Bestselling Author of: Little Voice Mastery™, SalesDogs® and Team Code of Honor. Creator of the Blair Singer Virtual Training Academy and Blair Singer’s APEX system which trains and certifies the best change agents in the world.
“We live in unprecedented, crazy times. The world is faced with many challenges, but the biggest is a Crisis in Education. Blair feels that there are no problems that we face as a global society that cannot be solved by people who know how to collaborate, communicate, remove their egos and create to serve others. Unfortunately, our global education system has not taught these things…and in some cases, the opposite. It is the goal of his team to help facilitate a revolution of that learning.”
The distance between you and the life that you want, is only the distance between your right and left ears. Additionally, the toughest sale of all is you selling you to you. Third, is that any great adventure requires a mission-based, value-driven team. Applying these three principles, Blair has helped change the trajectory of hundreds of thousands of lives and businesses in over forty countries over the last three decades. From pounding the streets as a struggling sales representative in the early 80’s to inspiring the hearts and visions of millions today, his life and career have been an adventure.
As a best-selling author, and one-of-a kind teacher, his unique messages and unconventional style have supported business owners, entrepreneurs and leaders worldwide. His focus is to help them increase sales, build champion level teams and make huge differences in their industries. He has worked extensively with Singapore Airlines, all L’Oreal brands globally, private banks and hundreds of thousands of small and medium sized entrepreneurs. His adventure is the journey of the average guy rising above mediocrity to find greatness.
In the early 2000’s, the demand for his teaching was so great that in less than ten days, he circumnavigated the planet twice in opposite directions! It became clear that the mission of bringing success to the marketplace had to change. Instead, the focus and mission became to ‘create the best teachers, leaders and facilitators in the world who could change the way we learn, particularly in the marketplace.’
He is the founder of the Blair Singer Training Academy and Blair Singer’s APEX system which trains and certifies the best change agents in the world.
Having summited Mt. Kilimanjaro thirteen times, he explains that business and life are also adventures that, with the three lessons applied, will take anyone to their summit.
He is the best-selling author of:
Director of BSTA Certification & Coaching
Web Development
These Little Voice Mentoring Program (LVMP) coaches are all Level 2 Certified leaders in the Blair Singer Training Academy.
Their dedication to improving the lives of others and holding themselves to the same standards they hold their clients makes them great coaches and strong leaders. Click on the envelope icon below each coach to connect with one of our world-class coaches directly to schedule a free strategy session.
Certified Trainers have completed a full curriculum of Blair Singer Training and are authorized to use Blair Singer intellectual property.
This channel shares self improvement and business development tips from Blair Singer, as well as information on his educational programs from Blair himself and past attendees.