
Making Goal Setting Work for You

Make Goal Setting Work for You
Make Goal Setting Work for You

I received many excellent questions on my last blog post titled “GoalsA Deciding Factor to Reaching Your Highest Level of Success” (the blog post just before this one). I decided to answer a couple of the key ones here to help you greatly improve your ability to get what you want quickly and effectively.

Q: – Why is it that I can set really, really important goals with the best of intentions and a high level of commitment and yet, struggle to keep my focus on them… and take so long to reach them (if I reach them at all)?


A: – It is very common for people to set goals, especially at the beginning of a New Year, and to manage to completely forget them in about 4-6 weeks. If the everyday grind and periodic emergencies of your life are what you focus on and demand your attention ultimately, they become your life. So, you must find a way to give frequent and focused time to your goals, period.


Mack Newton and I recommend that you rewrite your goals by hand on a weekly basis, on the same day of the week, at the same time of the day until you achieve them. By looking at your goals frequently, they become guideposts to what else you will give your attention to throughout the day. Otherwise, forgotten on a sheet of paper in a drawer, (or worse, in the deep recesses of your mind, because you did not write them down), they diminish until they are completely….gone.

The real reason, that you may allow the everyday grind and periodic emergencies of your life to distract you from your goals is that deep down inside, you may feel that you don’t deserve what you want. You arent good enough, worthy enough, smart enough whatever. It is this lack of deserving and a flurry of other silent self-sabotaging, confidence eroding Little Voice issues that mysteriously erode your ability to achieve. In the Champion Level Goal Setting Program, we give you processes that will handle all of that, once and for all.

Q: – How do I know what goals are the RIGHT goals for me?

A: – The typical answer is that people often create such big goals that can be overwhelming. So, breaking them down into smaller pieces helps make them achievable. For example, a goal to lose 100 pounds can be changed to the goal to lose 10 pounds a month for 10 months.Setting reasonable goals is one answer, but the bigger and more likely answer is; Knowing which goal is tied to what you are emotionally and spiritually most committed to achieving.

When you select goals that help you move closer to sharing your values, unique gifts, talents and visions with the world, vs. trying to keep up with the Joneses or because your parents, your friends, the media or your Little Voice is telling you what you are supposed to do, you will know you have the right goal and you will be much more likely to achieve it! What I am describing is what we call your Major Defining Purpose (MDP).

My mentor Mack and I know that figuring out your MDP is critical, so Mack developed a process which helps you match your values to the goals that are most meaningful in your professional, family and personal life that are part of your MDP. In the Champion Level Goal Setting program, we take you through this powerful process to help you pick the RIGHT goals for YOU… the ones that will open the floodgates of abundance and achievement that you desire and deserve.

If you have more questions about goal setting, please post them on my Facebook page or e-mail them to And, thanks for participating in the discussion around goal setting!

Goals… A Deciding Factor to Reaching Your Highest Level of Success


Some people are very structured and have everything mapped out before they ever start doing something. Others, like me, get an idea, pounce on it and start enlisting as many other people as possible to help get it done without extensive planning.

When it comes to goal setting, it does not matter whether you are a “planner” or not. Planning and goal setting are not the same! There are people that need to plan everything: Their way to the office, what they wear, every place they are going… There are those who can’t move unless they have a plan. Unfortunately, there are many people who use the lack of a plan, or the complexity of a plan, as an excuse for not getting what they want. You see, you can blame a plan, but you can never blame the goal.

Your goal… your REAL goal of achieving great things for yourself, your family and your community is an extension of you. A real goal that really “works for you” is a manifestation of your Spirit. And when you get it right, it will actually suck you straight into it. It has such has attractive force that it pulls you right into it emotionally, spiritually, physically, and mentally… and it manifests.

Knowing this, I am still amazed that only 3% of people actually set goals for themselves to achieve what they want from life. This is a staggering number in how LOW it is! And, the reason it is staggering is because goal setting has proven to make an exponential difference in people’s levels of success! I dont know how accurate these numbers are, especially today, but it does drive home the point:

In an excerpt from What They Don’t Teach You in the Harvard Business School, Mark McCormack tells a study conducted on students in the 1979 Harvard MBA program. In that year, the students were asked, “Have you set clear, written goals for your future and made plans to accomplish them?” Only three percent of the graduates had written goals and plans; 13 percent had goals, but they were not in writing; and a whopping 84 percent had no specific goals at all.

Ten years later, the members of the class were interviewed again, and the findings, while somewhat predictable, were nonetheless astonishing. The 13 percent of the class who had goals were earning, on average, twice as much as the 84 percent who had no goals at all. And what about the three percent who had clear, written goals? They were earning, on average, ten times as much as the other 97 percent put together.

This excerpt is taken from a blog post at:

Even though I am not a huge planner, I have always set goals. Goals have propelled me towards everything I have achieved in my life. Nothing just fell in my lap – it was always part of a grander scheme. Not to set goals is the equivalent of choosing to achieve less than what you are capable of and certainly get less of what you want – or take much longer to get it.

Setting goals is not the same as planning every little move – but it is definitely being clear on what you want in your life. And it is a conscious way of choosing what you will do as you make decisions every day that support you in moving closer towards getting what you want, rather than letting yourself get pulled away and distracted.

A plan is good, but the roadside is strewn with great plans blowing in the wind that never happened. It is the right goal, devoid of Little Voice considerations, and full of deservedness that is the beacon that pulls you through the storm.

If you are setting goals for yourself – CONGRATULATIONS – you are already setting yourself up for more success than approximately 97% of the rest of the population. If you are not setting goals, don’t give up on your own dreams so easily; invest the time and effort into getting what you want!

And, for those of you that have no idea where to start when it comes to setting goals, or dread the process, I partnered with my mentor Mack Newton and came up with a solution just for you! We developed a program that is fun, fast-paced and totally practical to help you achieve everything you want in your life! If you need help with goal setting, visit:

Growth Requires Risk

In working with my fitness trainer and mentor Mack Newton, I made a huge distinction about pushing and risking. You have to take risks. Why? Because by not taking a risk, you actually risk not finding that extra gear, that next level of who you can be. The result of that non-risk taking is accepting a level of performance that you choose to maintain. Yet the world is not static. By trying to maintain, you actually move backward. There is no neutral in life.

Working with Mack, I know I have more gears to go to…. he helps me find a way to get to them… physically, mentally and emotionally. We all have more to give, but the risk of pain, or the possibility of failure, stands in the way. Yet the biggest risk is taking none. You have to find a way to get to your next gear to be all you can be. Are you willing to take the risk?

As one of my associates, “The more risk I take, the more confidence I have! It forces me to trust myself!” Wow!!!!

For more tips on creating business success, follow me at: Facebook, Twitter or YouTube.

Be Awesome!

Create your Extraordinary LifeStarting Today

Have you ever noticed that just when you have a great idea that can make you lots of money, just when you decide you’re going to change your life, just when you believe you can be more than you are today, a “Little Voice” between your ears says, “Who do you think you are? Are you kidding? You really can’t do that in this economy?” It’s a pesky “Little Voice” that puts you down and holds you back with negative energy and thoughts.

But, imagine how extraordinary your life would be, where you could be, if you learned how to control that “Little Voice.” Believe it or not, you can. The power is already inside you. You just haven’t learned how to master it yet.

I wrote the book “Little Voice” Mastery so you can take charge of your “Little Voice” and achieve your dreams. I’m telling you, the power is right between your ears. I made sure to include simple techniques for mastering your own “Little Voice,” things that take no time at all, but are life changing.

I really want you to be the bigger, better you that is bottled up inside. Especially in these depressed economic times when it’s easy to feel down. I want you to overcome your “recession in your own mind” and make 2011 your best year yet!

Does Your Little Voice Control You? Take my FREE Assessment!

Find out how much youre controlled by your own Little Voice with my free assessment. Its easy and will take less than 5 minutes.

We all have a Little Voice between our ears. Often its a negative, debilitating voice that puts us down and holds us back in life. With my free assessment, youll discover how your mind works in a multitude of situations, and how your Little Voice works for you and against you.

Awareness is the first step towards positive change. Start gaining control of your own Little Voice, and become the better you-the you that you were meant to be, the you who can and will create the life you were meant to live.

Start today with my free assessment. Click here

Little Voice Mastery Achieves Best Seller Status!

In just half a day, the demand for Little Voice Mastery proved to be HUGE, and blew away all my expectations even before most of the book release emails had been sent out! Even by that time, the book had achieved Best Seller status on Amazon; as #5 in Business & Investing, and #3 in Health & Relationships.

Discover how win the war between your ears in 30 seconds or less and have an extraordinary life!

Find the book on Amazon here, Barnes & Noble here or at your local book retailer.