
Will You Join the Thousands of Others?

We’ve had great reviews from some of the 5,000+ people that registered for the Private Coaching call that took place on Tuesday, January 26th.

The feedback weve heard most about the call was the Aha moments when people got what Little Voice was about!. You see, identifying the Little Voice is the first step in working with it.

Someone also told us how wonderful she felt having listened to this call because she could relate to so much of what was being said and what was holding her back from getting what she really wanted out of life.

Could you imagine how she is going to feel after she takes the Bookinar course…stay tuned for that one!

Because this call was so profound, we want to give you the opportunity to listen to it now.

Click here for access:

LV Coaching Call

Then after listening to the call, if this material resonates with you, make an intelligent decision and say YES to Blair’s Little Voice Bookinar series.

Were giving you an outrageously affordable way for you to do so with our special Buy 1, Get 9 Free Bookinar offer, get the full story here:

LV Bookinar

To Your Success!

Olympic Scope for the Little Voice

The Little Voice Bookinar is being heard in 20 countries around the Globe!

People just like you in South Africa, Malaysia, France, Singapore, Australia, Israel, New Zealand, United Kingdom, Taiwan, Sweden, Estonia, Brazil, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Colombia, Germany, Austria, Ireland, Canada, and the U.S. are all working with the author himself to master their Little Voice!

Blair knows these two things about them and you:

1) You have a “Little Voice” deep inside you
– and –
2) That “Little Voice” might not always support you

Want to become a better, more powerful you? Let Blair teach you how to take control of that “Little Voice”. He has created the environment and content to accelerate your learning and to support you in mastering your Little Voice. All Bookinar content is recorded and downloadable, its not too late for you to participate in this amazing event. This empowering book study, based on Blairs third book, Little Voice Mastery, started Tuesday, February 9th. Join us now and easily catch up!

Register Now

Nobody Does What We Do!

A new record was set in Singapore this week for Blairs 5 day Authentic Sales & Leadership program. Seventy participants from all over the world sold over $82,000 in product in 10 minutes! Attendees from Spain, the United Kingdom, Australia, Singapore, Taiwan, the United States, Latin America, Malaysia, China, Vietnam, Indonesia and Thailand didnt let their language differences, circumstances or backgrounds get in the way of their success. They learned how to show their little voice whos in charge to achieve amazing results!

An overall increase of 33% in sales per person was made from previous seminars in just one exercise alone! Over $250,000.00 has been sold during the entire event with 1 day left!! How is this possible when people are talking about the recession? Blair gets to the heart of what holds people and businesses back from attaining the success they want, but so often eludes them. If you would like to learn more about Blairs events so that you can be in the position to achieve extraordinary results, Click here.

The Little Voices of Friends

Recently I had an exchange with someone that went something like this:

She said, I am working on managing my Little Voice and find that sometimes the Little Voice is actually what I am hearing from my friends.

I asked her, You mean like negative things friends have said to you in the past?

She said, No, things like all of the reasons why what Im doing is wrong, too risky and every reason why I wont be successful.

My response, Get some new friends!

Seriously folks, its enough of a challenge to deal with your own Little Voices trying to tell you what you can or cannot do. A friend pushing their Little Voice on you doesnt help them or you!

If you have friends that you are sharing your dreams and goals with take notice. Are they trying to help you get where you want to go or are they are telling you all the reasons youll never make it. In many cases, this is the sad story of misery loves company. Your failure verifies their position and in some sick way makes them feel better and makes them feel like they even helped you. If you succeed, you are going to make them wrong and then they might have to take responsibility for not acting on their own dreams and goals.

If you have friends feeding your negative Little Voices, make some new friends who are successfully pursuing their passion – they will want to lift you up with them and have much more supportive words for you.

In fact, in some cases, the quickest way to change your life is to change your friends.

People Around the World Share a Common Experience ? Little Voice

The question is, are you managing your Little Voice? Or, is your Little Voice managing you?

A few days ago, I did a Q&A session on my Blair Singer Facebook Fan Page. It was a blast!

I had people from around the world drop by to ask me questions about how they could overcome obstacles and challenges they were facing personally, or in their business. For the most part, many of the questions were really the same but were just different scenarios. Ultimately it came down to: How do I manage my Little Voice to do the things I need to do to be successful? Or, How do I manage my Little Voice to STOP doing things that get in the way of my success?

Little Voices think that they are saving us, saving us from embarrassment, humiliation or shame, if we fail to achieve a goal. They try to keep us safe. This way, we wont get hurt. But, the reality is that they while they may stop us from dying of potential embarrassment, they also stop us from fully living.

Dont let your Little Voice rob you of the opportunity to pursue and ultimately LIVE your dreams. The Little Voice that is keeping you stuck, not letting you finish what you start, telling you that you arent good enough to succeed, preventing you from taking the action you know you should – is the Little Voice that is afraid of failing! Its telling you, If you dont do this at least you wont fail.

Yet, as we know: The one sure path to failure is to never try at all.

Dont let your Little Voice manage how you react to opportunities in your life. Instead, manage your Little Voice and create the life you want to live.

How Do I Know When to Close My Business?

I-frequently get asked:

How do you know when to give up on a business and walk away?

Wow. I know that a lot of people around the world are feeling challenged in our current economy and some may be at the very point of asking this question and making this decision. But, as I give my answer, I want to reframe the question to how I have learned to think about it from my own experience, as well as from the concepts I have adopted from Dr. Bucky Fuller. So, instead of saying, I give up! I look at it as changing my focus.

As things change in our businesses, the opportunity we once had (or thought we had) may be declining based on new market demands, changes in technology, in the law, or in the wide array of things that can affect a business.

As those opportunities decline, there is usually a new opportunity that also emerges from the changes that caused the decline. If you are paying attention, the marketplace will give you signs of what direction it places value on so that you can choose to tweak (or dramatically change) the course of your business to pursue this new opportunity.

Now, Ill be the first to tell you, we dont always read the signs right, or make the best choice, but the beauty of business is the ability to correct our course, quickly.

To help me see what these declining and emerging opportunities are in times of change in a business, I will often ask: What part of the business IS working? (even if collectively, the whole things is not) to see if there is an opportunity to really just focus on what the market is supporting and then adjust the course of the business based on this information.

Many times, this process is also helpful for successful businesses to employ to help them maintain their focus on growth and profits.

As far as businesses that are struggling, many people want me to tell them I can guarantee a specific outcome. But, the reality is: Will this reframing of your situation always work and guarantee your business a whole new era of success? No. But, will it help you do the work to evaluate what your opportunities are before deciding to throw in the towel? Absolutely.

If you have decided that you are no longer able to continue with your business and youre ready to walk away, take a moment to reflect on what you learned from the experience of operating this business. Dont open and close a business as if it is a simple project to be crossed off a list when completed. Instead, I recommend you take everything that worked, and did not, and use it as a point in which to transition into your next opportunity.

One last tip: Dont try to operate your business alone. And, by the same token, dont make the decision to close your business on your own. Ask for your teams input and suggestions, as well as mentors or business coaches who understand business and finances.

For more tips on creating business success, follow me at: Facebook, Twitter or YouTube.