Blair Singer

Your Journey to a Scalable Business Starts Here

Why Work for Free

In the past few messages, I’ve been showing you how to find your audience and understand their problems. After you get this done, it’s time to move onto the next step, which is to create a sales presentation.

Before that, however, there’s an important matter that I’d like to bring up.

You see, your sales presentation will depend on your audience’s problems and the target message.

It shouldn’t be a big deal to get to your prospects’ deeply-rooted problems if you’ve been doing this for a while.

You can use all the experience that you have with the market to deepen your understanding. And you’ll get insight into your clients over time and use this information to refine your message.

But what if you don’t have this experience yet?

That’s where this email comes in.

It’s for those who are just starting or don’t have the resources to perform market research. I want to show you how to discover your market’s problems even if you don’t have a lot of money or time to spare.

The answer is quite simple:

You’re just going to have to work for free.

You might be hesitant, but think about it. There’s a lot of value in free work that escapes the attention of entrepreneurs.

When you work for free, you get to learn a lot about your clientele. You also get your hands on lots of first-hand information that’s going to prove invaluable down the line.

Furthermore, you’re not really working for free.

You can (and should) ask for testimonials after you get results for a client.

Even though you’re not getting paid, you’ll be getting something that positions you as an expert in your niche. That’s going to really work out well later on.

Here’s what you can do:

Rather than focusing on short-term gains, you can invest in your future by working for free and get rewarded in the long run.

Be Awesome,

Blair Singer

If you want know the secrets to deliver a powerful presentation to any crowd, online or offline so they trust, love, and respect you within minutes, I’d like to invite you to click here >>

Assess and Qualify

What’s going to make your business more successful right now?

What would put your mind at ease and show you that you can weather this storm?

It’s sales. Right?

I bet you probably don’t care where those sales are coming from or who’s agreeing to work with you. Like most business owners these days, you’d just be happy to be landing new clients.

Except… This wouldn’t be the right approach.

Even today, you don’t want to work with just anyone!

In my last email, I wrote about asking lots of questions. This would allow you to uncover your audience’s deepest problems that you can solve.

But it actually does more than that.

Asking questions allows you to qualify your prospects and cherry-pick those that will be the right fit. You need a system that will make this happen if you want to thrive in the long run.

For instance, I never accept a client unless I’m 100% sure that I can help them. I’d much rather refer them to someone else if I know of a coach that’s more suitable for their situation.

This is why I always do a thorough assessment of all my prospects before I make a final decision. My goal is to see where the client’s at right now and if I can do something to get them the desired outcome.

I come across way too many business owners who try to sell too soon. Don’t make this mistake or it can be costly. More often than not, you’re going to find that working with unfit clients isn’t worth the money.

Here’s what I’m getting at:

Assess a client’s situation and qualify them first before accepting them as your client. Don’t just accept everyone that knocks on your door.

Finding the right match will not only make sales easier, but it will also allow you to do your best work.

Be Awesome,

Blair Singer

Signup for Blair’s Virtual Academy >>

Triple Your Income Without New Leads

I’d like to tell you a story about a successful client of mine.

Well, he’s successful now. But, when he first came to me, his business was in shambles!

My client owns a little massage clinic. And he had a pretty good way of generating leads. He’d put coupons for a free massage in the newspaper. And when someone claimed that free massage, he’d convert them into a paying member.

Every week, my client would get around 50 people coming to his clinic. He’d get about 15% of them to join his membership program that sold for $600 per year.

On average, that was $4,200 per week, if you assume seven new members. For the year, it was close to $210,000.

Not too bad…but, not that impressive either.

The problem was, my client was losing his mind over his clinic. Both he and his wife worked for hours on end, every day. His wife was pressuring him because he’d promised that they’d make a lot more money.

All in all, everything was getting to be too much. The reward was way too small to make all that work worthwhile.

That’s why the clinic owner came to me for help. He told me that he needed more leads to grow his clinic.

And right from the jump, he was wrong.

I explained that he didn’t need any more leads. In fact, he couldn’t afford to generate any more!

What he needed to do was to look at his processes and find the holes. 

With our help, this is exactly what he did.

After the training, my client started seeing positive changes right away.

Instead of the old $210,000, he now makes almost $600,000. And this happened without a single new lead!

The moral of the story?

What you think is wrong with your business might be far away from the real problem. Hang in there, and I’ll show you what you need to focus on to start selling more.

Be Awesome,

Blair Singer

Get more leads, customers, and profit…even now

Be a leader to everyone around you.

A while back, I came across a statistic that shocked me:

The average age of those diagnosed with clinical depression is 14.


How horrible is that? Imagine how many kids and young people are severely depressed, with everything going on in the world right now.

Everything about the pandemic has made people more depressed and anxious.

The isolation is to blame. Your friends, family, employees, and customers are all at risk.

As a leader, your job is to put a stop to this isolation. If you can do this, you’ll get rewarded on many levels.

First of all, it feels good to talk to people. It makes you feel safer and more confident. Nurturing relationships through communication is very rewarding on its own.

But of course, there’s even more that you can achieve.

From a business perspective, communication can translate to leads, customers, and profit. If you can reach out to those who need what you have to offer, your business can thrive. 

I’ve explained before that empathy and communication are crucial. And you need to do much more than that now.

You must let people know that they’re not alone. You need to show your customers that you care about them and that you want to help.

This is how you can sell more than ever before – and feel great along the way. Plus, you can protect your business and put your team’s mind at ease. You’ll be a leader to everyone around you.

Break the walls of isolation and communicate with people. Your business will start to flourish almost as soon as you get good at this.

Problems That Only You Can Solve

The first step to pumping up your sales is to find people with money and a need.

And then, you also need a medium or a way to reach them.

The next step is to discover and verify.

What does that mean?

When you’re selling big-ticket items, such as office equipment or real estate, you want to find out what the buyer wants.

What are their criteria?

What are their problems that those items will help solve?

A great way to know this is to create a questionnaire, like when we do a training interview for a company.

We have a list of about 50 questions we ask them – about their teams, salespeople, selling cycles, those things. Next, we ask them to rate themselves on a scale from one to ten.

That’s how we can show them where they’re weak and where they’re strong.

The same scenario applies here.

It’s helpful to let the customer do a self-assessment when you do the discovery. That’s because it helps them understand their problems. They may think that they need more money, but in reality, there’s a reason they don’t have it.

Nobody ever got fat because they ate one piece of chocolate cake, right? There’s something going on with their eating pattern that’s making them fat, not that single piece of cake.

So, you need to list those problems.

An online questionnaire works well for this purpose. It’s a great way to get an appointment. Offer them a free assessment to see if you can help.

If there’s chemistry, you can continue to work together. If not, you can move on.

How easy is that?

Just be honest and don’t try to sell too soon.

People suffer what I call premature closing syndrome. When you’re so eager to make the sale, they can smell it on you and put up their guard.

That’s why you should show that you have a genuine interest in your customer. Build good rapport and find a way to add value. Help them find solutions to the problems found in the discovery before you make the offer.

That’s the whole deal.

Through asking lots of questions, you discover the issues. After that, you verify their answers and help them connect the dots.

Be Awesome