Business Team

Goal Setting How to Handle Missed Goals

Have you ever set a goal?

I’m sure that in your life you’ve set goals, or you at least know other people that have set goals.

Have you achieved all the goals you set?

I haven’t.

And the truth of it is you’re not going to accomplish every goal you set out in life. It’s just not humanly possible.  But what happens after you either achieve a goal or not, is critical to achieving the next goal you set.

Let me explain. Let’s say your goal is to make a million dollars.  Along the way you figure that the way you’re going to make a million dollars is to build a business of your own.  A year goes by, and the business doesn’t even come close to generating a million dollars.   You get down on yourself and begin thinking, “See, I set a goal for a million dollars but didn’t make it.  This isn’t worth it.”

But here’s the deal and the way you rehabilitate that disappointment. Consider this, the reason you didn’t get that goal is because somewhere along the way to making to the million dollars, you DID achieve something you wanted even more than the million dollars.

Maybe, when you established your business and people told you it was great and acknowledged what you were doing, you realize the business was working!  Yeah, it didn’t make the million, but on the way, the big win was that you built a business.  A solid business providing a product or service people love.

The problem is, you didn’t acknowledge that win.  Remember, you were going for the million dollars. But your spirit, the part of you that really wanted to be recognized and be able to play a bigger game accomplished the real goal. Even though it wasn’t a conscious one, that subconscious, spiritual goal was realized. Okay, you didn’t get the material goal that was written down on paper.  If you don’t acknowledge the real goal, if you don’t acknowledge the goals that you did achieve – finding the product, raising the capital, finding an awesome team, getting acknowledgements and testimonies from your customers, etc. If you don’t acknowledge those wins and those goals what’ll happen is not only did you not get the million, but when you go to set the next goal for next year, I’m gonna make a million dollars.

Do you know what’s going to happen?  It is going to be even harder. Why? Because you did not acknowledge the wins that you did accomplish along the way.

So anytime you set a goal for yourself, and you don’t meet the deadline or don’t make it happen, make a list of the things you did accomplish.  Say them out loud, do this with somebody else. And you will find, as you say them out loud, one or two of them will make you chuckle, make you smile. Maybe even bring tears to your eyes. That’s the goal your spirit really wanted. That’s probably why you didn’t get the other goals because you didn’t acknowledge the real one that was sitting deep inside.

See, you’re always winning. You’re always accomplishing. You need to acknowledge those wins. And as you do, and as you acknowledge the goals that you did achieve, even in face of the failed goals, the goals that you set can become bigger, more profitable to you and more rewarding.

Be awesome.

Adapted from YouTube video –

Unwritten rule in big business

There’s an unwritten rule in big business on the buyer-seller connection. If you’ve read my past posts, you already know a few things about this. 

But, let’s go with the most important part.

When a seller is selling, they want to know who they’re selling to. On the other hand, the buyer wants to know who they’re buying from.

This means that the person is sometimes more important than the product. 

I’ll explain. 

Nowadays, there’s a blizzard of people trying to buy and sell stuff. In big business, the buyers are looking to build a network of trusted people or vendors.

It’s not easy to do this when it seems like everyone’s just interested in selling. The sellers who actually stop and pay attention to their buyers are a rare breed. 

However, these buyers tend to lean toward people who show interest in their affairs.

I’ve already touched on some of the elements of a good presentation in some of the previous posts. Here, I’m going to focus on two critical aspects of good communication: shared reality and trust.

Shared reality is a simple technique that can earn a lot of goodwill. It requires you to listen to the other person and try to relate when they tell you things. For example:

  • Oh yes, I understand. By the way, the picture on the wall, are those your kids?
  • “Yeah.”
  • “How old are they?” 
  • “In that picture? Oh, 13 and 15.” 
  • “Mine are 20 and 25. What sports do they play?” 

It’s just small talk, but it builds a bond between you and the potential buyer. 

It also lays the groundwork for them to trust you. 

By listening, engaging, and sharing reality, you’re building that trust. You’re showing that you’re listening to them and want to find out more information. 

This means you genuinely want to know more about those people. 

At the end of the day, you want to be a person that they can trust. They want to know that you’ve got their back and that they can depend on you.

That can happen if you’d just try to be that person. 

Be Awesome!

The #1 Thing Your Team Should be Doing

There’s a crucial secret that they never teach us in school. 

I’ll tell you right away – business is a team sport.

But, schools have been telling us from a young age that individuality is the way to go. 

What happens if we try to cooperate and do something together in school?

The teachers say, “That’s cheating!” 

So, we can’t lean on others and we mustn’t help anyone or else we’re cheaters too.  

But, then you step into the world of business, and voila! It’s not cheating anymore. It all becomes cooperation and teams. But, rarely is anyone prepared for it. 

What’s the consequence?

The employees have no idea how to act as a team. Except for those, who in rare cases, played team sports in their youth. 

In fact, companies that pay their salespeople well always look for this. That’s because team sports are sometimes the only way to learn the essential aspects of business:

  1. Camaraderie
  2. Competition
  3. Discipline
  4. Team play 

When playing in a sports team, these factors are critical for developing a winning mentality. That’s the spirit that takes you to the top of the game. 

Likewise, if you have a team that doesn’t operate as a team, your business will suffer.

I’ve noticed this much, if the team is happy, the business will flourish. It doesn’t matter if I’m working with a huge brand like IBM or L’Oréal, or the guy with a yogurt shop down the street. 

A good team will make it work. The energy goes up and the tide rises for all the boats.

To have a good team, however, you have to define a list of values. And, all your team members need to go by the law of these values.

For example, my team follows our Code of Honor. It’s a set of rules (like our own Ten Commandments) which everyone needs to respect.

And, all great teams have their own set of values.

If you still don’t have a team, it’s time to start thinking about one. Along with the values that they’ll represent. 

Be Awesome!

The #1 Reason Why Objection in Your Head Is Ruining the Sale

You’ve got to get rid of the objection – because the objection is starting with you, and you’re projecting it onto your customers. If you’ve been in sales for a long time, you know exactly what I’m saying. A lot of times you can see rookie sales people on the phone or dealing with prospects, and they are creating themselves at the other end of the phone. They’re taking their objections and putting them out there in other people’s minds.

For example, if you’re sitting there going, “Oh, I hope they don’t object to price, I hope they don’t object to price…” Guess what’s going to come up in the first two minutes? Price! It’s going to come up as an objection. Or “I hope they don’t think that we’re a pyramid scheme.” You are doing network marketing, what’s going to come up? Pyramids – almost magically. If you’re thinking about it, it’s going to come up. But, if you get it out of your head first, it may show up, but a) rarely is it going to show up and b) if it does, it’s going to be no big deal.

To continue with Mastering Your Selling Cycle click here.

GET STARTED The toughest sale is selling you to you. When I finally understood that, within 48 hours my sales went from zero to doubling my sales quota. Blair Singer I feel more confident than I believe I ever have. My little voice doesn’t stand a chance to hold me back anymore. Rick FallsInternet Marketing Consultant He is a great communicator, great teacher and great human being. Like he says, when it comes to winning, it’s all about mastering your little voice. Robert KiyosakiAuthor of Rich Dad Poor Dad – teacher, entrepreneur and friend for 27 years. I was able to increase my personal achievements and most importantly my professional sales by a staggering 1000%. It didn’t take long with these amazing tools to get out of the ditch and reach a level of easily being able to sell a product worth $2,000 within the matter of days. I am now using these very tools to work on adding another “0” and increase my game further by learning how to control and work with my ‘Little Voice’. Bettina HorvathBusiness Owner and Single Mom Previous Next

How to Recruit the Best People for Your Business Team

I have received a lot of requests from my readers to talk about teams — more specifically, how to build and recruit for a team. If you want to be a solopreneur, work 24/7, and not reach massive sales growth, then this video isn’t for you.

However, if you want to grow your business into a successful empire, you’ve got to build a team comprised of the best people. So, how do you that? Where do you find these people? How do you attract them? Watch this video for more of my insight!

You can also pick up my bestselling book on this very topic, Team Code of Honor, where you learn how to create a team that’s effective, efficient, and high-producing. or on RDA Press

Team Code of Honor: The Secrets of Champions in Business and in Life

Every great team, culture, society, religion or business that has endured time, adversity and challenge has always had one thing in common: a set of simple but powerful rules that govern the internal behaviors and expectations of that group. It is called The Code of Honor. We hear of these Codes when we think of things like The Ten Commandments, the Marine Corps or the Constitution.
Yet if sales is the number one skill in business, number two has to be the ability to bring ordinary people together to build a championship team. This does not happen by chance or by the simple accumulation of talent. The Code is the core ingredient to creating winning organizations.

The book is a step-by-step guide for any individual, group or company to actually create a Code of Honor specific to their team. The Rich Dad Poor Dad Advisor series was designed as a “how-to” series to empower individuals to succeed in the world of business and finance. “Team Code of Honor” is critical to this series because its processes bridge all facets of business, investment, entrepreneurship and even personal life. The book explains through graphic examples, stories and numerous case studies how a Code or set of rules is created, maintained, enforced and used for rapid and controlled growth of any entity.

The book is designed as an operating manual for putting any business team together. It steps you all the way from properly choosing players, to creating the Code, to increasing performance and to winning. Each chapter gives the team-specific assignments and examples so that by the time you have completed the book, your Code is in place and your team is operating at a true championship level.