BSTA Coach

Blair Singer Online Training Academy: Why It’s the Best Place to Learn Communication and Leadership Skills

In this fast-paced world, effective communication and leadership skills are not just a nice-to-have anymore; they’re an absolute must if you want to crush your goals. Whether you’re running a business, making deals as an entrepreneur, or leading a team as an executive, mastering these skills will take you to the top of your game. Lucky for you, I’ve got the ultimate place where you can level up and become a communication and leadership powerhouse – welcome to the Blair Singer Online Training Academy! Let me personally take you on a deep dive into why this academy is the one-stop-shop for honing your skills and unleashing your true potential.

First things first, we’ve got a world-class curriculum that has transformed the lives and businesses of professionals all around the globe. And who am I? Blair Singer – the founder and CEO of this powerhouse of knowledge. With over 30 years of experience teaching leadership and communication, I’ve fine-tuned this curriculum to cater to your unique needs. Brace yourself for engaging content that weaves personal and business aspects together for an unparalleled learning experience.

Now, let’s talk about flexibility.  At the Blair Singer Online Training Academy, we’ve got your back with flexible learning options that put you in the driver’s seat. No need to fret about traveling to a physical location; you can access the training program from anywhere in the world. Our online platform is at your service 24/7, so you can learn and practice whenever you are in the world. You set the pace!

But wait, – and this one’s a game-changer. When you step into the Blair Singer Online Training Academy, you’re stepping into a vibrant community of like-minded individuals from all corners of the world. Talk about networking opportunities! This ain’t your typical classroom setup; it’s a space where ideas flow, experiences are shared, and lasting relationships are forged. And guess what? You get to rub virtual shoulders with industry leaders and experts through our online events and workshops. It’s the kind of learning experience money can’t buy!

Now, I know you’re probably wondering about the investment, but fear not – we’ve got your back on that front too. The Blair Singer Online Training Academy offers an affordable pricing model that won’t break the bank. It’s as easy as a monthly subscription that you can cancel whenever you need to. No strings attached, no high-risk commitments – just a low-risk investment in your own growth and success.

So, if you’re serious about mastering effective communication and leadership, the Blair Singer Online Training Academy is where it’s at. Our world-class curriculum, flexible learning options, networking galore, and pocket-friendly pricing make this place the ultimate destination for anyone looking to take their professional and personal skills to the next level. Professionals worldwide have already experienced life-changing transformations through our engaging and practical solutions, and now it’s your turn to join the ranks of champions. Don’t wait any longer – sign up today and let’s embark on this journey together towards mastering effective communication and leadership!

CTA Blair Singer Membership sign up page

Assess and Qualify

What’s going to make your business more successful right now?

What would put your mind at ease and show you that you can weather this storm?

It’s sales. Right?

I bet you probably don’t care where those sales are coming from or who’s agreeing to work with you. Like most business owners these days, you’d just be happy to be landing new clients.

Except… This wouldn’t be the right approach.

Even today, you don’t want to work with just anyone!

In my last email, I wrote about asking lots of questions. This would allow you to uncover your audience’s deepest problems that you can solve.

But it actually does more than that.

Asking questions allows you to qualify your prospects and cherry-pick those that will be the right fit. You need a system that will make this happen if you want to thrive in the long run.

For instance, I never accept a client unless I’m 100% sure that I can help them. I’d much rather refer them to someone else if I know of a coach that’s more suitable for their situation.

This is why I always do a thorough assessment of all my prospects before I make a final decision. My goal is to see where the client’s at right now and if I can do something to get them the desired outcome.

I come across way too many business owners who try to sell too soon. Don’t make this mistake or it can be costly. More often than not, you’re going to find that working with unfit clients isn’t worth the money.

Here’s what I’m getting at:

Assess a client’s situation and qualify them first before accepting them as your client. Don’t just accept everyone that knocks on your door.

Finding the right match will not only make sales easier, but it will also allow you to do your best work.

Be Awesome,

Blair Singer

Signup for Blair’s Virtual Academy >>

Get to know Jason Chessar: Certified BSTA Coach

Being successful in business takes a lot of hard work, not magic. However, for Jason Chessar, it’s both.

At an early age, Jason fought with the demons of low self-confidence and taunting from other kids.  During that time, he became intrigued with magic and decided he wanted to be a magician. It was through that quest, where he learned to build self-confidence by being mentored by the best in the industry, It wasn’t an easy road for him. He faced many challenges initially that he ultimately overcame with his passion and sound mentorship. Eventually, he started his own entertainment agency, successfully taking his act to private parties and business events. But, over time, he realized he wanted to do more than entertain.  He wanted to help others that were struggling with some of the same issues he had during his own personal journey.  Now, he’s using everything he has learned about conquering fear and self-doubt and building a successful business to serve others as a business coach, helping people around the world to achieve the best version of themselves for greater success and happiness.

He’s also a valuable asset to my team as a level 2 certified coach — part of an elite group of people who have completed the Blair Singer Certified Trainer Program. Currently, he lives in Ontario, Canada with his wife and newborn daughter.  Through his training and his coaching business, he’s still got some tricks up his sleeve. I’m excited to introduce him to you in this interview below.

The following interview, conducted by a member of my team, is edited for brevity and clarity.

Q: Where did you first learn about Blair Singer?

Jason: About 6 years ago, I found myself with my entertainment agency, and I was mentally struggling. I was having a hard time running my business, and I needed some inspiration.

I then came across and went to T. Harv Eker’s Millionaire Mind Intensive, and Blair was speaking there. I decided to then go to his Train the Trainer event, even though at the time I wasn’t training, nor did I think about being a trainer. But it was during that event that I knew I was meant for something more than just being a performer.

Q: How did you start your business?

Jason: When I was about 12, my father took me to a magic show, and I instantly fell in love. I was a very shy kid, so it didn’t seem to necessarily make sense that I would want to pursue magic. But, after training with some local magicians, I learned confidence, stage presence, and performance.

Once I felt comfortable in my craft, I started my entertainment agency, selling my acts locally and then eventually across state lines. I performed at birthday parties, weddings, even business events.

Q: What did you find particularly hard about running a business? How did you overcome those challenges?

Jason: I loved magic. I had, and still have, a very strong passion for the craft. But that alone isn’t enough to run a business.

I’m used to overcoming challenges. It wasn’t easy becoming a performer. I had bad social anxiety when I was younger. I’m partially deaf, and that affected my speech, too. I went through a lot of therapy and training to learn how to work with this, and I used magic to build my confidence, leading me to where I am today. I didn’t let those things prevent me from succeeding, and I wasn’t going to give up on my business, too.

But just like in magic, I needed mentors to motivate and train me in business. I attended Blair’s events, participated in his programs, read lots of books, and met lots of others who were facing the same challenges I was facing… all of that helped me to push through the challenges of being an entrepreneur.

Q: What made you decide to become a coach and mentor? Why choose that route in life?

Jason: I always knew I was meant for something more. I felt it myself, and in everything I did.

I learned a lot through magic and starting my own business. When I was learning to become a performer, I created templates to help me speak in public. I created flowcharts to help me respond quickly to whatever happened around me, whether it’s someone reacting to my performance, or when something unexpected happens during my acts. That same thought process actually works in business and networking, too.

I decided to take what I’ve learned and help others with it. When I saw that what I was teaching was helping others achieve their goals and dreams, I knew this is what I was destined to do. The selfless act of supporting others with knowledge gained through my own experience and from other mentors gives me happiness.

Q: What books do you recommend?

Jason: Influence by Robert Cialdini has been very beneficial to me, and I recommend that everyone read this book. With Blair and our team, we are reading through Big Potential by Shawn Achor and The Obstacle is the Way by Ryan Holiday, both of which are great books as well.

If anyone wants to join my book club, you can read along with me Law of Success by Napolean Hill. I’m learning a lot from this book, and know that others will too, no matter where they are in business.

Q: What’s a personal motto you live by?

Jason: If I never quit, I’ll never fail, and it’s nice knowing that I’ll never fail in life!

Learn more about Jason Chessar and his business Network Like a Magician on this website here. To inquire about his book club and to follow his social media, connect on LinkedIn and follow Jason’s Instagram @jason_chessar.

Get to know Lynda Gale: Certified BSTA Coach

“Lynda Gale is a “coach’s coach.”  If you were in great need, completely stressed, and wanted to know that the person you were working with would never give up on you and always be there for you, it would be Lynda.  Her deep caring for others coupled with her incredibly clear version of “tough love” gives the people around her and her clients the love and growth they need simultaneously. Her soft spoken manner sometimes hides the deep strength she shows as a coach… hidden that is until you begin working with her as a client or team mate.  She is first to support and first to serve when it comes to our global team.   That is why she is such a wonderful asset to all of us.

For most of her life, Lynda has loved to study and understand human behavior. In fact, she still loves it so much, that she’s built her business, 3P Concepts, around her passions, where she coaches other people in business and life by understanding their true passions and strengths.  Although she is based in scenic Mackay, Queensland in Australia, she’s transformed hundreds of lives around the globe, and I’m very excited to introduce her to you.

The following interview, conducted by a member of my team, was edited for brevity and clarity.

Q: How did you first come across Blair Singer?

Lynda: I attended Train the Trainer and Making the Stage in 2012. There were a lot of great speakers there, but I especially resonated with Blair. He was not the typical “in-your-face” salesman, and yet he was a very effective and moving speaker. I was intrigued, and because of my interest in human behavior, I knew I had to learn more about him — who he was on and off stage, and the people he surrounded himself with.

Q: What were you doing before you met Blair?

Lynda: I had spent over 20 years teaching in Australia, teaching in formal education and in workplace training. I’ve built training programs for many people and organizations, especially those in hospitality, which was sort of a focus for me at the time.

Q: Why do you do what you do? Why this particular focus?

Lynda: I’ve always had a passion for understanding human behavior. I grew up in a town of 600 people, so it became one of my favorite pastimes to observe and analyze people. I decided I wanted to do it full-time, after I had completed training workshops for hospitality employees for a job I had. I noticed a drastic change in their productivity and happiness, and a drop in workplace incidents, after receiving even just a little bit of care and attention. That feeling I had when I saw the payoff was gold. That’s when I knew that this is what I wanted to do. So, I moved beyond just hospitality and created training programs for other businesses.

Q: Where do you get your inspiration from?

Lynda: I love books, especially from authors who have been there and done that. Of course I loved John C. Maxwell’s The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, Robert Kiyosaki’s Rich Dad Poor Dad, and Napolean HIll’s Think and Grow Rich. Those books taught me so much about business, and have inspired me to be better. Oh, and one underrated book I’ve enjoyed was Florence Littauer’s Personality Plus — a wonderful book.

Q: What’s keeping you busy these days?

Lynda: Right now, I’m working on the Get It Done program with Blair, which is very exciting and is going to helps a lot of people around the world. I’m also creating my own online course and learning software, and I’m about to launch a new website soon. My husband travels a lot for work, so when he’s here, we like to go exploring our beautiful local area and enjoy the place where we are.

Q: Mackay looks beautiful. Exploring it seems like a good way to stay fit. How else do you focus on your physical and mental health?

Lynda: Blair introduced us to Mack Newton, who’s very good at motivating us. I train with him online, and I also do pilates. Mentally, I read a lot. I am a big believer in ensuring that you’re always learning. Even when you’re coaching, you’re learning too — learning about others and their lessons, learning how to be present, etc.

Q: Do you have any advice for people who are thinking about certification through BSTA?

Lynda: The certification program has changed the way I do business. My revenue is a lot higher, and I’m a lot more confident in myself. But what you learn in certification goes beyond just knowledge — you become part of a team. And not just any team. This is a team who’s committed to achieving success, and helping you along the way. They are all across the globe, and I can pick up the phone and chat with any of them. That sort of resource is invaluable. Together, we’re creating new platforms and programs that will help countless people globally. The connections and friendships I’ve made… you can’t put a price on that.

Q: What’s your favorite phrase to live by?

Lynda: “This is happening to me now, what I do next will determine the outcome.”

To work with Lynda, visit her website here. Follow her on Facebook and Twitter, and keep an eye out for her new website.

Get to know Mac Attram: Level 2 Certified BSTA Coach

Mac Attram is a successful serial entrepreneur, a published book author, and a huge asset to our team and a great friend. He is currently a level 2 Blair Singer Training Academy Certified Trainer and Coach, and the founder of Mindspace Associates, a business-growth service for small to medium-sized businesses. He speaks to hundreds of thousands of people in over 15 countries around the world and is one of the top lead trainers of the popular Millionaire Mind Intensive programs. His own entrepreneurial programs have transformed thousands of lives and companies. Mac and his personal story are truly inspiring!   

The following interview has been edited for brevity and clarity.

Q: Take us to the beginning — what prompted your journey into entrepreneurship?

Mac: I earned an MBA during school, and went straight into work after I graduated. I worked for three different companies, before I realized how much I did not enjoy it. The work environment was very disheartening, and I found that I was putting in way too much energy, and not getting nearly enough return. I then made the move to start my own IT company with two other partners.  We eventually grew it to 12 members on our team.

Q: How was that experience of having your own company? Where is it now?

Mac: I loved it, however, the situation was not ideal. At the time, I was married, had a child, and a second one on the way. I was working 90 hours a week. I knew it could be better, but I wasn’t sure how.

It was then when I started reading books and attending business seminars, and I eventually came across T. Harv Eker and his programs. I took all the knowledge I had learned, applied it to my business, fixed it up, and then sold it, getting my life back! After that, I started another company in real estate, and eventually grew that into a multimillion dollar business.

Q: How did you get into business coaching after all that?

Mac: Through the T. Harv Eker programs, I came across Blair Singer and his Train the Trainer event in 2005, and I bought into it all. I spent the next few years absorbing all I could about leadership, personal development, and sales. And then in 2010, I went with his group to a 5-day event in Malaysia.  That is when I decided to join Blair’s franchise, where I had the opportunity to train thousands of people.

Though that franchise has since dissolved, I was determined to stay active in Blair’s community. The people who work with Blair have created such a unique community — it’s truly second to none. Then in 2011, the Master Facilitator Program was launched.  At that point, I was on track to become a Level 2 Certified Coach with the Blair Singer Training Academy.

Q: Sounds like coaching was a passion for you. Why?

Mac: After attending Train the Trainer, I knew deep down that this is what I wanted to do for a long time, helping other people achieve their dreams. I have a lot of experience to draw knowledge from, and being able to help others… seeing them grow and reach their goals is a unique feeling you can’t get anywhere else.

To reach even more people, I also wrote a book, that’s now a top seller on Amazon. It’s called Face It & Fix It: How To Avoid Disaster And Turn Around Your Small Business, and it’s designed to help entrepreneurs address issues head on. If you don’t “face it and fix it,” then the problem never goes away, and it’ll come back to hurt you later on. The book contains over 40 reasons why small business fail, and strategies on each of those, and also includes real-life case studies of businesses saved from failure.

Q: What else keeps you busy right now?

Mac: Well, right now I am still happily married, going on 18 years now, and we have three wonderful children. I have been, and still do martial arts going on 30 years now, and I am currently a black belt, 5th band. Exercise is so important in my life, and it should be for everyone! I’m also reading a book that I believe Blair has read too, called The Obstacle is the Way by Ryan Holiday.

Q: What piece of advice do you have for those looking to become a Blair Singer Certified Coach?

Mac: There are not many trainers who can teach you like Blair. If you want to be a great coach, this is the way to go. His program is world-class and unique, and the community of trainers is unlike any other.

Q: Thank you for sharing your story and insight with us today. Got any last words for the readers?

Mac: Take full responsibility for your life!

Mac Attram is an active and very sought-out after business coach and trainer, hosting seminars, workshops, and mentoring sessions around the world. To learn more about him, please visit and follow him on Facebook and Twitter.

Get to know Michaela Wild: Level 2 Certified BSTA Coach

We interviewed Michaela Wild. Michaela has climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro with me and is as an amazing coach, on-stage performer, actress, and dancer. She is also a huge asset to our Blair Singer Training Academy organization. Listen to what she has to say…

The following interview was edited for brevity and clarity.

Q: How did you first start out on your personal development and training journey?

Michaela: Back in 2014, there was a seminar series hosted by T. Harv Eker in Germany that you were a part of as a speaker and trainer. I attended it for the first time, and when I heard Blair speak, I knew I had to learn more. I then looked for more events hosted by Blair and decided to attend those as well.

Q: What motivated you to come to that seminar?

Michaela: Before then, I was starting to go through a rough patch in my life. I still loved what I did as a theater performer, but I also knew that I didn’t want to do that forever. In my personal life, things weren’t going very well, and the toxicity started to overwhelm other parts of my life.

My friend had sent me a self-help book, which I thought at the time was nonsense, but it really started to change my perception on life. After that, I continued to read more books from people like Tony Robbins, Robert Kiyosaki, and T. Harv Eker, which is how I came about his seminar series.

Q: What made you decide to start your own business?

Michaela: Well, around the same time I went to that seminar, I had also attended other training events from other speakers and coaches. But when I went to Train the Trainer (with Blair), that really changed my life. When Blair was talking, I felt like he was really speaking to me. It touched me deep in my heart.

Even though becoming a trainer was not my goal at the time, I decided that I needed to continue along this path. It was 2014, and I was still performing, but I needed to find out what my true calling was.

Then, in December 2014, I attended Making the Stage and that’s when I knew that I had to make this my full-time endeavor. After that, I followed my passions and formed my own training business.

B: How was the first year of your business? At what point did you know that this is what you wanted to keep doing?

Michaela: Starting a business was hard. For me, I had to learn how to rebrand my image from being an on-stage dancer to being an on-stage business expert and motivator. Having a business coach was extremely helpful, and it taught me that in order to make it work, I had to keep working at it, over and over again.

In April 2015, I hosted a 5-day personal development course, which almost didn’t happen. I thought about cancelling the event because I only had 6 people sign up, and I was scared and unsure that it could be successful. But, I thought to myself, who am I to let these people down just because I was scared?

So, I held the event anyway, and I’m so glad that I did. My participants experienced massive breakthroughs in their development, and there were so many tears cried that week. That was the moment I knew that what I was doing was important, not just for them, but for me, too. Even if I could only help one person, I knew that I could not give up.

B: That’s very inspiring to hear. What then inspired you to pursue certification with BSTA?

Michaela: I knew that to take my business to the next level, I needed more than just my will. I needed a network of other people as a resource and as motivation. Like they say, you are the average of the people you spend the most time with, and so I decided to join that group of amazing individuals from around the world.

I became a level 2 coach in November 2016, allowing me to be a part of an exclusive community of other trainers and coaches. Their constant support is great, and it is one of the best parts of being certified.

B: What important lessons have you learned along the way?

Michaela: Your past successes can help push you towards your goals today. Back before I started on my journey to self-discovery, I blamed everyone else for my problems. I was not happy with my life. But, with help from others and through my own will, I was able to turn my life around. I knew that if I was able to do that, then I can do anything, as long as I take it one step at a time.

B: That’s the name of your book, too, isn’t it?

Michaela: Right, it is! I wanted to share my experiences and struggles with others who may be in the same shoes, and hope that they can learn that as long as you keep moving forward, anything is possible. My book is one of my best accomplishments, and it has helped so many people in their lives.

B: What’s one of your personal mottos that you’d like to share with everyone?

Michaela: With enough love, you can achieve anything!

To learn more about Michaela Wild and her business, check out her website here. You can also follow her on Facebook or subscribe to her YouTube channel. Pick up her book One Step at a Time: You Can Get Anywhere When You Keep Moving
on Amazon. We had such a great time seeing what she’s up to, and we’re sure you will too!