Have you ever set a goal?
I’m sure that in your life you’ve set goals, or you at least know other people that have set goals.
Have you achieved all the goals you set?
I haven’t.
And the truth of it is you’re not going to accomplish every goal you set out in life. It’s just not humanly possible. But what happens after you either achieve a goal or not, is critical to achieving the next goal you set.
Let me explain. Let’s say your goal is to make a million dollars. Along the way you figure that the way you’re going to make a million dollars is to build a business of your own. A year goes by, and the business doesn’t even come close to generating a million dollars. You get down on yourself and begin thinking, “See, I set a goal for a million dollars but didn’t make it. This isn’t worth it.”
But here’s the deal and the way you rehabilitate that disappointment. Consider this, the reason you didn’t get that goal is because somewhere along the way to making to the million dollars, you DID achieve something you wanted even more than the million dollars.
Maybe, when you established your business and people told you it was great and acknowledged what you were doing, you realize the business was working! Yeah, it didn’t make the million, but on the way, the big win was that you built a business. A solid business providing a product or service people love.
The problem is, you didn’t acknowledge that win. Remember, you were going for the million dollars. But your spirit, the part of you that really wanted to be recognized and be able to play a bigger game accomplished the real goal. Even though it wasn’t a conscious one, that subconscious, spiritual goal was realized. Okay, you didn’t get the material goal that was written down on paper. If you don’t acknowledge the real goal, if you don’t acknowledge the goals that you did achieve – finding the product, raising the capital, finding an awesome team, getting acknowledgements and testimonies from your customers, etc. If you don’t acknowledge those wins and those goals what’ll happen is not only did you not get the million, but when you go to set the next goal for next year, I’m gonna make a million dollars.
Do you know what’s going to happen? It is going to be even harder. Why? Because you did not acknowledge the wins that you did accomplish along the way.
So anytime you set a goal for yourself, and you don’t meet the deadline or don’t make it happen, make a list of the things you did accomplish. Say them out loud, do this with somebody else. And you will find, as you say them out loud, one or two of them will make you chuckle, make you smile. Maybe even bring tears to your eyes. That’s the goal your spirit really wanted. That’s probably why you didn’t get the other goals because you didn’t acknowledge the real one that was sitting deep inside.
See, you’re always winning. You’re always accomplishing. You need to acknowledge those wins. And as you do, and as you acknowledge the goals that you did achieve, even in face of the failed goals, the goals that you set can become bigger, more profitable to you and more rewarding.
Be awesome.
Adapted from YouTube video – https://youtu.be/mwd-n6Wsp3s