“Lynda Gale is a “coach’s coach.” If you were in great need, completely stressed, and wanted to know that the person you were working with would never give up on you and always be there for you, it would be Lynda. Her deep caring for others coupled with her incredibly clear version of “tough love” gives the people around her and her clients the love and growth they need simultaneously. Her soft spoken manner sometimes hides the deep strength she shows as a coach… hidden that is until you begin working with her as a client or team mate. She is first to support and first to serve when it comes to our global team. That is why she is such a wonderful asset to all of us.
For most of her life, Lynda has loved to study and understand human behavior. In fact, she still loves it so much, that she’s built her business, 3P Concepts, around her passions, where she coaches other people in business and life by understanding their true passions and strengths. Although she is based in scenic Mackay, Queensland in Australia, she’s transformed hundreds of lives around the globe, and I’m very excited to introduce her to you.
The following interview, conducted by a member of my team, was edited for brevity and clarity.
Q: How did you first come across Blair Singer?
Lynda: I attended Train the Trainer and Making the Stage in 2012. There were a lot of great speakers there, but I especially resonated with Blair. He was not the typical “in-your-face” salesman, and yet he was a very effective and moving speaker. I was intrigued, and because of my interest in human behavior, I knew I had to learn more about him — who he was on and off stage, and the people he surrounded himself with.
Q: What were you doing before you met Blair?
Lynda: I had spent over 20 years teaching in Australia, teaching in formal education and in workplace training. I’ve built training programs for many people and organizations, especially those in hospitality, which was sort of a focus for me at the time.
Q: Why do you do what you do? Why this particular focus?
Lynda: I’ve always had a passion for understanding human behavior. I grew up in a town of 600 people, so it became one of my favorite pastimes to observe and analyze people. I decided I wanted to do it full-time, after I had completed training workshops for hospitality employees for a job I had. I noticed a drastic change in their productivity and happiness, and a drop in workplace incidents, after receiving even just a little bit of care and attention. That feeling I had when I saw the payoff was gold. That’s when I knew that this is what I wanted to do. So, I moved beyond just hospitality and created training programs for other businesses.
Q: Where do you get your inspiration from?
Lynda: I love books, especially from authors who have been there and done that. Of course I loved John C. Maxwell’s The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, Robert Kiyosaki’s Rich Dad Poor Dad, and Napolean HIll’s Think and Grow Rich. Those books taught me so much about business, and have inspired me to be better. Oh, and one underrated book I’ve enjoyed was Florence Littauer’s Personality Plus — a wonderful book.
Q: What’s keeping you busy these days?
Lynda: Right now, I’m working on the Get It Done program with Blair, which is very exciting and is going to helps a lot of people around the world. I’m also creating my own online course and learning software, and I’m about to launch a new website soon. My husband travels a lot for work, so when he’s here, we like to go exploring our beautiful local area and enjoy the place where we are.
Q: Mackay looks beautiful. Exploring it seems like a good way to stay fit. How else do you focus on your physical and mental health?
Lynda: Blair introduced us to Mack Newton, who’s very good at motivating us. I train with him online, and I also do pilates. Mentally, I read a lot. I am a big believer in ensuring that you’re always learning. Even when you’re coaching, you’re learning too — learning about others and their lessons, learning how to be present, etc.
Q: Do you have any advice for people who are thinking about certification through BSTA?
Lynda: The certification program has changed the way I do business. My revenue is a lot higher, and I’m a lot more confident in myself. But what you learn in certification goes beyond just knowledge — you become part of a team. And not just any team. This is a team who’s committed to achieving success, and helping you along the way. They are all across the globe, and I can pick up the phone and chat with any of them. That sort of resource is invaluable. Together, we’re creating new platforms and programs that will help countless people globally. The connections and friendships I’ve made… you can’t put a price on that.
Q: What’s your favorite phrase to live by?
Lynda: “This is happening to me now, what I do next will determine the outcome.”
To work with Lynda, visit her website here. Follow her on Facebook and Twitter, and keep an eye out for her new website.