
Inside You is a Great Leader, Persuader, and Entrepreneur.

The reason that 95% of businesses fail isn’t due to lack of marketable ideas, products or services. It’s because most people just don’t know how to sell. And like it or not, we all are salespeople no matter what we do for a living.

Imagine what would happen to your life if you mastered the ability to sell, negotiate, influence and persuade. You could have anything you put your mind to. The world would be yours for the taking. Now, with my 2-Day Authentic Sales & Leadership Training program, you can make it happen. You’ll learn how to manage and focus the “Little Voice” in your head to uncover the authentic you. The you that you were meant to be. The powerful and confident you that can and will create the life of your dreams. Its just a matter of getting control of your “Little Voice.” When that happens, everything changes.

I’ve spent the last two decades transforming thousands of successful entrepreneurs and businesses around the globe using the secrets of Authentic Sales & Leadership including Singapore Airlines, Deutsche Bank, Redken 5th Avenue NYC, IBM, ING Clarion, JP Morgan, CitiGroup, World Financial Group, LA Weight Loss, Prudential Insurance, UPS Stores, Mrs. Fields Cookies, HSBC, Dunkin’ Brands, Century 21, CIBC – Canada, Diners World Travel, United Healthcare and Westin Hotels.

You can put these same strategies to work for you to achieve unparalleled success and growth. This 2-Day program is a life-changing business blueprint that can quickly turn any business, in any industry, in any economy, into a powerhouse.

Sales=Income. Physically, mentally, emotionally, and financially.

It’s your #1 skill in business and in life!

Sign up for this 2-Day program today! June 20 and 21 in Scottsdale, Arizona. Click here to register.

From Singapore to South Africa, we all Struggle with our “Little Voice.”

I just got back from Singapore where I worked for five days with over 400 dedicated souls who wanted to learn how to be world class trainers and teachers. And you know what? No matter where I am in the world, the number one Little Voice issue that stops everyone dead in their tracks came up again.

It doesnt matter if youre Asian, American, Mexican or South African. Its the fear of what other people might think about youor what they might not think about youEither way its the same issue. The need to look good, to not look stupid, to appear intelligentare universal killers!! Even though we all have great gifts to give, too often we dont give them. Why? Because the fear, the worry and the cautiousness creates a barrier between each of us and the person were talking to. The result? Boring presentations, confusing messages, or complete avoidance.

Each and every time I was able to get that incessant Little Voice out of the way, brilliance popped through instantly. And every time it happened, it was like a shock wave of energy that actually pierced the roomand each time the crowd responded spontaneously. As Martin Luther King said in his final speech, ?Im happy tonight. Im not worried about anything. Im not fearing any man? From that place others listen, respond and transform.

It’s all “Little Voice” to the Finish


I was running on Sunday morning, and just as I passed my midway point with the sun beating down on my already withering body, I remembered what a fellow said to me in a restaurant a few weeks ago

He noticed the logo on my shirt and said he recognized the name from a couple of other folks who accosted him a few months back to buy a book called Little Voice Mastery. (They were participants from one of our programs performing a selling exercise!)

I asked him if he bought the book to which he replied, Yes, and as a matter of fact I have used it quite a bit. I asked him how. It turns out he is a triathalon coach in Phoenix. He said that he now tells his runners that if you have trained properly, eaten properly and all the restafter mile 12 of the marathon runit’s all Little Voice!

I nodded and agreed and told him that I actually wrote the book. He immediately put two and two together. He realized that the 13 year old with me was my son, Ben. And, thats Bens coach, Joewho I mentioned in the bookwas a personal friend of his.

All those niceties aside…I fast forward to Sunday mornings relentless sun and my dehydrated body. Every part of me wanted to stop, and I had every reason to do itI had run the day before, it probably wasnt healthy for me to keep going without water, plus nobody would know the difference (thats an interesting one!), and so on. Then I remembered this fellows words: …after that pointits all about Little Voice.?

And its true. The reason I run is as much to condition my Little Voice as it is to condition my body. And in that moment of fatigue and my Little Voice screamingI had to override it and say out loud in a gasping voice…THIS is why I am doing this!?To win the battle of my own brain.

And you know what? I ran the distance. Im still alive. And, I feel great. But, not because of the physical conditioningits because I won the big battle between my earsat least that day.

So, I guess after the halfway point, in any part of my lifewith all else being equal It IS all Little Voice to the finish.

Holiday Magic

How to manage the ever challenging family psychosis

You think I am kidding? This no joke. There are ton of them in the new Little Voice Mastery book. But let me give you a couple here that will help you navigate a happy and non-neurotic Holiday Season!

Here is one for dealing with Aunt_______.

When you get that look, attitude or comment that wants to send your Little Voice into a spin, tell yourself this.She is really doing the best she can right now. This is not meant to be condescending or arrogant. It is not to make Auntie to be incapable or inferior. It is because in most cases its the truth! We all do the best we can with what we know. Be-littling another person in your mind only creates more distance and more covert hostility. Just keep saying it to yourself and you will notice your emotions settle.

Remember this is not about Aunt ___. Its about controlling your own emotions and your own Little Voice. For Aunt ___….nothing is obvious to uniformed. She doesnt know that her emotions are overriding her intelligence. She believes her Little Voice to be the gospel, but you know better .right? You know that your little Voice is not necessarily you nor is it accurateits a response based upon something else. (More on that in the book). I was taught this a long time ago and it has served me ever since.

Here is a second tip. Now some of you are going to think I have gone too far with this one. Some of you will probably even accuse me of being everything from airy-fairy to touchy-feely to weird!

And I understand because when I first heard this one that was my reaction. But just humor me for a minute.because when I was able to shut up my little voice reaction to this one it created magic in every area of my life. Now I am a believer. here we go?.

It is said in the world of personal development that the opposite of love is fear. And that anger is really a reaction to fear. My friend Kim Kiyosaki said that one of her teachers advised that when your little voice starts getting angry and wants to lash out.simply ask yourself this question: What would love do?

When she first told me this, I thought it was crazy. What would Love do?, my Little Voice said. Love has nothing to do with it! And of course, very soon after she told me this, I had an opportunity to use it with someone who totally upset me with some back-handed insult directed at one of our office staff. I was ready to jump on the phone, write a letter and blaze them.can you relate?

Yet when I started to repeat What would Love do? in my headinteresting things began to happen. I started to laugh at first(better than anger)..then I started to settle down (better yet!) I was actually able to even get some perspective on the situation (good!) And believe it or not, within a few seconds..(not even minutes!) began to actually feel some affinity, concern and compassion for the other person. (Wow!) Then guess what happened? Out of the blue, ten minutes later, the person who had got me so upset called back to the office and apologized. (Magic)

I know there are times when your little voice, like mine, says?Love shmuv..I dont give a ______what love would do..I just want to choke him!

Simply repeat the What would love do? question enough times to yourself and you will find that your mood, mindset and perspective will change. Trust me. I am one of the biggest cynics in the world and as crazy as I thought it works. If you are disciplined enough to ask yourself the questions in the moment and thus manage your Little Voice, you and the world around you will instantly change.

Sometimes my little voice has to repeat it more than a couple of times, but in the end, its like Ben Affleck says in the movie Boiler Room ?..There is no such thing as a no sale call? Either you sell yourself one way or you sell yourself the other way.either way a sale is made.the only question is? which part of you is going to close? The winner or the loser.happy or upset.the anger or the love.

This is an extraordinary season for many reasons. It is an opportunity for great compassion and giving or for fear and selfishness. Which do you choose?

A Little Voice technique that my wife taught me long ago has served me in front of rooms, in negotiations, and with nearly any situation where there was the potential for frustration, anger and disconnection. Her advice to me in my early days of teaching were Remember Blair, they are all doing the best they know how.just love them.

If you can do that, you will watch your entire world change before your eyes.

Be Awesome.


“Little Voice” Mastery Bookinar

On February 9th you and 9 of your closest friends, have an opportunity to discover “Little Voice” Mastery techniques that are life changing.

Robert Kiyosaki says:

“When it comes to winning, it’s all about mastering your Little Voice.”

T. Harv Eker says:

I recommend this for anyone who’s ready to create the life they’ve wanted.”

Don’t just take their word for it, Click on the Little Voice Bookinar link to the right to find out why this book study program is something you cannot afford to miss.

Master Your Little Voice
Master Your Income
Master Your Life!

Let the Master Coach You!

You dont want to miss what Blair and Alex Mandossian will be talking about

In just 70 minutes, Blair is going to GIVE you (Yes thats right its FREE!) the fastest, easiest and most reliable way to help you win the war between your ears.

It’s not a “pipe dream” and it is possible… even in a slumping economy…

So will you join us?

Grab your mouse, turn-up your speakers and get the full story.

A replay will be available if you register before January 25th, so do it now while it’s still fresh on your mind.

Register Now!