Sales Dogs

Skills inherent in sales are probably the most life-changing

The skills inherent in sales are probably the most life-changing skills people can have, even if they never call on one prospect. I can tell you that learning and mastering those skills has woven the tapestry of my life. The incredible quality of my marriage, my family, my career, my friends, my lifestyle are a direct result of the lessons I have learned and implemented from sales.

And most of that was not learned from any sales training course or high-priced consultant. It is the result of thirty years of observation, understanding and implementation. The more you review this book, the more it will make your life easier, richer and more rewarding. SalesDogs takes both a serious and an irreverent view of ourselves. There is a “dog” in each of us. And there is also a jewel. SalesDogs is an attempt to teach you to see both.

Through a bit of humor, powerful personal development training, and many breakthrough techniques, SalesDogs is designed to elevate you to be as strong as you want to be, solely for the advantage of yourself and others. The more you serve, the more you are rewarded. SalesDogs will make any type of selling easier. You will learn to recognize yourself for the SalesDog you are so you can leverage your talent into cash. It will also teach you the best sales skills, mental skills and emotional skills from the other breeds so you can enhance your natural talents and be the leader of the pack. SalesDogs is a methodology that helps you to uncover and capitalize on your strengths.

Sales is a true personal development journey. Everything that you learn about selling, about people, about presenting, about marketing, about handling objections will put cash directly in your pocket. You learn every day about who you really are and what you are made of.
What an adventure!

A true SalesDog knows that enthusiasm, energy and good training can only translate into personal satisfaction and cash! This book is your own personal training program toward a richer, happier, more enjoyable life. The more you read it, the more you will sell and the more fun it will become.
So let’s go hunting.

Order your copy of Sales Dogs: You Don’t Have to be an Attack Dog to Explode Your Income 

The number one skill for any entrepreneur or business owner is the ability to sell. Why? Because sales = income. Yet, many fail financially not because they do not have great ideas or even good work ethic, but typically because they don’t know how to, refuse to, are afraid to, or don’t think it is important to know how to sell.

SalesDogs was written as the very first of the Rich Dad Poor Dad “how-to” Advisory series to teach in a very fun and impactful way how to overcome the fears, the myths and the obstacles to selling your products, services or yourself. It then teaches a simple, time-proven process of selling that will generate great income in most any business. The reader will learn the five most important selling skills to master, how to overcome any objection, manage a territory and much more.

The book quickly de-bunks the idea that you have to be an overly aggressive “attack dog” to be successful. It uses the metaphor of “man’s best friend” to say that a great sales person is like a loyal, persistent and lovable canine. It stipulates that there are five different “breeds” or personalities of SalesDogs that can each make a lot of money by playing to its strength. You will learn how to identify, maximize and train to that strength and also how to teach others on your team to do the same.

While the book is fun and engaging, it also dives deep into the personal development issues that block a person’s ability to generate income and how to overcome them. The book is perfect for first time salespeople, individuals who are uncomfortable with the notion of “selling”, those who need to train others to sell and those who want to simply get better quicker.


Goal Setting How to Handle Missed Goals

Have you ever set a goal?

I’m sure that in your life you’ve set goals, or you at least know other people that have set goals.

Have you achieved all the goals you set?

I haven’t.

And the truth of it is you’re not going to accomplish every goal you set out in life. It’s just not humanly possible.  But what happens after you either achieve a goal or not, is critical to achieving the next goal you set.

Let me explain. Let’s say your goal is to make a million dollars.  Along the way you figure that the way you’re going to make a million dollars is to build a business of your own.  A year goes by, and the business doesn’t even come close to generating a million dollars.   You get down on yourself and begin thinking, “See, I set a goal for a million dollars but didn’t make it.  This isn’t worth it.”

But here’s the deal and the way you rehabilitate that disappointment. Consider this, the reason you didn’t get that goal is because somewhere along the way to making to the million dollars, you DID achieve something you wanted even more than the million dollars.

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Maybe, when you established your business and people told you it was great and acknowledged what you were doing, you realize the business was working!  Yeah, it didn’t make the million, but on the way, the big win was that you built a business.  A solid business providing a product or service people love.

The problem is, you didn’t acknowledge that win.  Remember, you were going for the million dollars. But your spirit, the part of you that really wanted to be recognized and be able to play a bigger game accomplished the real goal. Even though it wasn’t a conscious one, that subconscious, spiritual goal was realized. Okay, you didn’t get the material goal that was written down on paper.  If you don’t acknowledge the real goal, if you don’t acknowledge the goals that you did achieve – finding the product, raising the capital, finding an awesome team, getting acknowledgements and testimonies from your customers, etc. If you don’t acknowledge those wins and those goals what’ll happen is not only did you not get the million, but when you go to set the next goal for next year, I’m gonna make a million dollars.

Do you know what’s going to happen?  It is going to be even harder. Why? Because you did not acknowledge the wins that you did accomplish along the way.

So anytime you set a goal for yourself, and you don’t meet the deadline or don’t make it happen, make a list of the things you did accomplish.  Say them out loud, do this with somebody else. And you will find, as you say them out loud, one or two of them will make you chuckle, make you smile. Maybe even bring tears to your eyes. That’s the goal your spirit really wanted. That’s probably why you didn’t get the other goals because you didn’t acknowledge the real one that was sitting deep inside.

See, you’re always winning. You’re always accomplishing. You need to acknowledge those wins. And as you do, and as you acknowledge the goals that you did achieve, even in face of the failed goals, the goals that you set can become bigger, more profitable to you and more rewarding.

Be awesome.

Adapted from YouTube video –

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Assess and Qualify

What’s going to make your business more successful right now?

What would put your mind at ease and show you that you can weather this storm?

It’s sales. Right?

I bet you probably don’t care where those sales are coming from or who’s agreeing to work with you. Like most business owners these days, you’d just be happy to be landing new clients.

Except… This wouldn’t be the right approach.

Even today, you don’t want to work with just anyone!

In my last email, I wrote about asking lots of questions. This would allow you to uncover your audience’s deepest problems that you can solve.

But it actually does more than that.

Asking questions allows you to qualify your prospects and cherry-pick those that will be the right fit. You need a system that will make this happen if you want to thrive in the long run.

For instance, I never accept a client unless I’m 100% sure that I can help them. I’d much rather refer them to someone else if I know of a coach that’s more suitable for their situation.

This is why I always do a thorough assessment of all my prospects before I make a final decision. My goal is to see where the client’s at right now and if I can do something to get them the desired outcome.

I come across way too many business owners who try to sell too soon. Don’t make this mistake or it can be costly. More often than not, you’re going to find that working with unfit clients isn’t worth the money.

Here’s what I’m getting at:

Assess a client’s situation and qualify them first before accepting them as your client. Don’t just accept everyone that knocks on your door.

Finding the right match will not only make sales easier, but it will also allow you to do your best work.

Be Awesome,

Blair Singer

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How to Create a Great Sales Person

After 30 years of experience, I have a few tips to share about creating great Sales People. It may not be what you expect, listen in for the details.

Speaker 1 (00:07):

Yeah. So what do over 30 years of selling experience teach you? Well, it teaches you that sales equals income without sales. There’s no income. It teaches you that there’s a lot of people out there teaching you how to sell and how to generate it. But I want to tell you right now how you can turn yourself and anybody else you bring in your organization into a great sales person or how to spot the right person to begin with. Now, it doesn’t have anything to do with pedigree college degree, um, who, you know, who you don’t know all that other stuff, but this is the raw material that can turn anybody into a great salesperson. Particularly when you’re switching media, when it’s one to one, one to many on camera, off camera, all over the place. Okay. There’s a few things in common. Those of you who don’t know me, my name is Blair.

Speaker 1 (01:06):

Some of you know, me as a rich dad advisor to Robert Kiyosaki and the area of sales, team development, personal development, and how to forecast and create your future. Okay. But today I’m going to talk about some salespeople, how to get the right ones. Okay. So I’ve got six items here. Number one, number one, first and foremost, if you’re trying to get a great salesperson or become one highest energy wins, that’s right. High synergy went, you got to have energy. You know, we always say that in sales, two people come together in a selling situation person with highest energy, usually wins, right? And if you don’t have an experience, think about your kids. If you have kids and their energy is higher than yours, who ends, right? So energy and mood levels. So in other words, it’s easy for all of us to fall into a slump.

Speaker 1 (01:56):

It’s easy for all of us to get discouraged once in a while, but a good salesperson has the ability to shift, state change and increase their mood level. Almost on a moment’s notice. Now there’s some people that don’t do that so well. Uh, other people that do, and even the moodiest even the mood is some salespeople and I’ve met them. And I am one have the ability when push comes to shove, when the, when the camera goes on, when the phone call is answered to shift your mood level immediately to rise to the occasion. Okay? So that’s the first thing. So person with low energy, I’m not saying they can’t, but I’m saying right now that if you want to survive and flourish and do well, you’re going to need to master that your energy levels and the people that you interview are the people that you’re working with, whether they’re volunteer commission, whatever, highest energy, when it sets a first criteria, energy and mood levels.

Speaker 1 (02:52):

Okay. Number two, persistence. Maybe you may maybe know that I wrote the book sales dogs, right? That you don’t have to be an attack dog to be successful in sales. Well, why dogs? Because dogs of all the pets of all the animals that we domesticate, they are the persistent. They love you. No matter what, you could beat them with a stick, yell at him, tell him to scoot, get out of the way. And they keep coming back, keep coming back for more than persistent. They don’t give up on you. They’re loyal as the day is long. And that’s the, those are the attributes of a good salesperson. You know, they’re not only, um, persistent from the fact that they attached to you, but they’re persistent in everything they do. I call it a dog-eared approach to life. Look, I know this is a task I’m not quitting.

Speaker 1 (03:44):

I’m going to keep going. Keep practicing, keep calling until I get the deal. Yes or no. Okay. So persistence is critical. I mean, you probably already knew that, but think about next time you pet your dog, next time you pick up a stick or a ball and throw it and they keep doing it again and again and again, they’ll do it all day long. That’s a good salesperson. Okay. Number three, 100%, 100, maybe 10% real, real. Some people call it authenticity. I’m going to say more than authenticity because I don’t quite understand that term being 100% real all the time. That’s a sign of a great sales person. Why? Because these days people want to be able to talk to somebody. They can trust somebody that they know what they see is what they get. When they’re not on the phone. When you’re not on the camera, you’re not somebody else.

Speaker 1 (04:39):

You’re who you are. People ask me all the time. What do you like when you’re not on camera? What are you like when you’re not in the seminar? I go, it’s the same thing. Nothing changes. So being 100% real now, what does that mean? That means that your thought, obviously it means that your thoughts, your values, your actions, your beliefs are all congruent. Okay. But what else? It means in a more real sets is that you talk the truth. As you know it, somebody asks you a question. You don’t know the answer you go, man. I don’t know the answer to that, but I can look, I can look it up for you or let’s call somebody right now and figure that out. But never, ever, ever, ever pretending to be somebody that you’re not. I made that mistake very early in my career. Many, many years ago when I first started in sales and it bit me in the shorts every time, just about every time.

Speaker 1 (05:30):

I mean, I was able to get away with it a little bit. I thought, but at the end of the day, people want somebody that’s 100% real. I say this. I say that if you’re, if you’re in a selling situation, this is not a performance. It’s a conversation. And if you’re going to have a conversation with a friend at a party or a friend that comes over to the house, you want to be real. You don’t want them to be putting on a show. You do try to be interesting. A person that’s interest [inaudible] is always more desirable than somebody is trying to be interesting. Okay. So 100%. For real, if you’ve got some flaws, don’t be afraid to talk about, um, if you’re afraid to talk about it, you need to work on that. Okay? Cause we all got ’em. I got it. Skeletons in my closet.

Speaker 1 (06:16):

You got them in yours. It’s okay. Once you become comfortable with the fact that you’re not a perfect human being and did you get to make mistakes and you’re willing to share with other people, you’re good. I’m good. Now you don’t try and get people to feel sorry for you. But what I’m saying 100% real when in doubt out, say you’re in doubt. If you don’t oh. Quite know, say you don’t know if there’s something that’s really interesting to you and you want to know more. So can you tell me more about that? I really would like to know, showing that you’re interested rather than trying to be interesting. Well, when you, a lot of deals that will win you a lot of trust, respect, and people will like you. Okay. That’s number three. And number four, meticulous with followup. Now that’s not my strong suit.

Speaker 1 (07:08):

And I’m going to, I tell you that for most good salespeople, that’s not their strong suit, but whatever kind of a system, whether it be automated, whether it be a personal assistant, some way to have meticulous. Follow-up why here’s the rule. Just because you’re ready to sell. Doesn’t mean ready to buy. That’s a fact just because, because you’re ready to sell doesn’t mean somebody else’s ready to buy. So if you continue to follow up in a meaningful way, not to be a pest, but in a meaningful way, they’ll come a time when they’ll entertain your pitch or they’ll entertain what you have. I have to offer. Okay. So what’s that look like? Well, that looks like it looks like you have a list management system of some sort, it could be outlook. It could be, uh, something kind of a list manager, a way that typically flags people to tell you to call them back.

Speaker 1 (08:01):

But if somebody gives you any inkling of, of, um, of an idea of how you can follow up with them, do it, uh, fine. We used to, one thing I used to teach is find reasons. If you’re dealing with somebody, one-on-one find reasons to follow up. In other words, if you find out that they’re good, that they like, I love the game of golf. Okay. And you happen to have seen maybe a great article about the PGA, um, asked him if they’d tell him that you saw this great article in sports illustrated about the PGA. Did you see it? You go, no. Can I get it to you? Can I send it to you? No, no, no. That’s fine. Please let me send it to you. So what did you just do? You purposely and agreement. Why? So you can follow up. What, because what you’re doing is you’re creating a track record in their brain is that you make, you keep them and you follow up.

Speaker 1 (08:57):

That’s called building trust. Okay. So again, meticulous up whenever that takes never, you never know. I mean, so a person is turned you down or not talk to you for months. All of a sudden you call them and say, check it in. I want to see how you’re doing. And if you’re going to do that, if you’re going to do that personally, um, through a conversation, make sure that you have something meaningful to say, give them some Kevin update. Don’t just say, Hey, I ain’t doing right by yet that ain’t going to work. Okay. If you’re doing it through chat, if you’re doing it through email, make sure you have something of value to follow up with a new development on article. They might like to see video that might be of interest to them. Okay. All right. Meticulous. Follow-up yeah. Some people are better than that than others.

Speaker 1 (09:46):

Number five. Again, some of you are like this, but a willingness to be accountable, but particularly accountable to numbers, accountable to numbers. What numbers? Well, every sales, every sales organization, every team, every business has what I call a selling cycle. A step 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 could be 10 steps could be three steps of how you generate a sale. You know, it could be the first thing is a YouTube video with a call to action. And then somebody calls, somebody follows up. Makes a comment on your video. Okay. So that’s the first step. Okay. W first step is video. Second step as a follow-up is as or as a comment, third step is you’re going to respond in a comment, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera at each one of those steps can be measured, can be measured. So the accountability doesn’t mean that your numbers are always good.

Speaker 1 (10:44):

The accountability means you’re keeping track of the numbers and you’re always improving each step of the cycle. Okay. You may be very, very good at generating leads, but you may be terrible at closing. Okay? You may be very good at closing the horrible generating leads. See what I’m saying? So you don’t throw the whole thing out. You just work on the, on the particular piece. And the only way you can do that as by being accountable to those numbers. Okay? So be keep accountable to the numbers and make sure you have somebody else that you’re accountable to with those numbers. Okay? So having an accountability partner, a your boss, you, whoever that is, okay, that’s number five. And number six, I love this one. Number six, probably the most important attribute of a good salesperson. If you’re going to hire one, you’re going to become one or you want to coach.

Speaker 1 (11:34):

One is what I call. They got to be a crazy, crazy student, a crazy student. What I mean by that, because they’ve got to be so crazy that they love studying the art of selling. They love, they love studying about their own little voice and of what they know. The crazy student knows that the number one sale, most difficult sales not saw a customer is sell you, selling you to you. It’s managing that little voice in their brain and they’ll read everything and practice everything. I listened to audios continually working on self-improvement. Why? Because they love it because why? Because they know that every time they work on it, they get a little bit better. They close a little bit more there’s their numbers will continue to go up crazy student. What else say a crazy student about their crazy student, about learning the art of negotiating and persuading of communicating to become great communicators.

Speaker 1 (12:31):

Look, if your communication is good, your cashflow is going to go up. If your communication is poor, your cashflow is going to go down. That’s the nature of business. Okay? So the crazy student knows that. And they’re relentless about reading everything. I can show you my whole bookshelf over here of everyday. They can about the art of negotiating, the art of persuasion, the art of articulating and being a great communicator. And the other thing that they’re going to study, as I got to study the business, they’re going to study about their clients. They’re going to study everything they can about their niche, their market. What are the ones, what are the needs? What are the desires? What are the, uh, what are the frustrations? And they’re going to stuck. They get to study, goes in that place so that when they’re talking to their customer, they know exactly what to say.

Speaker 1 (13:20):

They know exactly what’s on their mind. Okay? So this is just a quick list. I can probably make up about 10 more, but for right now, energy and moods, persistence being a hundred percent real meticulous in your follow-up accountability to the numbers of your selling cycle and being a crazy student, a crazy student. And by the way, you want to be a crazy student, share this video with other people. Watch it again, go to Blair, We’ve got a ton of amazing videos that will teach you how to be a better negotiator, master little voice in your head and master the art of sales. Okay. So it’s Blair Thank you for watching this. Please share with other people and subscribe to our channel. We’d love to keep you informed on all the new videos going on. Okay. Be amazing.

50 cents or $500,000? And Why There’s No Difference Between the Two.

It’s been proven time and time again that more leads don’t really mean more sales. What you need in order to get more sales is to turn more noes into yeses. You’ve probably thought it’s easier said than done. But if you could only put an extra effort in this area of your sales process, your objection handling success can turn your business around and get you the sales you needed.

Turing more no’s into yes’s –

In today’s episode, we’re going to discuss the whole enchilada of objection handling and how you can effectively win against those objections. What you will learn in today’s episode will be very crucial and can be a game-changer for you and your business. So be sure to stick around and listen.

Some key takeaways in this topic include:

  1. The difference between an objection and a rejection and how to handle both situations
  2. Why you should start convincing yourself that you’re not a salesperson
  3. Why you need to do role plays
  4. How to counter an objection by asking questions
  5. The psychology behind objections

20 Biggest Mistakes Presenters Make and How to Avoid them

Different Ways to Generate More Leads

In all the years I’ve travelled the world and spoken on stage, audiences ask me the same question:

Blair, how do I find people with money and a need?

Those are the leads that you want. But, it may be a struggle for you to pinpoint which way works best.

I can take you through different ways to generate more leads.

Pick out the one that works best for you and your target audience:

  1. Serving First
    I’ve used this method in every business I’ve ever been with.It works like this…I find a customer or a few customers that I could work for. I do it for free if it’s a service or at cost if it was a product. This helped me get established and also get a testimonial.This is a powerful strategy to use to get yourself started. You get a testimonial, referrals, and that free customer could be a better paying customer later.
  2. Cold Calling
    I have friends in the business that still maintain that cold calling is the most efficient way to generate leads, in terms of time and money.There are a few caveats to make this work, though.You need to:

      • Organize
      • Know what you’re doing
      • Practice what to say
      • Understand your selling cycle

      Also, remember that the purpose of cold calling isn’t necessarily to sell. It’s to get an appointment if your business lends itself to that.

  3. Poodle Strategy
    You may be familiar with our SalesDog personalities. If you are, you know that the poodle type schmoozes and networks.Just remember that introductions from someone else lend more credibility. So, get someone you know to introduce you to the other person.
  4. Retriever Approach
    Following the dog selling personalities, another strategy you can take is the golden retriever. With this strategy, you find leads by association. That means your network, any group you belong to, whether it’s a parent-teacher group or the Chamber of Commerce.

    Also, you can join groups associated with big international business networking organizations. These groups are there specifically to network with other professionals.

    There are a variety of ways to approach lead generation. The key is to choose the one that works best for your business and your target audience.

    #blairsinger #salesdogs #TeamCodeofHonor #RichDadAdvisors #Entrepreneurship #Leadership #Sales #PersonalDevelopment #Management