Mt. Kilimanjaro drives years of business building into a 7-day mountain leadership adventure where the pinnacle, as well as the sometimes harsh lessons of the mountain, track exactly with the building of a business. From the moment your spirit is engaged when you commit to the climb until you return home safe and successful, Summit Leadership mirrors the same trail of mission building and ultimate business team victory that entrepreneurs strive for.

The multi-faceted challenge we faced in scaling “Kili” was a microcosm of all that owning and growing a business entails. Those who have experienced the exhilaration and challenges of it have gone on to build amazing businesses and become legendary leaders. With each ascent in altitude with the author, this guidebook explores the critical lessons to lead you and your teams to the summit and beyond.

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