Little Voice

How to Sell Anything to Anybody….Anytime

4 Ancient Buddhist Practices That Bring Success

Sneaky Infiltrator That Sabotages Your Business

There’s a sneaky someone always trying to sabotage your business. This infiltrator leaves clues, and yet they’re mostly invisible. Sometimes you can hear him. Other times she’s sly as a fox, and invisibly leaves a mess for you to deal with.

Perhaps they make you rush… all… the… time, or get you stuck in perfection paralysis.

Maybe it’s that Little Voice that says you have no right to do the work you do, or convinces you to NOT charge enough for what you’re doing.

In the end, you look down at the catastrophic mess and ask, “How did I let this happen again?”

A Closer Look At This Intruder

You don’t have to look far to catch this slippery sneak, and yet… the first step is to admit to yourself that it’s YOU.

You see…

Self sabotage can show up in many aspects of your life and business. For example, let’s suppose this… you know inconsistency can wreak havoc on your future results, and you accept most people know consistency is key when you’re running a business.

Now — here’s what happens. You miss one broadcast email, social media post, YouTube video, or podcast, and your Little Voice goes to town beating you up over it.

That sneaky voice might tell you, “You can’t do it,” or “You’re a failure.”

Then you drop it, because you rationalize that it’s useless to continue. Your rationalization? You won’t get the same results you would have gotten if you stuck to it.

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What’s going on here?

You’re equating inconsistency with failure, and you’re sabotaging the results you could have got.

The good news is… You don’t have to live this way.

The secret is to pick yourself up when you’re inconsistent and accept it without letting it define your life and business.

You don’t have to be ashamed when you don’t show up perfectly. No one is perfect. I’m not, you’re not, and your business peers and competitors aren’t, either.

How to Stop the Sabotage

One of the main reasons people sabotage themselves is because they don’t know what they want. Another reason you might self-sabotage is because, even if you’ve achieved your goal, you might not be comfortable with whatever it is.

The process of eliminating that self sabotage only involves 8 questions. You can handle that.

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The questions you must ask yourself are:

  1. What is it that you really want? Whether it’s wealth, love, success, or something completely different, figure out what you want to achieve.
  2. How would you personally describe what you want? This is what your personal goal looks like to YOU. How would you define it within the parameters of your own life?
  3. If you achieved your goal, what problem might it create? Sometimes, what sabotages us is the fear of what comes next, and that fear can be completely unconscious. When you ask this question, you’re forced to think about it consciously.
  4. How could I handle that problem? Coming up with solutions can help you feel more secure, and secure people don’t sabotage themselves.
  5. What would be the results of handling that problem? When you realize that you can handle the problem, and that the results of achieving your goal can create positive change in your life, you’re less likely to sabotage and more likely to work towards the goal unimpeded.
  6. Have I ever done this before? If the answer is yes, give yourself an example of when. If the answer is no, move onto question 7.
  7. Do I know anyone who has done this? Describe what it was like for them. Maybe you yourself haven’t completed a goal like the one you’re shooting towards, but someone in your life has. Use their experience as a springboard, a way to lay the foundation so you know what you can expect.
  8. Could I do all of this? Ask yourself if you could set a goal and solve the problems, would the results be possible? If the answer is yes, you’re good to go. Go get what you want, and enjoy it.

This process is your secret weapon. Very few people know how to manage the Little Voice inside their brain, and using this process can help you master it. 

If you’re serious about eliminating self sabotage in your life, The Self Sabotage Eliminator helps you clear the foggy cloud of who you are and what you want out of your mind. 

It can help you diminish your negative self-talk (your Little Voice) and quiet your impulsive reactions to situations that are out of your control.

This powerful system was taught to me by one of my great mentors. It changed my life. When you use it, I am confident it will change yours. Click here to download it now >>

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Build Confidence and Ask Questions

You know that I’m a big advocate for quieting that little voice in your head. It stands in the way of so many things in life.

And, that includes your sales deals.

So, I have two words for you: role play.

You need to role-play. One of the ways to get over it, is through it.

I’ve worked with seasoned veterans. I got them to role-play handling the toughest objections until they have it down cold.

And, then I watched their conversions go up by 30% to 40%.


Not because they had snappy answers, because it’s not about the answers. It’s because their confidence level was so high, the person at the other end had a level of confidence in them as well.

Nobody’s going to give you $100,000 if they think you’re a shaky individual. So, you need to build up that confidence with role-playing.

It’s essential that you cover these components in your role-play:

  • Build Confidence

First, the old rule of thumb is, the person who asks the question is always in control. So, when you hear the objection, the first thing you do is acknowledge it.

“Thank you. I appreciate what you’re saying.”

Do this to create a point of agreement before you handle the objection.

  • Ask Questions

Next, it’s time for you to ask a question:

“Why do you think it’s too expensive?”

“What are you comparing it to?”

Of course, you can ask any question you want. But, the point is to ask a series of intelligent questions to get to the truth. Many times, the first objection is not the real objection.

It’s a bit like the first volley to get you out of the way or put you off. Practice countering it with your own questions.

  • Bring the Little Voice in Your Head Down and Confidence Up

Lastly, when role-playing, focus on getting past that little voice between your ears. When faced with an objection, you can’t falter. If you do, stop the role-play and start again.

Why isn’t it okay to hesitate? We hesitate in real life, right?

But remember, this drill isn’t about you handling a prospect. It’s about you killing that damaging, debilitating little voice. So, you need to learn to override it.

Stand in the Face of Fear

Fear can stop us in our tracks, sap our confidence, and create unreasonable doubt within us.  Many people say that the word “fear” stands for “False Evidence Appearing Real,” which is what makes is so difficult to combat.  Watch the video below to learn a simple technique that will help you overcome fear quickly so that you don’t miss out on important opportunities.

To learn ALL 20 of the Little Voice Mastery Techniques that will help you manage your most challenging situations, visit:

October 2015 Special Little Voice Mastery Bonus



No one wants to believe they are responsible for the lack of getting what they want in their lives.

But, the fact of the matter is, the power to get what you want lies within YOU.

You see, as a human being, you came equipped with a mind, body and store of energy designed for you to share your unique gifts and talents with the world while embarking on an incredible journey pursuing your personal goals and dreams.

lva_bonus_img2-300x200Unfortunately, when you were young, (unless you were raised by a pack of wolves away from human civilization) you were taught to believe a wide variety of things about yourself that are simply not true. You may have been told that you are clumsy, shy, stupid, lazy, slow, fat, or many other labels that, as a child, you came to self-identify with. If you buy into these labels (as all children do), then you sabotage yourself in these areas and actually act as if you are these negative things!

In fact, because you believed them at such a young age, you don’t even realize that you have these negative thoughts about yourself… you just do and you unknowingly let these self-limiting, untrue beliefs control the very actions you take every day!

Consider when you just started dating… did you hear your little voice tell you that the personlva_bonus_img31-300x292 you were interested in might not like you? Did it tell you that you weren’t good looking enough? Or maybe that you weren’t smart enough? Or, rich, funny, tall, thin, or __________ (fill in the blank) enough? That was your little voice sabotaging you from going after a relationship you really wanted.

Achieving big dreams can be nearly impossible if you believe little of your own abilities! When this is the case, your little voice will talk you out of even trying to have what you really want!

 Even worse, after you have made significant progress and can practically see yourself touching your goal, your subconscious mind shoots you in the foot…

lva_bonus_img4-300x200Like when you interviewed for a job you REALLY wanted… did your little voice start telling you that you wouldn’t make the cut because you weren’t experienced enough? That you didn’t deserve such great responsibility?

If you let yourself listen to this little voice telling you that you will fail, or you don’t deserve to succeed, or you’re not good enough to have what you want… You will see your goals fade out of reach.

BUT, what if you knew there were 21 simple, fast and easy techniques that would help you identify and stop these subconscious thoughts from getting between you and your goals?

What if you could turn to any one of these techniques whenever you are striving for a goal and STOP the negative, sabotaging little voice that pops into your head dead in its tracks?

Even better… what if these techniques could help you stop that negative chatter in just 30 seconds or less, allowing you to make decisions from a place of power and confidence creating the extraordinary life you dream of?

Well, GREAT NEWS! You can now access 21 Little Voice Mastery techniques that will allow you to manage that negative little voice in your head so you can move past it quickly and stay on track to achieve your most important goals!

These techniques are all available right here in my book Little Voice Mastery and for purchases made through the month of October 2015, there is a very special FREE BONUS available!

 Learn more by clicking here.


It’s All About Mastering Your “Little Voice”

Blair Singer has been one of my very best friends for over 27 years. He is a great communicator, a great teacher and a great human being. Like he says, when it comes to winning, it’s all about mastering your “Little Voice.”

Robert Kiyosaki
Author of Rich Dad Poor Dad – teacher,
entrepreneur and friend for 27 years

I Recommend This For Anyone Who’s Ready…

In “Little Voice” Mastery, Blair brilliantly identifies how we all have a “Little Voice” between our ears that controls our thoughts, and therefore actions, and how, too often, our “Little Voice” is negative and self-sabotaging.
“Little Voice” Mastery provides easy-to-follow tools and techniques to help you take charge of your “Little Voice.” I recommend this for anyone who’s ready to create the life they’ve always wanted.

T. Harv Eker
Author of #1 NY Times Bestseller Secrets of the Millionaire Mind
and friend since 1988