Most business owners know that the way they structure their offers can have a big effect on their chances of selling.
But do you know the right way to do it?
In my experience, many people focus too much on the specifics of their offer. That’s even though they only must convey its benefits.
If you recall, my last message showed you the connection between problems and consequences. To get someone interested in buying, there’s another link that you need to highlight – the problems and solutions.
Allow me to revisit an example given in that message. If someone has back pain, that’s just the obvious problem. Beyond that, the consequences are feeling old for their age and an inability to enjoy life to the fullest.
If that’s the case, how do you present the solution?
Let’s say that you offer a $600 massage membership. As far as the offer’s concerned, this is the only thing that you should say. You should just move on to the features and benefits straight away – no need to overexplain anything.
For instance, you can say something like:
“We can offer you a $600 yearly massage membership. You’ll get X massages per month so that you can feel relaxed when you need it most. We’ll help you get rid of that stubborn pain through regular massage sessions.”
This is the structure to follow for any services or products. Simply state the offer and then dive into everything that the client will get out of it.
But if it’s so simple, why doesn’t everyone do it?
That’s because people often think that the features and benefits of their offer are obvious… But they’re wrong.
They might be obvious to you, but not to the client. If it were so, the prospect wouldn’t need any converting!
I’ll just leave you with this…
Remember that clients expect you to connect the dots for them.
Be Awesome,
Blair Singer
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