
Constructing a Sales Presentation

After the first three steps of the selling cycle, you’re about to move on to the fourth.

This step is all about constructing a sales presentation.

But, before I get into that, I’d like to offer a side tip:

If you’re only starting your business now, you can work for free. Know that it won’t be free work in the end because you’ll be doing it in exchange for a testimonial. You’ll also learn a lot about your clientele and their problems, which will help you in the future.

So, back to our sales presentation. It’s quite simple with just a few things to keep in mind:

  1. Make sure you’ve added value along the way. And this applies whether it’s a formal presentation, a public presentation, or a group presentation.

I remember when I was selling expensive computer equipment. Trying to close a huge client, I was visiting them for three months. I was giving them suggestions and helping the guys in the warehouse. So, I learned what their problems were.

When you make a presentation, restate the problems you’ve learned about your client. Tell them the consequences of the problems if left unattended – never just point out the problems.

  1. Present your solution. You don’t need to say much about it. You can simply say it’s your six-month sales training program. And then move quickly to the next step, which is what we call FB: features and benefits.
  2. Features and benefits are old-school. Tell the client what they’ll be getting out of your solution. The benefits are not always obvious so you need to present them. You’re helping them to connect the dots.

After that, make the offer.

Don’t elaborate too much. People like PowerPoint presentations and all that, but make sure you stick to the formula.

And if you want to be a good presenter, you need to practice, practice, practice.

That’s if you want to get good at making money. However well you do this and the next step will determine this.

I’ll be back with what the next one is.

Be Awesome,


If you want know the how to construct a sales presentation, online or offline so your customers trust, love, and respect you within minutes, I’d like to invite you to click here >>

Discover and Verify

In an earlier message, I said that the first step to pumping up your sales is to find people with money and a need.

And then, you also need a medium or a way to reach them.

The next step is to discover and verify.

What does that mean?

When you’re selling big-ticket items, such as office equipment or real estate, you want to find out what the buyer wants.

What are their criteria?

What are their problems that those items will help solve?

A great way to know this is to create a questionnaire, like when we do a training interview for a company.

We have a list of about 50 questions we ask them – about their teams, salespeople, selling cycles, those things. Next, we ask them to rate themselves on a scale from one to ten.

That’s how we can show them where they’re weak and where they’re strong.

The same scenario applies here.

It’s helpful to let the customer do a self-assessment when you do the discovery. That’s because it helps them understand their problems. They may think that they need more money, but in reality, there’s a reason they don’t have it.

Nobody ever became overweight because they ate one piece of chocolate cake, right? There’s something going on with their eating pattern that’s making them gain the weight, not that single piece of cake.

So, you need to list those problems.

An online questionnaire works well for this purpose. It’s a great way to get an appointment. Offer them a free assessment to see if you can help.

If there’s chemistry, you can continue to work together. If not, you can move on.

How easy is that?

Just be honest and don’t try to sell too soon.

People suffer what I call premature closing syndrome. When you’re so eager to make the sale, they can smell it on you and put up their guard.

That’s why you should show that you have a genuine interest in your customer. Build good rapport and find a way to add value. Help them find solutions to the problems found in the discovery before you make the offer.

That’s the whole deal.

Through asking lots of questions, you discover the issues. After that, you verify their answers and help them connect the dots.


Be Awesome,



If you’d like to master discovering the right clients which will catapult your business sales, click here>>

Call to Action

Have you ever seen Glengarry Glen Ross?

You might remember what the sales manager, played by Alec Baldwin said in the movie:

“ABC – Always Be Closing.”

Business owners usually struggle with closing the deal. When it’s time for this part of the sales cycle, many of them don’t know the best way forward.

If this is the case with you, I’m here to help.

I’d like to talk about a particular mistake that I often come across:

Forgetting to include a call to action.

When you present your offer, how do you finish the presentation?

It doesn’t matter whether you’re presenting live, via chat, or through your website. All sales presentations must end with a clear call to action.


Let’s say you got everything right to this point. You’ve researched your audience, found their problems, and shown them what you can do to fix them.

You’re talking about your program and ending it with how much it costs.

What do you expect to happen in this situation?

In most cases, you’ll hear crickets.

If someone decides to buy, it would be because they’re already warmed up enough. However, this wouldn’t be the case for the majority of your prospects.

What they need is a nudge in the right direction.

And your call to action is that nudge.

You must tell people to sign up, contact you, or do whatever else it takes to start working with you.

It makes no sense to invest so much time and effort in sales if you don’t tell people exactly what the next step should be.

If you remember my past messages, you know I mentioned that you need to connect all the dots for the prospect. And a clear call to action is among the most important in this regard.

Make sure that yours is clear and effective enough to motivate people to buy.

Be Awesome,


If you’d like to master the presenting your call to action which will catapult your business sales, click here>>

Asking the Right Questions

Many people don’t know this but selling is more about listening than talking.

Bombarding your prospect with how amazing your offer is won’t turn a “no” into “yes.”

On the other hand, you’ll have a much better shot at it by listening closely.

Like I explained, the way to handle objections is to acknowledge and ask questions. After you’ve confirmed that a prospect dislikes your offer for some reason, the first thing you need to do is to find out why.

If someone tells you that your offer is too expensive, ask why they think so. Do they genuinely not have enough money for it? Or, are they comparing it to something else that seems to offer more value for the price? Maybe it’s neither and the prospect just wants to negotiate a lower price.

In any case, there’s no way to find out what’s wrong unless you ask.

Remember that the answer is “no” by default if you don’t ask.

In my experience, a big reason why people can’t sell is that they don’t ask enough of these questions. And it’s because they freeze as soon as the prospect declines.

You’ll fix this problem by acknowledging the objection and asking questions. It will also make you feel calmer and more rational during a sales meeting or presentation, which is vital to closing the deal.

The more emotional you get, the less intelligent you become.

This is true for just about anything in life, including sales. The prospect will have all the power if you allow emotions to overwhelm you.

To prevent this, ask the right questions and listen closely to the answer. You’re bound to find something that you can use to change a prospect’s mind at some point.

Best of all, this is something that gets better with practice. Even if you have no idea how to handle objections the right way, it shouldn’t take you a lot of time to learn.

Be Awesome,


If you want know the secrets to asking the right questions, online or offline so they trust, love, and respect you within minutes, I’d like to invite you to click here >>