You know that I’m a big advocate for quieting that little voice in your head. It stands in the way of so many things in life.
And, that includes your sales deals.
So, I have two words for you: role play.
You need to role-play. One of the ways to get over it, is through it.
I’ve worked with seasoned veterans. I got them to role-play handling the toughest objections until they have it down cold.
And, then I watched their conversions go up by 30% to 40%.
Not because they had snappy answers, because it’s not about the answers. It’s because their confidence level was so high, the person at the other end had a level of confidence in them as well.
Nobody’s going to give you $100,000 if they think you’re a shaky individual. So, you need to build up that confidence with role-playing.
It’s essential that you cover these components in your role-play:
- Build Confidence
First, the old rule of thumb is, the person who asks the question is always in control. So, when you hear the objection, the first thing you do is acknowledge it.
“Thank you. I appreciate what you’re saying.”
Do this to create a point of agreement before you handle the objection.
- Ask Questions
Next, it’s time for you to ask a question:
“Why do you think it’s too expensive?”
“What are you comparing it to?”
Of course, you can ask any question you want. But, the point is to ask a series of intelligent questions to get to the truth. Many times, the first objection is not the real objection.
It’s a bit like the first volley to get you out of the way or put you off. Practice countering it with your own questions.
- Bring the Little Voice in Your Head Down and Confidence Up
Lastly, when role-playing, focus on getting past that little voice between your ears. When faced with an objection, you can’t falter. If you do, stop the role-play and start again.
Why isn’t it okay to hesitate? We hesitate in real life, right?
But remember, this drill isn’t about you handling a prospect. It’s about you killing that damaging, debilitating little voice. So, you need to learn to override it. continue with the 21 Day Challenge click below. GET STARTED The toughest sale is selling you to you. When I finally understood that, within 48 hours my sales went from zero to doubling my sales quota. Blair Singer I feel more confident than I believe I ever have. My little voice doesn’t stand a chance to hold me back anymore. Rick FallsInternet Marketing Consultant He is a great communicator, great teacher and great human being. Like he says, when it comes to winning, it’s all about mastering your little voice. Robert KiyosakiAuthor of Rich Dad Poor Dad – teacher, entrepreneur and friend for 27 years. I was able to increase my personal achievements and most importantly my professional sales by a staggering 1000%. It didn’t take long with these amazing tools to get out of the ditch and reach a level of easily being able to sell a product worth $2,000 within the matter of days. I am now using these very tools to work on adding another “0” and increase my game further by learning how to control and work with my ‘Little Voice’. Bettina HorvathBusiness Owner and Single Mom Previous Next