In my courses, I use specific methodologies designed to help participants learn the content faster, gain a deeper understanding of what is being taught, and remember everything better. This way, they can make the most of their experiences while with me and later when applying what they learned in their personal and professional lives. This video touches upon just a few of the things happening in the room to facilitate this process.
October 2015 Special Little Voice Mastery Bonus
No one wants to believe they are responsible for the lack of getting what they want in their lives.
But, the fact of the matter is, the power to get what you want lies within YOU.
You see, as a human being, you came equipped with a mind, body and store of energy designed for you to share your unique gifts and talents with the world while embarking on an incredible journey pursuing your personal goals and dreams.
Unfortunately, when you were young, (unless you were raised by a pack of wolves away from human civilization) you were taught to believe a wide variety of things about yourself that are simply not true. You may have been told that you are clumsy, shy, stupid, lazy, slow, fat, or many other labels that, as a child, you came to self-identify with. If you buy into these labels (as all children do), then you sabotage yourself in these areas and actually act as if you are these negative things!
In fact, because you believed them at such a young age, you don’t even realize that you have these negative thoughts about yourself… you just do and you unknowingly let these self-limiting, untrue beliefs control the very actions you take every day!
Consider when you just started dating… did you hear your little voice tell you that the person you were interested in might not like you? Did it tell you that you weren’t good looking enough? Or maybe that you weren’t smart enough? Or, rich, funny, tall, thin, or __________ (fill in the blank) enough? That was your little voice sabotaging you from going after a relationship you really wanted.
Achieving big dreams can be nearly impossible if you believe little of your own abilities! When this is the case, your little voice will talk you out of even trying to have what you really want!
Like when you interviewed for a job you REALLY wanted… did your little voice start telling you that you wouldn’t make the cut because you weren’t experienced enough? That you didn’t deserve such great responsibility?
If you let yourself listen to this little voice telling you that you will fail, or you don’t deserve to succeed, or you’re not good enough to have what you want… You will see your goals fade out of reach.
BUT, what if you knew there were 21 simple, fast and easy techniques that would help you identify and stop these subconscious thoughts from getting between you and your goals?
What if you could turn to any one of these techniques whenever you are striving for a goal and STOP the negative, sabotaging little voice that pops into your head dead in its tracks?
Even better… what if these techniques could help you stop that negative chatter in just 30 seconds or less, allowing you to make decisions from a place of power and confidence creating the extraordinary life you dream of?
Well, GREAT NEWS! You can now access 21 Little Voice Mastery techniques that will allow you to manage that negative little voice in your head so you can move past it quickly and stay on track to achieve your most important goals!
These techniques are all available right here in my book Little Voice Mastery and for purchases made through the month of October 2015, there is a very special FREE BONUS available!
Learn more by clicking here.

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It’s All About Mastering Your “Little Voice”Blair Singer has been one of my very best friends for over 27 years. He is a great communicator, a great teacher and a great human being. Like he says, when it comes to winning, it’s all about mastering your “Little Voice.” Robert Kiyosaki |
I Recommend This For Anyone Who’s Ready…In “Little Voice” Mastery, Blair brilliantly identifies how we all have a “Little Voice” between our ears that controls our thoughts, and therefore actions, and how, too often, our “Little Voice” is negative and self-sabotaging. T. Harv Eker |
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Snapping Out of a Bad Mood
Are you having a bad day, or in a lousy mood? We’ve all experienced them. They are the times when things don’t seem to go our way no matter how we try or what we do. Most people don’t know how to shake the negativity and stay stuck there all day.
The fact of the matter is we don’t always have the luxury of indulging our moods, as much as we may want to. The rest of your team, family, customers, or colleagues don’t really care that you’re having a bad day. Others depend on you, and besides, when you’re in a slump, it seems everything just serves to make you more depressed, so there’s very little upside to staying there. Having said that:
What if I told you that YOU have the power to turn your day and your bad mood around? It’s true! I do it all the time and have taught literally hundreds of thousands of people to do the same. It’s called mastering your Little Voice – you know, the Little Voice that just said to you what little voice?. I learned these Little Voice mastery techniques from some of the brightest people on the planet. The techniques are short (they can be practiced in 30 seconds or less) and incredibly powerful.
Here are some of the best techniques I know that have worked for me and thousands of others to pull yourself out of a bad mood, or to just keep positive energy flowing:
How to Deal with Adversity
What do you do when somebody says no to you? If somebody were to say, “Look, we really like you, but we don’t like your product-don’t come around here again, you walk away feeling defeated.” This can happen.
What you say to yourself in the first minute after something likes this happens is very critical.
Don’t attribute the problem to yourself personally. I’m not saying you’re not going to take it personally, because that’s hard not to do. But what’s easier to do is to say, “Obviously, I was not aware of the other circumstances or other products that they were looking at so, while I’m responsible, it’s not all because of me.”
The thing you don’t want to say to yourself is, “There’s something wrong with me, or I’m not cut out for this. I knew this wasn’t going to work.” If you hear yourself saying those things, say, “Stop!” enough times that you stop seeing it that way. Look, it doesn’t even matter if it’s true. You have to learn to control your own Little Voice. So, you attribute it to outside sources.
Secondly, when faced with adversity, say to yourself, “This is an isolated incident, which has no effect on the rest of the week,” as opposed to, “The rest of my day is ruined. The whole week is going to be like this.” You’ve got to turn that around and isolate the incident. Do not allow it to expand beyond that moment. Even say to yourself, “I’ve got a new call to make. This is a new page. It’s over and done with.”
When you are first practicing these techniques, say them out loud. They will have more impact. Some people may think you’re crazy, but that’s okay. If you watch athletes, many times just before their competitions, you can see their lips moving. High jumpers at the Olympics do this all the time. They’re talking to themselves before they go over that bar. They’re applying Little Voice management tools of their own to get themselves over that bar.
And third, never allow to the problem to be global. In other words, don’t say things to yourself like, “The same things happening to me at work. The same things happening to me at home and with my friends, and this is also why I’m broke.” If your Little Voice starts saying that, you have to say, “Stop!” Say that immediately and turn it around. Again, isolate the incident. Say something like, “Obviously I had a tough time with this call, but I still have great relationships. This doesn’t happen all the time.”
We’ve all felt that poor me thing, wondering why these kinds of things always happen to us. The truth is, they don’t. Think about it. Look at your track record. The truth is that the number of times it actually happens to you is relatively small to the rest of what is happening in your life. Somebody backs into your car and you immediately think, “Why does this always have to happen to me?” It doesn’t always happen to you. It happens to you once every five years or so. If it were happening to you all the time, it would be happening five times a day.
So you have to manage your Little Voice carefully because it can lie to you. So, after you say, “Stop!” you isolate the incident. Then stack the evidence in your favor and say to yourself, “This doesn’t happen to me in any other part of my life; it’s very isolated. It’s not an indication of anything else except that this was a bad experience.” Say it out loud, even if you don’t believe it. It will still help re-frame how your mind sees it.
Celebrate All Wins!
If you can celebrate when things are going right, it will help you isolate incidents and keep-in mind all the things that are going well in your life. To do this:
Capitalize on even your smallest of successes: Did you get out of bed this morning? Take the dog for a walk? Make yourself or a loved one breakfast? Those are ALL wins! Focus on what you DID and not on what you didn’t!
When you have a success here’s how to celebrate:
1. You want to anchor the experience of success into your body whether it’s with a high-five, a clenched fist, or some other method you prefer. No matter how small the success may seem, celebrate all your wins- and the wins of everybody around you as well. This helps you become accustomed to being a winner and to recognizing that feeling and associating it with yourself.
It also becomes contagious to those around you. Celebrating the wins of others is also an excellent form of acknowledgment and it helps to remove any resentment you may have toward others, or that they may have toward you. It creates the feeling that everyone is constantly winning. So when you see a win, celebrate it even if the other person is a bit shy about it.
So, with every success you achieve, anchor it in by making a fist and saying “Yes!” Do it a couple of times to emphasize the point. Or, if there is someone else around, give that person a high-five, a handshake… something physical (I don’t recommend headbutts).
2. Now that you’ve mastered the physical part of celebrating wins, you need to deal with your Little Voice. When you get a win, what does your Little Voice say about it? Does it say that you were lucky, or does it say that you earned it? Don’t let your Little Voice diminish you accomplishments. Studies show that if you tell yourself, “I deserve this because I’ve earned it,” or “I deserve this because I was prepared,” your energy and resilience will increase.
3. Tell yourself that the rest of your week is now going to be great. Have you ever reached into your and pocket and pulled out a $20 bill that you had forgotten you put there. From then on, your day starts going great. People start opening doors for you. All the traffic lights turn green for you. Think about it in those terms. Don’t think about it in the same terms your Little Voice might, and say to yourself, “Well, it’s a win, but I still have all these other problems.” If your Little Voice starts throwing those little darts, tell it to “Stop!” When you hear it going in the wrong direction, say “Stop!” Say it out loud if you need to. I know it sounds crazy, but you have to disrupt and reverse that normal pattern.
4. Lastly, let your win just cascade into the rest of your life. You need to tell yourself, “The whole week is going to be great, and because of this I’ll bet work is going to be awesome today. My golf game will probably even get better!” If you find the $20 bill in your pocket, you say, “You know, this is a statement of my life. My marriage is great. My business is great. This is a sign from the cosmos that things are going to continue to be great.”
Now, I know it sounds ridiculous, but when you think about it, this is what great athletes do. They take the smallest of wins and make them great. How many times have you seen a football game where a team is struggling to come from behind? Each time they gain a few yards, they celebrate. They jump up and down, high-fiving each other and laughing. Why? Because it builds energy, hope, and confidence. They know they have to build that energy in order to carry themselves on to success.
By simply reading this, you’ve probably found that your body and emotions have shifted a bit. This is a very powerful exercise to try when you’re either coaching or being coached by someone else. You can do this with yourself, with your kids, or with your spouse.
Your spirit naturally wants to be big, and this process unleashes that.
Incorporate these techniques into your life and you will find that you can change your mood in seconds and start to create and experience more successes for yourself everyday!
To learn other powerful Little Voice Management techniques, go to
Discover the formula for business success
The difference between where you are today and where you want to go is not nearly as far as you think. It’s not years, it’s not even months– it could be an instance away.
The fact is, almost 95% of the people who set out to reach for their dreams don’t get them, especially in business. It’s not that they don’t work hard or that they’re bad people necessarily. That 5% is something else. That missing percentage can be bridged with an easy formula that I have been developing for 25-30 years of working in my own business, and other companies around the world.
The first component is sales. It’s the number one most important skill you could ever have in life and business. Why? Because sales equals income.
Of the many business owners who have a problem with cash-flow, their problem lies within sales. Either they don’t know how to sell, don’t like to sell or don’t think it’s important for their business. If you can’t sell, you can’t generate income.
The next component is building a team. If you want massive or passive income, then you’ve got to have a great team. No matter what anyone tells you, business is a team sport. And your team doesn’t have to be just your employees or sales people, but it also includes your customers, vendors, advisers, lenders all of these people are a part of your team.
Your ability to put together a champion team to leverage you and your dreams is critical for success.
Keep in mind that developing a team needs to happen before your success in order to help you succeed. Many people believe that once they have become successful, then they can build out a team, but it is actually opposite. Put together a great team right now to help you create massive income.
Teamwork is also critical. Cooperation within your company comes from you teaching your team how to work together for the common goal of growing your business.
Teaching is the third component. You’ve got to learn how to teach people in your team to sell. By teaching a team of people to sell, you’re creating a better path to massive and passive income.
Systems. You have got to build solid and reliable systems in your business so that your business can still run even without your presence. Meaning, if you were to go away for just a few days or weeks, your business can still generate income. Marketing systems, training systems, accounting systems, referral systems — being able to automate all of it so that you can concentrate on growing your business.
Accountability. People would always ask me, whats the best sales motivation tool? I recall a time when I was at my first sales job, our manager would have us post up our numbers at every Monday morning sales meeting. This forced all of us to be held accountable to our numbers — what we said we were going to produce and what we produced.
It doesn’t only work in business, but in other areas of your life as well, like your health or your finances. If you truly want something bad enough, you have got to hold yourself accountable to your goals, or get someone else to hold you accountable. Without self-discipline, accountability is the distance between you what you want to achieve.
Code of Honor. When my air freight trucking business was about to die, I told all of my employees that I was going to cut them loose, that we had reached the end. But they wouldn’t let me do that.
That’s because one thing I learned from my mentors is that the glue that holds the business together, is the same thing that holds a family together. The same thing goes for a religion, a sports team, a civilization — is that we had a Code of Honor.
A Code of Honor is essentially a set of rules that a team operates by, like the Ten Commandments or The Constitution. It’s where people operate as a team, with high levels of accountability, with systems to hold it’s shape.
But it’s more than just rules — there’s a certain spiritual bond that holds people together for a higher purpose to accomplish something. Rules like never abandoning a teammate in need, treating each other with respect, taking personal responsibility and never passing blame — all of this is part of your Code of Honor.
So, do you have an area of interest that you feel you need to work on? Perhaps it’s learning how to sell, or learning how to teach your team how to sell? What area or areas will make the most difference right now? Click on the corresponding links to find more information tailored for your needs.
Click here to schedule a free 45-Minute Consultation with a Blair Singer Certified Coach.
Click here to learn what your selling style is with the fun Sales Dog Diagnostic. Then receive a free report to help you make the most of your unique strengths!
Click here to discover if your team is helping you or hurting you it is quick and will give you valuable information!
Click here for my book Team Code of Honor and learn how to create your own Championship team!
Why is all of this important? Because you have a dream. And the only thing stopping you is lack of knowledge. If you’re here reading this, then it’s not because of the lack of will or indifference to your goals. It’s only lack of knowledge, and together, we can handle that quickly.
Be Awesome!
The Missing Part of the Success Formula Equation
If you had read my previous post, [Discover the formula for business success], then you would know that the sell-team-teach model is an important and strategic process to help you close the gap on reaching your dreams and earning you lots of money.
But what if I told you that this technical plan had one serious flaw? The ignorance of this flaw could not only kill your chances of achieving your dreams, but it will make you eternally frustrated!
The business or technical development formula is: Sales equals income. Teach others to sell. Build reliable systems. While the knowledge of this model is very important, there is something else missing that will be critical to your success in business and in life.
Let’s take a look at your brain. People say you use 50% of your brain, but let’s say you use only 10% of your brain consciously. So, what’s going on in the other 90% of your brain?
We call that 90% the subconscious, and it’s subconscious because it stores all of these memories and experiences that you don’t consciously think about all day long. It can include negative memories like the time you lost a lot of money, had your heart-broken, were disappointed in something or someone; but it can also be positive memories, like when you won something or had a major accomplishment. All of those memories and thoughts are stored in there.
Let’s think about the sell-team-teach model. When you’re trying to generate income, you get responses like “I’m not interested” or “You have no idea what you’re talking about.” What happens to you in those moments? You subconsciously think about all of those moments when you didn’t feel like you were good enough… maybe you can’t really do this.
All of those thoughts we call the “little voice.”
Now, if you’re thinking right about now, “But I don’t have a little voice,” that’s the little voice I am talking about.
Everybody has one (several actually). They can be good or bad, but the most debilitating ones, the ones that crush us, are those that say Oh, I can do it tomorrow, or I’m not good enough, or I don’t think I’m smart enough for this, or I’m not pretty enough. All of those things are keeping you from making sales calls. Or closing the biggest deal of your career. Or approaching the love of your life.
These voices occur in the heat of the moment. When emotions are running high, you react instinctively based on what that little voice is saying to you.
The key to reaching your goals in life, to making more money, and to forming important relationships is to manage the little voice and get it out of the way of your path. Recognize it and master it through some of the techniques that are found in my book Little Voice Mastery.
So, by now you realize that reaching your fullest potential is a two-pronged approach: you have the sell-team-teach model which acts like your business development plan. Or you have a technical development plan. Health plan. Relationship plan. And taking control of your little voice is your personal development plan.
Here’s another reason why this plan is so important. Think about everyone who wants to get fit, including yourself. It’s not rocket science: Stay active, sleep well, don’t eat bad foods. If it’s so easy, then why are so many people struggling with losing weight? It’s because their little voice holds them back from the things they need to do in order to achieve the goal of being fit.
To find out what area of your life the little voice is hurting you (or helping you in some cases), take the Little Voice Diagnostic. Once completed, you’ll receive a report with the areas you need to master to experience the success you are seeking.
Need some coaching around managing your little voice? Click here to schedule a free 45-Minute Consultation with a Blair Singer Certified Coach.
You can also access 21 techniques to help you master your negative little voice. Get them here and choose the one tailored to the part of your life or business that needs the most help. Learn it, memorize it and you can transform your life in just 30 seconds or less if you have the right technique for the right little voice that pops up.
Be Awesome!
Dealing with Greater Complexity, with Less Stress!
It never gets easier, you just get better.
Imagine if you were completing the same task over and over again. Each day you do it, it seems that the task gets easier, right? Well, not really, because the task is the same — you’re just getting better at it.
But the better you get, the bigger your game needs to be. Otherwise, you won’t feel challenged, and it won’t be as rewarding.
That’s how it works in the world. You work hard on mastering the skills for now, so you’re prepared to take on the bigger challenges next. In sports, you move from beginner, to intermediate to advanced and then professional. You become a better parent for your growing children. You become a better entrepreneur so you can grow your business.
And each step you take builds confidence.
That confidence is important. It’s necessary to help you overcome that Little Voice in your head that causes the stress in your life. And that stress is what’s preventing you from advancing to the next level.
Let’s take a look at some of the things that your little voice may say when you’re faced with a challenge:
- I’m not successful enough.
- I’m not a good enough business person.
- I’m not smart enough.
- I can’t.
- I’m too tired.
- I’m too young (or old).
- Nobody’s going to like it.
- Who wants to hear from me?
Do any of these sound familiar? Do they appear in your subconscious? They rob your time, make you prioritize other, more trivial things. You get tired. You procrastinate. All the chatter your little voice makes when you’re thinking about the next challenge is pretty poisonous.
Identify your little voice and get to understand where it comes from. Why are you letting it stop you dead in your tracks? Don’t let it prevent you from fighting the battle to win the war. No one wants to be stuck on the same level, over and over again.
There’s a hero, and there’s a villain inside of you. Who’s going to win today?
For every win you experience, your confidence level goes up. And as we’ve already established, the higher your confidence, the less stress you have. And who doesn’t want less stress in their lives?
And when you have less stress and more confidence, you’re more willing to take on the larger complexities of life and business. You can play the bigger games.
After every big win, you get bigger, and enjoy better and more valuable rewards.
Mastering little voice management reduces stress, so that dealing with greater complexity is more fun and more lucrative. It’s like playing a bigger game with better players and more options.
It’s like getting better and better at the game and wanting to advance in it. In that mode, you don’t want to make the game simpler. You want it to be more challenging; otherwise, there’s no reason to play. Think about games like PlayStation and Game-boy, in which the goal is always to get to higher and higher levels of complexity. Each level requires greater levels of mastery, and in turn, you develop more confidence. You don’t want to go backward you want to go forward. It’s natural. You want to play the game faster, and you blaze through the simpler levels just so you can get to the good part.
But somehow, in life, most people struggle with increased complexity. It’s not about your brain capacity it’s your little voice!
Inside you, there’s a champion and a loser. There’s an angel and a devil. There’s a hero and a villain. The question is, which one is going to win today? Do you even know which one is controlling you right now?
Once you can identify them then you can successfully manage them. No matter who you are, I suspect you know that there is an even bigger, better person inside you. That’s true for me, too. But what stands in the way of that person fully emerging? How do you go from Point A, where you are now, to Point B, which is being the most powerful, passionate, wealthy, and healthy person you know?
For me, what stands in my way is me! And I know its the same for you.
In the book SalesDogs, we said, You don’t have to be an attack dog to be successful in sales. Everybody has a talent; everybody has a different way of being successful – as a poodle, a basset hound, or a retriever. It doesn’t really matter which one of the other dogs you are. Everybody has something valuable to offer. So why don’t we offer it? What’s the resistance?
For example, your internal conversation may start like this: Why don’t you start your own business? You have always wanted to do it.
Then the resistance shows up like this nagging chatter of voices, saying things like: Well, because you’re not smart enough. You don’t know how to set up a business. You’ll starve to death if you try to do that. It’s too risky.
So what causes this? Perhaps you have lost the ability to value yourself, your ideas, and your abilities because you have fallen into the trap of comparing yourself to others. With every success story that the media churns up, with every achievement you see the other guy get you either get challenged or depressed.
And so, you don’t start the program for kids that you constantly think about, or write that book you’ve dreamed of writing? Because you don’t value what you have to offer. You think you aren’t smart enough or that what you’re offering wont be good enough. You say to yourself:
I’m not successful enough. I’m too old.
I’m not a good enough business person.
I don’t know how to write a book.
I can’t.
I don’t know how, and even worse, my information is not that good, not that new.
Its not that different.
I’m too tired.
Who’s going to read it?
I’m too young.
Nobody’s going to like it.
Who wants to hear from me?
You have the dream, but there seems to be resistance. That little voice starts creating big old blocks to achieving your dreams. Stuff comes up, robbing you of the time you would spend on your dream. Other things take greater priority. You get tired. You procrastinate. Sound familiar?
It becomes more important to clean out your garage than to sit down and write a book, because no one is going to read it anyway. This book is about valuing yourself. It’s about overcoming the little voice in your brain that says you aren’t up for the task at hand.
You must learn how to rehabilitate yourself and assess your value properly. Once you do, your value will grow.
The reason many people never get to their dreams is because they are losing the ultimate little voice battle being waged in their brains. I’m talking about their assessment of themselves and who they are-their worthiness, their abilities, and whether they have anything to offer that anybody else would be interested in.
Everybody has something to give, something to offer, even if it’s already been offered before. You have a different way of looking at it. Your idea may appeal to millions of people you’ve never met before who think the way you think.
That’s why it’s important to get a handle on little voice management-so that ultimately, you can make your dream come true and put your idea out to the world for other people to appreciate and benefit from. Resistance (stress) is just little voice stuff standing in your way.