
Achieving Success with Blair Singer’s Mindset

When it comes to achieving success, it’s not just enough to have knowledge and skills in a particular field. You also need to have the right mindset – one that is focused, determined, and positive. And this is exactly what my success mindset is all about. I am a business owner,  entrepreneur, sales trainer, and author who is known for his work in helping business owners and individuals achieve higher levels of success. In this blog, we’ll take a closer look at my success mindset and how it can help you achieve your goals.

  1. The Power of Your Thoughts

The first key component is the power of your thoughts. Your thoughts have the ability to shape your reality. If you think negatively, you will attract negative situations. But if you think positively, you will attract positive situations. This is why it’s important to have a positive attitude and to focus on what you want to achieve, rather than what you don’t want to happen.

  1. The Importance of Action 

While having a positive mindset is important, it’s not enough on its own. You also need to take action toward your goals. This is where the philosophy of “Ready, Fire, Aim” comes in. I believe that it’s better to take action toward your goals, even if it’s not perfect.  I prefer being proactive and taking action, rather than waiting for the perfect plan. When you take action, you learn, make mistakes, and adapt along the way.  Ultimately improving your chances of success.

  1. The Value of Persistence

Persistence is another key component of my success mindset. Successful people are persistent in pursuing their goals, despite the obstacles and challenges they face. I’ve faced many obstacles early on in my career, but with persistence and focus, I have achieved great success. I encourage you to do the same and never give up on your dreams.

  1. The Importance of Learning

Lastly, continuous learning is essential for success. No matter how much you know, there are always opportunities to learn more and improve.  It is important to invest in your business, financial, and personal education.  Seek out mentors who can help you grow and develop.

My success mindset is all about having a positive attitude, taking action, persisting through obstacles, and continuously learning. By adopting this mindset, you can achieve great success in your personal and professional life. But remember, success is not just about achieving your goals, it’s also about enjoying the journey and making a positive impact on the world. So, keep these principles in mind and go out there and make your dreams a reality!

Competence in Business | Stop Resisting THIS…

If you are looking for competence in business… Have you ever wondered if you’re resistant to being coached? 

I was asked this question for the first time in over 30-years early last year, and I’ve got news for you… If you’re not being coached right now, you might be resistant to it.  AND… If you’re resistant, your competence over time will suffer.

Athletes, actors, almost any professional that you can think of. And not just one coach, either. All sorts of them, from health coaches to mindset coaches to wealth coaches and everything in between. 

Why is that? Keep reading…

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Because you can only know so much. With life being so busy, you need someone who will hold you accountable – and that’s what a good coach does. A good coach doesn’t necessarily give you information. Instead, they help you seek it out for yourself… Which leads to you having greater competence in business.

If all of this sounds great, you might still be wondering why you’re resistant to being coached. Let’s think about that. 

What’s going on inside your head? Does your inexperience prevent you from seeking a coach? Or, perhaps you’ve reached a point where you believe you don’t need one?

Click “Play,” and turn up the sound on the video below… then continue reading

Let me be honest with you… If the latter is your reason: You don’t want to be held accountable, and you know a coach will ask that of you. 

Being resistant to coaching is synonymous with being resistant to success and competence in business. That’s the hard truth. 

Look, we get it…

Not being successful is easy. You don’t have to work hard, and you can be lazy. Nobody’s going to bother you. 

So if that’s what you want… I’m not sure what you’re doing here. It takes effort to read, and you already know where you stand. A lot of pressure comes with success, so it’s clear why it’s easier to admit defeat, and confine yourself to the comfort of conformity.

But here’s the thing…

Much like carbon turning into a diamond, great things can happen under pressure. If you’re in the right environment and stick with it, you will evolve. You will shine. You will thrive.

By being resistant to coaching, you’re giving priority to the trivial distractions of your life more important than your dream – and that dream is who you are.  It’s what you stand for. It’s what you were put on this earth to do. 

If the past couple years have taught me anything, it’s that no one can get through this life alone. You can try to get competence in business on your own, and… Most people do not succeed. Most people need coaches – you need a coach, and I do, too. 

Be willing to step up, stop making excuses, and force yourself to be accountable. Find good people and face the music. Don’t run from it!

Let others help you get there, and you will be great. 

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In case you missed it:

Your Journey to a Scalable Business
Your Journey to a Scalable Business Starts Here
The Complete 8-Step Journey to Your Scalable Business
The Complete 8-Step Journey to Your Scalable Business

Negotiate to a YES

I’ve covered the first four steps of the selling cycle.

The fifth step is how to handle objections and turning a no into a yes.

Somewhere during this negotiation, whether it’s online or offline, you’re going to find that someone is going to say no.

They might say that they don’t have any interest in what you’re offering. Or, they don’t have enough money.

People will say “no” because they don’t understand or because they have Little Voices going on all about it.

Your job is to have the skill to turn a no into a yes.

How do you do it?

Through acknowledgment and asking questions. Learn how to handle the psychology behind the objections, which is just say “thank you” to everything.

Somebody says it’s too expensive? Thank you.

Somebody says you’re an idiot? Thank you.

You have no idea what you’re talking about? Thank you.

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And then, you ask questions.

Why do you feel that way? What are you comparing it to?

Many people can’t sell because they feel terrified of public speaking. Any kind of public speaking is greater than the fear of death for most people.


Because they feel exposed.

If they mess up, everyone will see it. And it’s not so much about messing up but the embarrassment that follows. That’s what people are afraid of.

When someone says no, just remember this formula:

When your emotion goes up your intelligence goes down.

That means you’ll want to keep your cool, say thank you, then ask questions that may make them change their mind.

You’ll be more than ready to handle someone saying no to you and you’re not going to allow your emotion to go up.

That’s all there is to step five – objection handling.

And you can use this formula to turn a no into a yes.


If you want know the secrets to negotiate to a YES, online or offline so they trust, love, and respect you within minutes, I’d like to invite you to click here >>

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Asking the Right Questions

Many people don’t know this but selling is more about listening than talking.

Bombarding your prospect with how amazing your offer is won’t turn a “no” into “yes.”

On the other hand, you’ll have a much better shot at it by listening closely.

Like I explained, the way to handle objections is to acknowledge and ask questions. After you’ve confirmed that a prospect dislikes your offer for some reason, the first thing you need to do is to find out why.

If someone tells you that your offer is too expensive, ask why they think so. Do they genuinely not have enough money for it? Or, are they comparing it to something else that seems to offer more value for the price? Maybe it’s neither and the prospect just wants to negotiate a lower price.

In any case, there’s no way to find out what’s wrong unless you ask.

Remember that the answer is “no” by default if you don’t ask.

In my experience, a big reason why people can’t sell is that they don’t ask enough of these questions. And it’s because they freeze as soon as the prospect declines.

You’ll fix this problem by acknowledging the objection and asking questions. It will also make you feel calmer and more rational during a sales meeting or presentation, which is vital to closing the deal.

The more emotional you get, the less intelligent you become.

This is true for just about anything in life, including sales. The prospect will have all the power if you allow emotions to overwhelm you.

To prevent this, ask the right questions and listen closely to the answer. You’re bound to find something that you can use to change a prospect’s mind at some point.

Best of all, this is something that gets better with practice. Even if you have no idea how to handle objections the right way, it shouldn’t take you a lot of time to learn.

Be Awesome,


If you want know the secrets to asking the right questions, online or offline so they trust, love, and respect you within minutes, I’d like to invite you to click here >>

Being your Authentic Self

I’ve been doing this for a long time. And, in my nearly 30 years of experience, there were many people that modelled me.

That’s okay if you’re new to the game. But, when it comes down to it, you need to be you.

Have you ever heard that you need to be like somebody else in order to be successful in your life?

You know, I’m a big advocate of modelling certain behaviors in order to learn something new. But, only to a certain extent. When you don’t know anything, modelling is not a bad strategy.

But at the end of the day, the secret to being able to make a lot of money in sales or in business is being your authentic self.

Now, I know that may sound trite to you. However, there’s one thing that I’ve found out after working with thousands of people all over the world.

There’s still a belief out there that, “I’m not good enough,” and “I have to be like somebody else in order to be successful.” This is true particularly when it comes to sales.

On the other side of the argument are the sales managers and business owners that believe that everybody on their team has to be just like them.

And you know, in my experience, that’s just not true.

Think about the famous basketball player Shaquille O’Neal. This guy was a seven-foot 300-pound center in the NBA. And, he was great at it!

But, imagine if all of a sudden he decided he wanted to be a horse jockey.

What’s going to happen?

The poor horse is going to die for one thing. And, he’ll never be competitive.

Being a jockey isn’t playing to his authentic self.

Is that any better or different than you trying to be somebody you’re not?

You need to play to your strengths.

Think about all those diagnostics and review programs that give you your strengths and weaknesses. Once you get the analysis, what does the coaching team normally say?

They tell you what you need to work on your weaknesses. But, I’m telling you right now that is a colossal waste of time.

Why in the world would you try to improve something you’re not designed to do?

The key in business is to play to your strengths based on what you’re good at. Don’t try to fix something that’s not fixable.

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Take control of your attitude and moods

This may surprise you to know, but even I go through times when I’m not at my highest energy. After all, I’m only human and I experience ups and downs just like everyone else.

The difference is that I do something about it when I feel my energy start to dip. Especially when I’m helping people.

Mood and attitude can have a huge impact on your success.

Maybe you’ve heard me say this before:

When two people come together in a selling situation, the one with the highest energy generally wins.


They’re attracted to the energy and confidence level in you. And, they have a level of confidence in you because of the confidence you have in yourself.

Now, we all have bad days. We experience days and situations where our energy isn’t at its highest level. That’s perfectly normal.

But, there are things we can do to elevate our mood levels and change our attitude. The next time you feel your energy dipping, consider these tips:

#1 – Be Careful Who You Hang Around With

You know the phrase “birds of a feather flock together.” The people that you surround yourself with can affect your energy.

If you’re trying to build a business and accomplish all the things you want, you can’t afford to have negative people around you. They bring you down.

I’m not saying that you have to get rid of your friends and family. You can still love them, but love them from a distance.

You have big ideas.

People are naturally skeptical. They may want to shoot you down and then you say, “That’s just the way they are.” Be careful about surrounding yourself with people who bring negative energy into your space.

You need to surround yourself with people who are positive and support you. There’s a difference between healthy, positive feedback and being negative and pessimistic. If you know people who take cheap shots around you, remove those people from your midst.

#2 – Have a Daily Routine

Start each day with a gratitude exercise. Listing what you’re grateful for helps you to begin each day focused in the right direction.

At the end of the day, write down all your wins. You should have at least 15 of them on there – big or small. Writing down a list of wins helps you anchor those wins inside of you all the time.

Take control of your attitude and moods. Use these tips to boost your positive energy levels.

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