
Blair Singers Top 10: Office Survival Scenarios Contest

Blair Singer's Top 10: Office Survival Scenarios Contest
Blair Singer’s Top 10: Office Survival Scenarios Contest

Every day, for the next 10 days, we will be posting an Office Survival scenario. At the end of the contest, one random winner will win a 30-Minute Coaching Session with me (valued at $2100)!

In our Scenario, today is a BIG DAY. You are pitching a potential client that could mean a big expansion for your business. BUT – like many days, it is filled with challenges (can you relate !). You have to decide which Little Voice Technique can help you survive the day. There’s no right or wrong, just different choices. Winner will be chosen at random, and you can see how your answers compare to others playing.

Can you be the Office Survivor? Play and see. Tune in to our Facebook page at: to play.


Below is a list of the different Little Voice Techniques referenced in the contest to help you with your choices.

Little Voice Techniques

Technique 1: Handling Success

Handling success refers to your ability to internalize and personalize your success, as well as help your friends and family do the same. It also includes anchoring your success and calling on it when dealing with difficult situations, as well as, using it to develop learned optimism which can help you increase your overall effectiveness, productivity and sales performance by an average of 34%!Learn how to use all 20 techniques to manage your Little Voice!

Technique 2: How to Deal with Adversity

Dealing with adversity is the ability to isolate a negative situation and externalize it versus personalizing it, as well as the ability to NOT give it pervasive or global influence across other parts of your life.Learn how to use all 20 techniques to manage your Little Voice!

Technique 3: How to React in the Face of Fear

Reacting to fear refers to the ability to call upon prior successes to help shore up your confidence and self-esteem – so you take on a frightening situation with a winning attitude. It is literally the ability to turn fear into resourcefulness and power instantly. Learn how to use all 20 techniques to manage your Little Voice!

Technique 4: How to Debrief and Leverage any Situation

Debriefing will help you leverage current experiences for similar situations in the future. This means doing a thorough and objective examination of what happened, what worked, what did not work and what was learned when reviewing important situations. It is your ability to turn even a negative experience into positive learning experience. Learn how to use all 20 techniques to manage your Little Voice!

Technique 5: Celebrate All Wins!

Celebrating all wins is critical every time you get one. If you do, you can use them in the face of adversity and intimidation to bring up the energy for you and all of those around you! You want to be sure to celebrate every win you can for you and others. By minimizing your accomplishments, you take your energy and resourcefulness down and make it more difficult on yourself to take on bigger challenges. Learn how to use all 20 techniques to manage your Little Voice!

Technique 6: How to Shift Your Mood Quickly

It is important to be able to shift out of a negative mood quickly. The ability to clarify the game you are playing, the mood you are in and recalling just how big of a person you are can shift your mood very quickly. By doing that, you don’t lose sight of the dreams you want to achieve. If you make all of your decisions from a place of negativity, you are effectively shrinking yourself and any potential win you may achieve. Learn how to use all 20 techniques to manage your Little Voice!

Technique 7: How to Overcome the Fear of Making Mistakes

One highly effective way to overcome fear involves re-framing how you look at nervousness and mistakes. If you can learn to celebrate mistakes and nervousness, you will increase your own confidence and energy enabling you to deal with challenging and riskier situations in a positive way. This is important because, in most instances, the person with the highest energy wins! Learn how to use all 20 techniques to manage your Little Voice!

Technique 8: How to Successfully Deal with Failed or Unaccomplished Goals

It is important to manage your response to failed goals so that you can maintain high energy, performance and expectations you want for yourself. One of the best ways to do this is to look at what you DID achieve while striving towards your goals. Give yourself credit for achieving important goals you did not initially know you had despite having missed the initial goal you were pursuing-puts you in the winners circle and helps you move forward! Learn how to use all 20 techniques to manage your Little Voice!

Technique 9: Achieving Your Goals

All goals need to be written, time-limited, and measurable. Some people take these steps, but get paralyzed by the fears that they have around their goals. You have to override your fear and keep repeating the process of challenging your fear until your energy comes up. Using fear to bring your energy up gives you a much better likelihood of achieving your goal and moving past whatever you are afraid of. Learn how to use all 20 techniques to manage your Little Voice!

Technique 10: How to be Totally, 100% Present

Learn to be present and give the gift of real connection to your family and the other people you are with! Quieting the Little Voice and being present allows you to connect with people in ways that most of us ever take the time to do, encouraging people to want to communicate and work with us. It is not the amount of time you spend its how present you are with the people you are with. The best communicators and negotiators are the most present with whomever they are talking to. Learn how to use all 20 techniques to manage your Little Voice!

Technique 11: How to Anchor Love to Give you Power in the Moment

Anchoring love is done by recalling a time you felt 100% loved and being able to access this memory particularly during times of intimidation, fear and adversity. Learn how to use all 20 techniques to manage your Little Voice!

Technique 12: How to Use Bragging to Expand Your Presence and Change Your State of Mind

There is a time and a place for everything, even bragging! Practicing bragging as an exercise can help you break through inhibitions, shyness, fear, and ultimately reduce the debilitating thoughts that come from caring too deeply about what other people think about you! Just remember it is a sales exercise – not something to actually do in conversation and sales calls. Learn how to use all 20 techniques to manage your Little Voice!

Technique 13: How to Handle Any Objection Under the Sun

Handling objections is more about you than the other person. Many times, we personalize other peoples objections (especially when they tell us its personal; like they don’t want to buy from us or work with us because they think were unreliable or stupid!) When we take objections personally, we get emotional. When our emotions go up, our intelligence goes down. Practicing handling objections with someone else until they no longer trigger an emotional response will help you handle almost any objection you get without losing your cool or your self-confidence! Learn how to use all 20 techniques to manage your Little Voice!

Technique 14: How to Banish Should’ve, Would’ve, Could’ve Thinking and Regain Power

When you feel down on yourself for not accomplishing all of your goals, create a list of all the things you would have done if you did not have a justification for not doing them. Write the justifications next to each item. As you read the list and justifications, you will come realize how small your justifications are compared to the things you could achieve. This will help you quiet your Little Voice and regain your energy and optimism. Learn how to use all 20 techniques to manage your Little Voice!

Technique 15: How to Pinpoint Your Real Emotions So You Can Free Up Your

Being able to help others (and yourself) identify the emotion that is impacting decision making during a conversation will help keep things positive and in motion. When you or someone is responding with negative emotions, do not try to deal with the issue – start dealing with the emotion instead. A person in a high emotional state will not be thinking rationally. Ask them how or what they are feeling. Ask them what specifically is driving that feeling. Helping someone identify their own emotional tone will automatically begin to dissipate the emotion. Ultimately, everyone will return to rational thinking and you can solve the issue at hand. Learn how to use all 20 techniques to manage your Little Voice!

Technique 16: How to Choose How You Want to Feel

One of the greatest gifts you can give yourself and others is the ability to choose the mood you or the other person wants to be in. Figure out where you currently are on the scale of emotions. Then ask yourself how you want to feel. This question will usually help to move you up to a more positive emotion. Understanding how to choose your mood can take yourself or someone else from a low tone emotion like apathy, fear, impatience, or frustration to a more positive tone, like enthusiasm, excitement or interest. Learn how to use all 20 techniques to manage your Little Voice!

Technique 17:- How to Bring Yourself and Your Group into the Present

When groups come together to make progress of some sort, it is important that everyone be mentally and emotionally present and available to fully participate. Allowing everyone to share what it is that they feel like saying before a meeting begins without fear of judgment or interruption is a great way to get an entire groups Little Voices out of the way, and gets everyone in the group to be present. This can also be done on an individual basis to help acknowledge a Little Voice and then allow you to be present again instead of caught up in what the Little Voice is saying. Learn how to use all 20 techniques to manage your Little Voice!

Technique 18: How to Call It: Clearing Up the Unspoken Problems that Block Success

Sometimes you have to have the courage to stop a conversation and Call it. Calling it is something you do when you sense that others may not be speaking what is REALLY on their minds or when you suspect hidden agendas in the air. It is simply calling a time out and saying what you believe is being thought by the others, but not stated. Calling it will get people present whether what you called them on is right or wrong, and keep them focused on the task at hand. Learn how to use all 20 techniques to manage your Little Voice!

Technique 19: Overcoming I Can’t Do It!

Many times our Little Voice will tell us we cannot do something because we really don’t want to do it. If you want to overcome the response of I cant for important opportunities, determine whether you really believe you cant, or see if there is a reason you don’t want to. If the reason is fear of failure or justifications that are not legitimate, deal with that Little Voice so you can take another look at saying, Yes, I can. Learn how to use all 20 techniques to manage your Little Voice!

Technique 20: Overcoming I Don’t Know How to Do It!

New risks and challenges can really stir up your Little Voice to resist you. Once you are at the edge of your comfort zone, your Little Voice can tell you, I don’t know how! because the experience feels scary, risky and intimidating. Learning how to overcome this challenge requires you to tap into your positive energy and self-confidence around things you DO know how to do and from that place, ask yourself If you did know how, what would you do Many times, you will discover that you have a pretty good idea of what to do after all. Learn how to use all 20 techniques to manage your Little Voice!

As Robert Kiyosaki has said many times, When it comes to winning it’s ALL about the Little Voice. Join the hundreds-of-thousands of people who have learned-how to master these Little Voice techniques in order to achieve their-maximum potential and success.

I invite you to take a tour of my Virtual training Academy where I will teach you how to master your Little Voice in short and easy-to-follow, one-one-one training sessions that include interactive exercises for maximum learning! Click here for a free tour of the Virtual training Academy and discover how to master YOUR Little Voice! Use Promo code CONT13 to save 50% off published price!

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