Team Building

An Introduction to the Business Success Formula

Do you want to build a championship team and increase your sales up to 85% in a matter of just weeks? While many of you may know what to do, it’s harder to figure out how to make it happen…   Just as we all know we should eat right and workout regularly, most people don’t. They struggle with extra weight and low energy.

It can be the same in business.  You know what your goals for the business are and you know you need to be selling, marketing and fulfilling well.  But many businesses struggle with how to get their teams to perform the way they know they can and should.

Watch this quick video from my Blair Singer Training Academy that will introduce you to my Business Success Formula and get the philosophy behind creating massive and passive income and true success in business.

If you found this video helpful and you want to learn more, you’re invited to join the Blair Singer Virtual Training Academy.  You’ll get access to all of the business and personal development skills that will help you achieve your goals and dreams.  Learn more and sign up at

Secret Tip of Awareness for Being a Great Leader

As a leader, you spend a lot of your time focused on bringing out the brilliance of those you are working with and helping them become the best versions of themselves.  It’s easier to do this when everything is rosy and everyone is riding high on great results, lots of wins and repeated successes. However, let’s face it, a lot of the most critical learning happens when things are not going right and they start going (or worse, have completely gone) off the rails. To be able to take the learning from these moments and rectify the situation as quickly as possible requires a level, objective approach.  One thing I know for sure…

Freaking out and blowing up will typically make things significantly worse and rapidly unravel much of the progress you have made with your team.

This means, as a leader, the moment things are falling apart around you, you have to avoid letting your upset (whether it be anger, fear, irritation, disappointment, etc.) hijack your brain and take over running the show.

Anyone who has spent any time with me knows the saying, “When emotions are high, intelligence is low”.  As a leader, you don’t want a flare of emotion to undo all the good you have achieved up to that point, so mastering your ability to control your emotions during the challenging times is ESSENTIAL.

Watch the short video below to get my secret tip that will help you navigate your next highly-charged emotional upset so you can help your team through the challenge and remain a great leader.

Learn more about managing your emotions with my 20 Little Voice Mastery techniques available here.

Business Leadership Facilitator – Building a Championship Team

“I’ve learned that business is really simple. But the really hard part is dealing with the people.”

That’s what a little 10-year-old boy in my son’s 5th grade class said to me. Several years ago, I put his class in some business scenarios to teach them a little bit about entrepreneurship. In the middle of the class, this brilliant response came from him, and is a pretty good introduction to what I’m about to discuss with you right now.

By now, if you’ve watched by Business Success Formula video, or read that blog, you know the importance of the selling, building a team and teaching as the basic formula for creating a successful business and becoming a successful business leadership facilitator? Also, you’ve learned how that nagging little voice that’s going on inside your head could be detrimental to your success if you don’t know how to manage it.

But it’s not just your little voice that matters — it is your entire team’s little voices, as well. Realizing this is part of the job as a Business Leadership Facilitator.

So, let’s take on the analogy of a coffee cup. Inside this cup, is coffee, tea, whatever you want. Let’s call this the content of your business. That could be a variety of things:

  1. Your products/services
  2. Your team and vendors
  3. Your customers
  4. Your business systems
  5. Your cash-flow

…the list can go on.

What’s inside this cup almost doesn’t matter. You may think to yourself, I need better product, a better accountant, better vendors, but those aren’t the most critical elements.

You could have the best coffee in the world, but what if your cup cracks? Your coffee — or rather, the contents in the cup — spill out, and in business, we would call that a business failure. The cup itself is a model for the context or the environment of which your business is run. And, it doesn’t have to be your business — it also relates to your health and your family.

Let’s say you’re on a diet. It doesn’t matter what diet you’re on (as long as it means eating healthier and exercising). It doesn’t matter what the content of your cup is. But if you don’t have an appropriate environment around your diet to keep you disciplined and motivated, (the equivalent to cracks in your cup), then the whole health system falls apart.

So how do you create a stronger cup?

Setting up the best environment to run your business is one of the best tools for any entrepreneur to guarantee success in the long-run. If you remember in the first sell-team-teach model, it’s the Code of Honor that really supports the system.

And it’s the values you have that will help you create this Code of Honor, or the set of rules, in order to have that strong environment.

The difference between values and rules are simple. Let’s say traffic safety is one of your values. Now, the rules would be:

  1. Always stop fully at a stop sign or red light
  2. Drive at or below the speed limit
  3. Always wear your seat belt

Creating a set of solid rules to support your values is important, particularly in times when the heat is on. While your content may reach a boiling point, it’s your cup that needs to stand strong in tough time to ensure that the business (or your family or health) do not spill out.

I have business partners all over the world. I communicate with them all the time about my values and rules, because no matter where or when my business is being conducted, I know that my overall mission of improving people’s quality of life is constantly being upheld. Also, having values that we can strive for is one of the best motivators for any team.

One of my teachers, Mack Newton (highest ranking Taekwon-Do instructor in North America) once said to me: The single most defining factor of success in your life may be the people you hang around with most often. Are they playing by the same rules? Do they subscribe to the same code of honor? Do they operate with the same values?

All of this not only applies to people in business, but teachers, family members, leaders in organizations can all benefit from learning how to leverage this tool, this idea of creating a sustainable environment with solid values and rules worth striving for.

One of my bestselling books Team Code of Honor talks about it in intimate detail step by step.

The Mission to Kilimanjaro…

Recently my 16 year old son and I went on an adventure to Tanzania to experience two things together: To join a team to work a few days in an orphanage and school for blind and albino children, and to climb Kilimanjaro, the largest free-standing mountain in the world.

We did this under the leadership of K2 Adventures, an organization who for the last five years has helped these children by providing health care, dental care, educational facilities, clothing and hope through part of the dollars spent on taking expeditions to the summit of Kilimanjaro.

The two days of work with the children was gut wrenching, heart-warming and life changing. Many of these children are kids that their society has given up on, persecuted against or are kids who are simply born into complete poverty. My son and I walked away from that experience touched and committed to giving whatever we can to continue supporting them.

During the work day at the school, the peak of Kilimanjaro emerged from the clouds to come into view for the first time. It took our breath away. Talk about intimidating!!!! But our expedition leaders who have done the trek many times assured us… We would just take it very slowly, one step at a time, one day at a time.

Certainly this was going to be the largest physical and psychological challenge of my life so far. I was nervous, but knew that my physical and mental conditioning would get me through. Little did I know that the mountain would issue me a challenge that I had never anticipated.

On day one of the climb, our team hiked from about 6300 feet to about 10,000 feet. As we reached our first campsite, spirits were high, we were feeling strong and the sharp snow-capped peak of Kili looming over us somehow did not seem as intimidating.

The porters had set up camp and prepared dinner as darkness settled over the giant mountain. The white glacier at the peak glistened like a huge white diamond in the near full moonlight. I swear I could touch the Milky Way.

We snuggled into our sleeping bags and quickly fell asleep. Sometime around 1 AM, I heard Ben get up, struggling to get out of the tent. Before I knew what was happening, he got outrageously sick, vomiting for all he was worth. With help, we cleaned up the tent, got him settled down and he fell back to sleep.

However the next morning, he was not better. Still sick and now cold, we warmed him up, gave him medication to ease his system, but as we attempted to continue our climb, he was very weak. Not willing to give up, he went slow with one of our guides, but still getting weaker. We had climbed another 3-400 feet and I was toward the front of our team when the radio call came that the team leader and myself should come back to assist Ben. We hiked down a hundred feet or so to where he was sitting. We urged him to keep going and assured him if he could get through this day of climbing, whatever bug he had contracted would be out of his system and he would be fine.

He climbed for about 5 minutes and got sick again. After another rest, he climbed again and got sick again, vomiting only the water he had just drunk. He looked at me with tears in his eyes and shook his head. He said, “Dad… I can’t do it. I just want to go home!” I had to stand behind him to keep him from falling down the mountain.

It was at this point that I got one of the biggest lessons of my life. It was not the lesson I thought Kili was going to throw at me, but one even more powerful. Clearly he had to go back down the mountain. His physical state was so depleted that I was worried about him. A guide would take him down and to a clinic where he could get checked out and then to a hotel to wait for the rest of us to complete the climb and descend in six more days.

I was now faced with a decision. Continue the climb without him and summit this monster and achieve the obvious goal of summiting Kili, or descend with him. I have to admit, in the moment it was a tough decision. Yet the thought of leaving my son in this state, in a strange country, seemed equally as unacceptable as not summiting the mountain.

I kicked the dirt. I remember looking out over the clouds that were now below us. I will never forget the moment when I looked deep inside, looked into the eyes of my weakening son and remembered our mission: To conquer this mountain together. Mission first and individual needs third. My personal desire to summit would have to be secondary to the mission and to he and I as a team. I also immediately recalled my Code of Honor that says, “Never abandon a team-mate in need.” He was clearly in need.

You see, I teach about mission, team, Code and Little Voice. I never thought that Kili would put me to the test in a way that was 180 degrees to the way I normally operate.

The decision was now clear. I looked into his bleary eyes and said, “We started this together, we finish this together.” I turned to our team leader and said, “I will go down with him and make sure he is okay.”

What happened after that was something that I did not expect. You see, I am a person who is always ‘taking the challenge,’ conquering odds, pushing boundaries. I hate to fail and I hate to not be in control of my own fate. Sound familiar? Summiting that mountain would have been one of the most difficult things I have ever done… but I would get it done somehow. However to turn back… to consciously decide NOT to push my boundaries again, was a whole new experience for me. It was a very new and different boundary.

While part of me was tormented by taking myself out of the game, simultaneously a very strange peace came over me. A peace of having followed my own rules, surrendered to a Code that was designed to bring my family and team closer.

In the four and a half hours it took to get down from there, I supported, encouraged and just loved my son each step of the way. Once in the van, he passed out for the one hour ride to the small, third world, neighborhood, four bed clinic. That night I lay in a bed next to him as he lay unconscious (passed out) for nearly 16 hours. I lay there watching my precious son and the needed fluids dripping back into his body.

Somehow I drifted off to sleep and was awakened at day break by a local rooster somewhere close by. As I opened my eyes, I looked over in time to see him open his. He smiled weakly and passed off to sleep again.

It’s one thing to say that you will always be there for someone or to say you really love them or to extoll the virtues of a relationship. But somehow, somewhere just below the snows of Kilimanjaro, I connected with my son at a level that not only gave me great peace, but that put my priorities, my life’s work and my spirit to the test.

That mountain will always be there. But the window to really connect with someone near and dear to you can be evasive. I thank K2 Adventures, I thank the incredible porters and leaders of our team, I thank my teachers and I thank the great lessons that I have learned that led me to that incredible decision on the side of the mountain. I thank Kili for its majesty and for giving me one of the greatest gifts of my life.

Most important, I thank God and the Universe for a thing called love that conquers any mountain.

Don’t Let Your Little Voice Sabotage Your Success

I had the opportunity to work with a group of salon owners and stylists in Halifax, Novia Scotia not long ago. During this workshop, we discussed overcoming the little voice that sabotages your ability to be as big as you WANT to be and as big as you CAN be.

Everyone has a little voice that will take you down if you dont learn to identify, and then overcome it, to achieve great things. Listening to me teach what needs to be done is one thing, but for any of you that have been through a training program with me, you know I like to give you an experience that drives the message home.

In this case, the experience was a 1-hour selling exercise for teams. The goal was simple, each team was to reach out to as many clients and prospects as they could and book as many appointments, as possible. There was no direction on how to reach those people, how to entice them, what you had to offer them, or for how much. Just go fill your appointment books as much as possible, and dont let your little voice sabotage your success!

We had over 30 teams participate and a wide range of responses. But, to illustrate my point about not letting your little voice sabotage your success, I want to discuss 2 specific teams:

The challenges both teams faced:

1. The appointment software was unavailable, so checking the calendar to schedule and confirm available appointment times was not possible.

2. The list of clients and prospects were back at the salon, so there was no way to access that information (there was no one at the salon to look and share the information with those at the workshop).

The difference in how the teams addressed these challenges was staggering:

In this situation, what would YOU do?

Team 1 did not make a single call or appointment. They determined they were cut off from their resources and therefore were not able to participate (they took themselves out of the game).

Team 2 booked the second highest number of appointments per teammate (8.5 appointments for each individual per hour). As a team, they filled their books with approximately $3500 in appointments IN ONE HOUR!

If your little voice tells you that there is “no way” you can do it, and you (and your team) accept that thought, then of course, youre right. And, if you tell your mind that you will overcome the obstacles that block your path, more times than not, you will.

Which team would you have been part of?

Please share your comments and questions on my Facebook page at:

Be Who You Want to Be

I recently had the opportunity to listen to a Marine Corp General present at an event. It was amazing! I asked the general how they turn adolescences into strong men and women. He said 4 things that struck me deeply. Particularly since I am the father of 16 year old and 9 year old boys. He described the 13 week bootcamp that they all have to go through to ‘qualify’ to become a Marine. The Marine Corp process is one that every one of us can use to be who we want to be.

He said:

    1. “We want their hearts… “ When he said it, it felt like he had reached right into mine!! He said that all their other habits, tendencies, histories, experiences, intelligences etc. were not as important as capturing their hearts… I felt this to be their spirits. They want to engage it, ignite it and bring out the best of each kid.

How engaged are you? Do you even know what it’s like to commit your complete heart and soul to something?

    1. “We give them a goal to achieve that these kids hold as one of the greatest accomplishments to achieve in their lives.” In other words, they are not Marines until they complete their bootcamp training. Upon graduation…then they are Marines. It gives these young folks something bigger to strive for and to take pride in than many have ever fathomed before.

How big is what you are striving for?

    1. “We give them a fundamental reset of their realities.” He said that they learn the difference between a ‘request’ and an ‘order. Their world of entitlement is stripped away and they learn the reality of ‘earning’ respect, responsibility and team play.

How willing are you to strip yourself of things that are comfortable and habitual to you in order to make the changes in your life that you know you need?

    1. “We let them know that we care about them.” What was most interesting to me was this point. I pictured a tough, strict, grinding process, but what I did not envision was the deep level of caring for the lives of each of these new recruits. Clearly the Corp has a vested interest in making sure each person lives, but also that through all of the toughness there is an underlying knowledge on behalf of the recruits that someone cares about them as well. In other words, you can drive points 1-3 to the max as long as they know you love them.

Two points here: If you have a team, do they REALLY know if care about them? And secondly what shape is your self-concept and self-esteem in? Do you even like yourself?

I went away from the general’s talk realizing that the Marine Corp and other armed forces are really a special training ground for teenagers. They have perfected the art and science of human transformation and finding the best in nearly anybody and getting them to believe in themselves. The general even commented that the kids today, unlike the past where you either had to join or had no other option because of your background, are attracted to the Marines because they want to be a part of something bigger than themselves. Wanting to be part of a mission or cause… How big is your game?