The harsh realities of ascending a massive mountain mirror the harsh realities of building and scaling a business – along with the joy, fun, exhilaration, and rewards. This is something I learned on my many Kilimanjaro climbs.
Here are 8 lessons that no one ever teaches you about building a business:
1. The power to recruit.
Gather the best people to work together towards your company mission. The ability to inspire and motivate people is a critical skill in building your team.
Think about it this way, when you recruit and develop a strong team, you are building a valuable asset for the future of your business.
2. The team cannot do the climb for you.
While that’s true, you can’t make it to the top of a mountain without a team. The team doesn’t absolve you from learning skills, being tough, and envisioning your future – but it does teach you how to be a productive part of something bigger.
3. Take things one step at a time.
You reach the top of the mountain by taking one step at a time. Building a business is the same. If you try to bite off more than you can chew, you’ll become unfocused.
4. It’s not about the summit.
If you’re going to be a great business owner, understand that the lessons and wins along the way accumulate with the purpose of delivering a special message. If you’re hyper-focused on reaching the top, what happens on the journey becomes irrelevant.
5. Protocols are in place for a reason.
Protocols are in place to protect the team, whether you’re climbing a mountain or building a business. It’s easy to get lazy about protocols, which causes people to get hurt. Don’t let that happen to you.
6. There are two important aspects to a big project.
The first part is the climb itself. The other part is the preparation, which takes much longer. You have to learn to love both parts.
7. There’s a difference between your first and second time climbing.
In the beginning, your sensory acuity is high, you may be worried, and you’re in a frenzy. After you successfully come back and go again, all of the unknowns are gone. Now, you can focus on getting the job done without anxiety.
It’s the same in business. After you escape the startup phase, you can operate without stress.
8. Know your loyalty chain.
Who will you never double back on? What people will you always put first? As entrepreneurs, we tend to forget about family because we’re so caught up in reaching the summit. To avoid this, create a loyalty chain and never waver from it. If you don’t have a loyalty chain, you may reach your goal, but the collateral damage will be severe.
Kilimanjaro has an established path to the top. Unlike Kilimanjaro there are many paths to reach your business goals. No one will tell you these 8 tips on the way to the top, so it’s important that I share them with you today.
Let’s be real.
Introducing yourself can be terrifying. Fear, uncertainty, and doubt creep in, and can get in the way. It’s one of those obstacles you need to face, lik
It got me thinking, what if there was a simple way to overcome your fear, and present your best self?
That’s why I sat down and created the Story Board Builder..
Here’s why it’s awesome.
Rather than agonize, worry, and second guess yourself about what to say (and how to say it), the Story Board Builder helps you feel comfortable in your own skin as you deliver your tailored message with confidence.
In the end, you look like a champion as your authentic self while you win over groups of any size.
It takes less than 10-minutes to complete, and results can last you a LIFETIME!
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