The Importance of Sales

Make it a priority to gather testimonials

As you may know, I have over a dozen information products under my belt. I’ve also shared the stage with Robert Kiyosaki.

That means that I’ve amassed quite a potent track record of impacting individuals and companies. I’ve worked with people in over 75 countries in the last 30 years.

And despite all this time, I always make it a priority to gather testimonials.

But, how do you do it in a way that sounds natural and not pushy?

You may have different ways to get testimonials already. But, here’s how I do it:

First, take the top 10 customers for your business. If you’re new in business and don’t have any customers yet, five people work, too. Make sure that you know them really well.

Next, you’ll take them out for coffee or lunch. It’s up to you. Bring a notebook so you can take some notes.

Thank your customer for meeting you for lunch or coffee. Let them know that you’re trying to get a little feedback to build your business. Also, mention that you just want to ask a few questions.

At this point, if you did what I asked you to do and they’re a favorite customer, they’ll be happy with that.

Start with asking about the backstory. Say something like:

“What was it like before we started doing business with you?”

Listen to your customer and take some notes.

Ask more questions to establish a baseline for the “before” and “after” of doing business with you. Make sure to include questions like:

“What are your numbers like? Give me a ballpark percentage.”

“What was that like before?”

These types of questions generally lead to your client’s story. Write down everything they say and get their feedback.

At the end of it, let them know that you think this is awesome and get their permission to use what they said as a testimonial.

When you receive their permission, let the client know that you’ll write it up and give it to them. From there, they can review it or edit it as they please.

Most clients are happy to do this for you. And, even if you only get half of them to say yes, that’s five more testimonials than you had before.

Sometimes, you get a bonus from these meetings, too!

Often, in telling their stories, the conversation may lead to other business opportunities. Maybe it’s the new products or services that you offer. Or, maybe it’s a referral.

Either way, it’s a great way to enhance your business.

#blairsinger #salesdogs #TeamCodeofHonor #RichDadAdvisors #Entrepreneurship #Leadership #Sales #PersonalDevelopment #Management

Fear of Rejection

I’ve been doing this for a long time. And if there’s one thing I’ve noticed it’s that the word “sales” tends to freeze people up.

I hear a lot of people say that they don’t like sales.

They say stuff like, “I don’t like to sell” or “ You know, Blair, I’m not made for sales.”

The main reason why people say all these crazy things is…

That’s right. Fear of rejection.

But in reality, it’s not so much “rejection” that you get in sales. It’s “objection.”

In sales, you may get people who object to certain things. But, your mind turns those objections into rejections.

It’s what the little voice in your head thinks.

The real issue in rejection, objections, and all that stuff has very little to do with the content of what you’re trying to sell. Or what they’re objecting to…

The real issue is what’s going on between your right ear and left ear.

If you can get past those little voices, you can turn those “nos” into “yeses.”

Imagine if you could just turn 20% more. That’s 20% more income without doing any extra work.

But you’re like many businesses, you’re leaving a lot of money sitting right on the table.


Your conversions aren’t where they need to be.

Whether you’re going from call to appointment or presentation to close, you’re leaving money behind.

It’s the same thing online.

The only difference with handling objections online is that you have to anticipate what the objection would be. Then you can address it upfront in your marketing copy or your video.

But, the game starts with you.

If you’re afraid that you can’t deliver. Or, you have reservations about overpromising, you have a couple of big problems.

The first involves you going back to your business. Fix whatever it is that bothers you and gives you reservations so it’s not a problem anymore. You need confidence in your business.

More importantly, though, you have to get rid of that little voice, because the objection starts with you. And, you project it onto your customers.

It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Your fear is something of your own making. And, one of the main ways to combat that fear is to address that little voice in your head.

Business Skills 2021 The Importance of Sales

Are you up to date with how to sell in 2021? Last time, you gained insight about sales, building a team and how to teach your team how to sell. We are going to start with sales! Why? Because sales equals income. This is not just for you, this is also about teaching those who sell for you or your team. There are three key things to look at for sales. The first is who is your customer. Then, what is the psychology of your market or your sales team.  Thirdly, it is about your mindset.  What does your “little voice” tell you about what you can or can’t do? Your results will never exceed your mindset.  After 2020, all three of these things have changed significantly.

Let’s look at the customer. Your customers are changing and you have to be vigilant. The days of securely knowing your customers is over. It is important to continually take a poll of who are your best customers. Who are they? What do they want? Those who had ideals before, may now just be wondering how to survive. Understanding what they want will change your language with them because their wants are different. Why are customers different? The psychology is different.

Fear is a major thing in the market right now. Fear of shut downs and losing sales. You need to understand and access the space. This is why the language in sales is changing. People are not just looking for value anymore, they are looking for safety. A customer needs to feel that you are their best insurance possible. People want to feel safe in a time when nearly everything is a greater risk. You have to be able to put yourself in a position to secure them. There are many little voices going on talking about fear and worry.  And, you need to be able to assess these things without going in as a doom and gloom person. Everyone is struggling, but you have to remember that when things collapse, something new will emerge. We know that we are going through a cycle and acknowledge that to your customer and tell them to stick with you for the next cycle that is coming.

The process breaks down into a selling cycle. There are three areas, we want to attract, convert and we want to retain. This has not changed, but how we do it has changed. We have to be able to attract clients one to many. This is a given part of the entire idea. You have to learn, adapt and change to where your clients are now. You have to be vigilant because things are picking up speed. The flow of money may slow down, but the speed of things happen faster at lower prices. So, what do you do? Who are the people that you are going to attract? What is the process there? There are many different processes in which you can attract new customers. You have to know where you need to be to find them. You have to build the right team that understands how the new psychology works. If you’re going to be a successful entrepreneur, you need a team that supports you.

When it comes to conversion, that has changed too. Based on psychology, we have to promote safety as a part of what we are doing. There needs to be deep value involved in what you are selling. The old ways of selling are not relevant anymore. People want straight information. Your job is to give value to the customer that the customer is not even thinking about. What is the deep value that you provide that even the customer is not thinking about? This needs to be part of your conversation.

Let’s take a look at retention and how that has changed. Maintaining your customers requires more communication with them. Talking to existing customers is always easier than bringing in new clients. Give your current customers more value and a higher level of communication. My team started meeting every single week during covid, checking in with one another. Now, we are at once a month, but frequency is a big part of retention. Value also has to go up, give them more. The big secret is that your customers become your team. You have a code of honor with them, you meet with them and support them. You create more than just customers, you create a movement. Do you provide a level of service that you provide to your own team and to your customers as well? You need awareness, direction and effort.

Your number one asset is your community. In order to succeed in sales, it’s the process, the customer and the psychology. Until then, remember sales equals income. Income equals your team. Be awesome.

Business Success Series

Big business or little business does not matter. If you are going to be a leader and you want to have success over the next 12 months, there are several things that you have to know. We have tested this for over 25 years in countries all over the world. Today, we are giving you an overview. There are three primary skills that apply to everything in business and in life. Anywhere I have ever gone, this is the system that works. There is no replacement for the key strategies that lead to success in any business no matter your demographic,nor your skillset. This is for business success and will help you utilize the right plan and goals for 2021.

The most important thing is sales. If there are no sales, there is no income.  If there is no income, there is no business.  And, without a business, there is no team. Sales is critical. Sales is not just products and services. Sales is about creating a trust with your clients and staff as well. This is what gets you out of bed each and every morning. This is the first key skill you need in order to have business success. This is still only one of the critical skills that we are going to discuss in the overview.

The second critical skill that you need for business success is your team. You need a great team! What do I mean by that? I don’t care if your team is 22 people or 22,000 people, many of the rules for building teams are the same. A lot of people end up taking on too much themselves because they have the skills. Due to this, most people end up taking on too much and wind up burning out. This is why you have to gain the ability to hire and train a team that can manage everything without you burning out on top of it all. Your team is your number one asset. This is what will bail you out when you run out of ideas.

The third and most overlooked skill is learning how to teach. Teach your team how to sell. Teach your team how to touch the world with your mission. Now this is for you as the leader and the other skills that you will need to acquire. There are many systems that you have to acquire and document them as a system. If you do not have a system, then everything funnels though you and you will never be able to have downtime. Demand a high level of accountability from your team. Particularly, if you are going to make money you need to have accountability on money. I have worked with brands all over the world over the last 35 years and the formula that I am going over with you remains the same.

What holds all of this together is something that I have learned by studying great teams, cultures and governments. This is a set of internal rules that we refer to as the, “Team Code of Honor.” The code of honor is a simple set of rules based upon your core values. Look at the Ten Commandments, ten simple rules created several thousand years ago and are still in place today. It’s one thing to have the code of honor, it is another to hold people accountable to it. These rules will be a foundation when times are hard. In the absence of rules, people will make up their own. This will allow you to scale and as a leader you have to make an agreement with your team to follow your code of honor.

There is one problem with this formula. The number one liability, the number one thing that blows this up is subconscious thinking of the brain. Let’s say that ten percent is the conscious part of the brain, the rest is the subconscious. Have you ever had your heart broken, lost money or loaned money? We roll with these punches in our lives. We go into business and these unconscious memories affect our ability to do business. This has nothing to do with the other person or team members, this has to do with your subconscious mind. We call this our, “Little Voice.” Some of us have more than one “little voice” that causes a stir in our mind rather than making rational business decisions. Your “little voice” works to run the game.

In order to be a great leader or teacher, the business skills are important but you also have to address the personal development side. There are little voices going on for everyone shouting things like fear or depression as we go through these crazy volatile times. If you are looking at good leaders, they will understand this. You have to work with your team to help them and yourself gain control over the “Little Voice.” We revert back to old thinking that no longer works anymore. Group environments or team environments that most of us were not trained in unless we were in sports teams. I’ll share more about how to have a strong focus on Little Voice Mastery.

The tools I share will help you develop the techniques you need.  Techniques to not only teach you how to run your business and build systems, but also grow in your own personal development. My goal is to teach you to be a great leader and teacher. I will give you the tools to teach as you go, how to get your team to sell, and how to generate more income while everyone else is in panic mode.