Blair Singer

Celebrate Independence and Unlock Your Potential with Blair Singer’s New Community!

As we gather to celebrate the 4th of July, we commemorate the spirit of independence and the pursuit of happiness. This year, take a moment to reflect on your own journey towards personal and professional freedom. What better way to do this than by joining Blair Singer’s new community as an Apprentice? A first step on your JOURNEY to become the best Teacher and Leader in the world.   For a limited time, you can gain lifetime access to a treasure trove of resources and support for just $99.

Why the Blair Singer Apprentice Program?

Blair Singer, a world-renowned sales expert, motivational speaker, and bestselling author, has dedicated his career to helping individuals and organizations enhance their sales performance, leadership skills, and overall success.  His mission is, To improve the quality of life for everyone through transformation of how education and learning is facilitated worldwide by creating the greatest teacher/leaders and facilitators in the world.”  

Here’s why you should join his Apprentice Program:

1. Exclusive Private Community

When you become a Blair Singer Apprentice, you join a vibrant community of like-minded individuals committed to growth and excellence. This private network allows you to connect, share experiences, seek advice, and learn directly from Blair Singer himself.

2. Comprehensive Diagnostics

The program includes access to advanced sales, team, and Little Voice Mastery diagnostics. These tools help you identify your strengths and areas for improvement, providing a clear roadmap to enhance your performance. Understanding your current capabilities is the first step toward achieving mastery.

3. In-Depth Training and Practice

  • Training Worksheets: Enhance your skills with practical exercises.
  • Online Live Program – Trainer Accelerator Workshop: Learn from Blair Singer in real-time and accelerate your training capabilities.
  • Practice Sessions: Apply what you’ve learned in a supportive environment.
  • Monthly Q&A: Get your questions answered directly by Blair Singer.

4. 21 Day Little Voice Mastery Challenge

One of the standout features of the Apprentice Program is the 21 Day Little Voice Mastery Challenge. This intensive, transformative journey helps you conquer your inner voice, overcome self-doubt, and unlock your full potential.

5. Extensive Learning Resources

With access to 12 audio/video courses and 2 creator worksheets, you’ll have a wealth of knowledge at your fingertips. These resources cover a wide range of topics, providing you with the insights and skills needed to excel in sales and leadership.

6. Gamification Rewards

To keep you motivated and engaged, the program includes a gamification rewards system. Celebrate your progress and achievements as you reach new milestones in your journey.

Declare Your Independence This 4th of July!

Independence Day is not just about celebrating our nation’s freedom, but also about recognizing the power we have to shape our own destinies. By joining the Blair Singer Apprentice Program, you’re making a commitment to invest in yourself and your future. For just $99, you’ll gain lifetime access to a comprehensive suite of tools and support designed to help you achieve your goals.

Why Act Now?

  • Lifetime Access: Enjoy all the benefits of the program for a one-time fee of $99.
  • Proven Methods: Learn from Blair Singer’s decades of experience and proven strategies.
  • Supportive Community: Connect with others on the same journey and gain valuable insights.

Visit Blair Singer Apprentice Program to sign up and start your journey towards excellence today!

Final Thoughts

The Blair Singer Apprentice Program is more than just a training course—it’s a transformative experience designed to elevate your career and personal growth. This 4th of July, declare your independence from self-doubt and mediocrity. Take control of your future and join a community of driven, successful individuals.

Happy 4th of July! Let’s celebrate the spirit of independence together by investing in our personal and professional growth.

About Blair Singer Blair Singer is a bestselling author, speaker, and sales expert known for his dynamic teaching style and practical, results-driven methods. With decades of experience, he has helped countless individuals and organizations achieve their goals and reach new heights of success.

Don’t wait—sign up now and unlock your potential with Blair Singer!

What Kind of Leader Are You?

“Leadership is not about titles, positions, or flowcharts.
It is about one life influencing another.”
—John C. Maxwell

The Summit Leadership Model works like this. We start at the base of the mountain with our overarching mission—in the simplest of terms, our goal or summit. While we are at the base, we are defining our WHY, getting clear on our values and the values of the team, setting our rules and our code of honor, recruiting the best team members, and above all, training and preparing for the climb.

It is only after all these things are done, that we finally begin our execution, our journey to the summit. Some people like to rush through these steps, taking shortcuts, anxious to reach their goal. Ben and I were a bit like this on our first climb. We didn’t have enough time to adequately prepare for a hike as challenging as Kilimanjaro. And we didn’t make it.

As a leader, it’s your job to make sure that you and your team are fully prepared, motivated, and inspired to reach the summit, whatever that might be. So, I ask, what kind of leader are you?

Most people, when asked what kind of leader they are, immediately consider if they are “good” or “bad” leaders. Those aren’t the two categories that come to mind for me when I think about leaders, however. A good leader can have a bad day, week, or year. A bad leader can have a lucky streak and shine their way to the top… for the moment.

Some folks call themselves leaders if they have profile, persona, charisma, and inspiration, but they have no real team. They have admirers or even worshipers, but not folks who will make sacrifices and accept challenges. You’ll find these leaders in the world of social media and YouTube.

There are others who perhaps have none of the above, but have a loyal, committed following of team members who would go to the ends of the earth to achieve a mission.

This book is about this last group. Why? Because I am not that charismatic and not that smart. But what I observed on Kilimanjaro I can emulate. In looking at my life, any great thing I have ever done or any nasty predicament I got myself out of, was due to the team I had… not just me.

Let’s talk about teams for a moment, because today’s definition of a team may be different than it used to be. A team is a group of people who come together for a common purpose and mission. They play by a common set of rules and procedures to make that mission happen. They may dress a certain way, speak a certain way, and have a core set of values. Some of the team may be on the payroll and some may be volunteers. For example, in my organization some of our best salespeople are our customers who have become part of our team.

As an entrepreneur, you start by building a community out in the world, to a large extent through social media, by sharing what you’re trying to do, who you are, and why you are doing it. Some of the people in that community will ultimately become your customers. They’ll buy from you. And then a subset of those customers might become a part of your team. And what does that mean?

To read more order a copy of Summit Leadership: Taking Your Team to the Top

Building or running a business is more than a journey. It’s an adventure. Adventure assumes there is risk in the air. For many business owners, the adventure of building a business is a long one and there are many lessons to be learned over that extended period of time. That takes unwavering commitment, a serious dose of tenacity, and the ability to embrace adventure.

Using the experience of successfully summiting Mt. Kilimanjaro drives years of business building into a 7-day mountain leadership adventure where the pinnacle, as well as the sometimes harsh lessons of the mountain, track exactly with the building of a business. From the moment your spirit is engaged when you commit to the climb until you return home safe and successful, Summit Leadership mirrors the same trail of mission building and ultimate business team victory that entrepreneurs strive for.

The multi-faceted challenge we faced in scaling “Kili” was a microcosm of all that owning and growing a business entails. Those who have experienced the exhilaration and challenges of it have gone on to build amazing businesses and become legendary leaders. With each ascent in altitude with the author, this guidebook explores the critical lessons to lead you and your teams to the summit and beyond.

Connect and Contact

Have you become isolated because of the pandemic?

But I’m not really talking about social distancing here. 

What I mean is, have you stopped reaching out to your target audience?

I see way too many business owners doing so. But the truth is, the hiding that they’re doing is only risking the future of their businesses.

In the previous email, I described the first step in the selling cycle: you have to find people with money and a need that you can meet.

Once you do that, you must connect with them with the right message.

In the old days, there were two basic ways to do it. You could go door-to-door and pitch in person. Or you could do it over the phone through cold calling.

Today, however, we have so many new opportunities. In fact, it’s never been easier to reach the right people with your offer.

Social media is one of the most obvious channels to use, and for a good reason. Done right, it can be the most effective. Posting on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube can help you amass a large audience and keep them entertained in these tough times.

Trust me, the returns are going to be high if you can make this happen. 

People welcome any opportunity to take their minds off the doom and gloom. If you give them a chance to do this, they’ll want to engage with you. This will almost inevitably result in more sales.

Now, social media is not the only way to connect and contact your audience. You can go on speaking engagements, send out emails, blog, and do a whole bunch of other things.

If you haven’t been reaching out enough, it’s time to step up your game. 

Just be careful not to dilute your attention on too many channels. Find out where your audience is so you can meet them there and build relationships for growing your customer base.

Consistency, Charisma, and Value

I have shown you some of the best ways to connect with your audience. And now, I want to go over essential tips for this.

As you know, there’s a blizzard out there for most businesses. 

People may be in isolation, but they’re also more connected than they’ve been. Every business is moving its marketing to a handful of channels. It’s becoming hard to cut through the noise and put yourself in front of your audience.

To make your messages more effective, there are three things that you must do.

First, you need to be consistent

You often won’t see immediate results for your marketing and sales efforts. That’s because they’re investments that will only pay off later. If you give up too soon, you’ll just be wasting your resources and not get a chance to experience the results.

Next, you need to show charisma and personality. 

No matter if it’s emails, articles, or YouTube videos, charisma is critical. If your messages are monotonous and generic, most people will ignore them. They’ll devote their attention to those who work harder for it.

To avoid this, you must find a unique voice and use it across all your marketing and sales efforts. This helps you to become recognizable and easily position yourself in the market.

And finally, you must provide lots of value to your audience. They need to feel as if you’re ready to help them for free before they’re willing to pay you.

To sum it all up:

Add value publicly, sell privately.

Irrespective of how you connect with your audience, show them that they have a lot to gain with you. Even if they’re not ready to buy right now, they will be one of these days. 

In the meantime, you should be building strong connections with every member of your ideal audience.

Find People with Money and Needs

Every business has a unique selling cycle. That means you can’t sell the same way for both high-ticket and low-ticket offers. Your sales process must also look very different, depending on whether you’re a wholesaler or retailer.

But that’s not all.

Many other factors influence the specifics of your sales cycle. However, some principles are universally applicable – your type of business doesn’t matter.

Over my next few emails, I’ll break down this cycle into actionable steps that can pump up your sales.

Let’s start with the first and vital step. It’s actually simple:

Find people with money and a need.

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, your customers from a few months ago might not be your customers today.

For example, someone might’ve lost their job and is now relying on the government to support them. But as soon as that stops, they might not be able to buy from you anymore.

On the other hand, some people might need your products more than they did before. There might be a new audience for you to tap into.

Because of this, now’s the perfect time to do some research and revisit your customer base.

Naturally, the first thing you must do is to see who can afford your offer now. And then, you must see if there’s a particular need that you can meet. Find out how your offer fits into this new context and who might need your help.

Once you’ve done this, you must figure out where your audience is. 

Do they hang out on Instagram, Facebook, or maybe LinkedIn? Perhaps your audience is in church groups or trade associations? Whatever the answer, you must locate your audience so you can position yourself in front of them.

And finally, you need to see exactly what they want from you. 

Many people and businesses just want to survive this period, instead of searching for nice-to-haves. You must structure your messaging to reflect this need if you want to get in front of your audience properly.

So, have you done any of this so far?

If not, you’ve got to start soon. There is an audience for what you’re selling…

You just need to know where to look.

Be Awesome,

Blair Singer

Ask Questions to Close

I used to be in your shoes. A long time ago, I struggled with closing. I had a little voice telling me all the reasons why I couldn’t do it.

But you know what?

I found that if you lay down the proper foundation, closing is a natural end to a conversation.

Let me tell you what I mean by that…

There are certain basic elements that must be in place in order to close a deal. If you have these basics down, closing is more like arranging to deliver goods than closing.

Why is that?

Because if you’re laying down the basics correctly, you’re priming your customer for closing.

Here’s a breakdown of what it should look like:

Assess Needs Accurately

First, you need to show an understanding of where they’re at in their world. You do this by restating their problem.

Why is this step necessary if the client told you their problems?

Restating the problem helps both you and the client to focus.

The person you’re talking to has a million other things going on in their life. But when you articulate the problem you bring the focus back to you. It also helps you focus as well.

Ask Question to Close

All of your conversations with the prospect should set you up for closing. And that includes the questions you ask.

So, it’s not enough to state a problem. Follow it up with a question like, “Do you recognize this as being a problem in your business?”

The prospect’s response may be something along the lines of, “Yeah, Of course.”

You can also ask questions like:

Is there anything you’d like to say about that?

Does this make sense to you?

These are trial close questions. They get the person to start saying yes and agreeing with you. But, that’s not all.

The questions also allow you to see if you’re on track.

Solution or WIIFM (What Is In If For Me)

After all that, it’s time for the solution you have configured for them. But don’t stop there.

Try framing the solution in two parts: feature and benefit.

The feature may include creating metrics and understanding where the numbers come from. But the value or benefit comes from maximizing the areas they’re already good at and coaching them in the weak areas.

Take these basic, but necessary steps and closing is just a matter of delivering the goods. With your trial close questions, they’re already saying yes.

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