
Goals… A Deciding Factor to Reaching Your Highest Level of Success


Some people are very structured and have everything mapped out before they ever start doing something. Others, like me, get an idea, pounce on it and start enlisting as many other people as possible to help get it done without extensive planning.

When it comes to goal setting, it does not matter whether you are a “planner” or not. Planning and goal setting are not the same! There are people that need to plan everything: Their way to the office, what they wear, every place they are going… There are those who can’t move unless they have a plan. Unfortunately, there are many people who use the lack of a plan, or the complexity of a plan, as an excuse for not getting what they want. You see, you can blame a plan, but you can never blame the goal.

Your goal… your REAL goal of achieving great things for yourself, your family and your community is an extension of you. A real goal that really “works for you” is a manifestation of your Spirit. And when you get it right, it will actually suck you straight into it. It has such has attractive force that it pulls you right into it emotionally, spiritually, physically, and mentally… and it manifests.

Knowing this, I am still amazed that only 3% of people actually set goals for themselves to achieve what they want from life. This is a staggering number in how LOW it is! And, the reason it is staggering is because goal setting has proven to make an exponential difference in people’s levels of success! I dont know how accurate these numbers are, especially today, but it does drive home the point:

In an excerpt from What They Don’t Teach You in the Harvard Business School, Mark McCormack tells a study conducted on students in the 1979 Harvard MBA program. In that year, the students were asked, “Have you set clear, written goals for your future and made plans to accomplish them?” Only three percent of the graduates had written goals and plans; 13 percent had goals, but they were not in writing; and a whopping 84 percent had no specific goals at all.

Ten years later, the members of the class were interviewed again, and the findings, while somewhat predictable, were nonetheless astonishing. The 13 percent of the class who had goals were earning, on average, twice as much as the 84 percent who had no goals at all. And what about the three percent who had clear, written goals? They were earning, on average, ten times as much as the other 97 percent put together.

This excerpt is taken from a blog post at:

Even though I am not a huge planner, I have always set goals. Goals have propelled me towards everything I have achieved in my life. Nothing just fell in my lap – it was always part of a grander scheme. Not to set goals is the equivalent of choosing to achieve less than what you are capable of and certainly get less of what you want – or take much longer to get it.

Setting goals is not the same as planning every little move – but it is definitely being clear on what you want in your life. And it is a conscious way of choosing what you will do as you make decisions every day that support you in moving closer towards getting what you want, rather than letting yourself get pulled away and distracted.

A plan is good, but the roadside is strewn with great plans blowing in the wind that never happened. It is the right goal, devoid of Little Voice considerations, and full of deservedness that is the beacon that pulls you through the storm.

If you are setting goals for yourself – CONGRATULATIONS – you are already setting yourself up for more success than approximately 97% of the rest of the population. If you are not setting goals, don’t give up on your own dreams so easily; invest the time and effort into getting what you want!

And, for those of you that have no idea where to start when it comes to setting goals, or dread the process, I partnered with my mentor Mack Newton and came up with a solution just for you! We developed a program that is fun, fast-paced and totally practical to help you achieve everything you want in your life! If you need help with goal setting, visit:

People Around the World Share a Common Experience ? Little Voice

The question is, are you managing your Little Voice? Or, is your Little Voice managing you?

A few days ago, I did a Q&A session on my Blair Singer Facebook Fan Page. It was a blast!

I had people from around the world drop by to ask me questions about how they could overcome obstacles and challenges they were facing personally, or in their business. For the most part, many of the questions were really the same but were just different scenarios. Ultimately it came down to: How do I manage my Little Voice to do the things I need to do to be successful? Or, How do I manage my Little Voice to STOP doing things that get in the way of my success?

Little Voices think that they are saving us, saving us from embarrassment, humiliation or shame, if we fail to achieve a goal. They try to keep us safe. This way, we wont get hurt. But, the reality is that they while they may stop us from dying of potential embarrassment, they also stop us from fully living.

Dont let your Little Voice rob you of the opportunity to pursue and ultimately LIVE your dreams. The Little Voice that is keeping you stuck, not letting you finish what you start, telling you that you arent good enough to succeed, preventing you from taking the action you know you should – is the Little Voice that is afraid of failing! Its telling you, If you dont do this at least you wont fail.

Yet, as we know: The one sure path to failure is to never try at all.

Dont let your Little Voice manage how you react to opportunities in your life. Instead, manage your Little Voice and create the life you want to live.


Depositphotos_54625693_xsEvery day you are faced with hundreds of choices and decisions. Each of them will deliver feedback to you sooner or later. Over the course of time you learn which decisions get you the things that you want and which ones do not. Yet because some of that feedback is delayed and because some of those decisions seem really small, it is not always obvious which decisions and choices got you into the position that you are in right now.

For example…if you practice your sales presentation again and again with good correction and diligence, chances are you will win more business. If you work out every day, chances are your energy will be high and your health will improve. This seems obvious.

Yet how well do you prepare your Spirit? Do you have the emotional stability to stand in the heat long enough to win? Do you practice “Little Voice” Mastery techniques enough to withstand the debilitating chatter that creates doubt and low confidence? I have said before there are four reasons why most people fail in their best intended endeavors:

  • Fear
  • Fatigue
  • A ‘Cannot Win’ self-concept
  • Quitting too soon

In each case it requires conditioning, practice and preparation to overcome those obstacles. Beneath it all however is your Spirit. That part of you that is huge. That can overcome daunting adversity. That if you dig deep inside to resurrect it, you can be the champion that you are meant to be.

Recently, I was asked by my fitness trainer and coach Mack Newton to participate in the filming of an advanced workout. It was an honor and privilege to be considered for such an event. As the workout began, I quickly realized this was unlike any I had ever done before. It was INTENSE! It was designed for professional athletes along the lines of NFL and NBA stars.

I pushed, I hurt, I groaned, I strained, I sweated…I extended every ounce of energy that I thought I had and then it came down to my Spirit. With 10 minutes left in the workout, my arms were failing, I was gasping for air, perspiration was pouring off of me literally blinding my eyes in stinging sweat. My “Little Voice” was shut out of the picture as survival was the only thing on my mind. I did not even have time to do affirmations to overcome the wave of fatigue that was starting to envelope me as the workout commands were coming so fast and furiously.

I dug deep, literally refusing to quit at all costs. I summoned every ounce of will I had. It felt like life or death and for a few moments in that state a surge of power pulsed through my body. My eyes lowered in steeled determination amidst the pain. New life and sheer Spirit powered me ahead.

Yet, a couple of moments later, the lactic acid in my arms and shoulders had built to a point where my muscles could not function. Every ounce of will I had could not help as my arms began to sag. I shouted out to summon additional strength…I held on…getting weaker…but holding on. It was ugly, my form terrible, my arms falling…but I finished. Wow!!! Never had I been pushed so hard physically, mentally and emotionally in 35 minutes in my life!

Afterwards as I drove home from that ordeal, it dawned on me that there is a big difference between Preparation and Spirit. You can have all the Spirit and drive in the world. You can be willing to face down any obstacle…and you know what? It will power you ahead…but all the Spirit in the world without the preparation will still fall short of the goal. I was simply not in good enough physical condition to deliver completely on the task. Spirit or not.

Do not get me wrong…it was a HUGE win to go the distance and to do as well as I did.

So why do I mention this? Because in life, it requires BOTH. You have to prepare for the biggest goals and tasks of your life. If you go into them prepared but without the Spirit to lift your game from good to great….you will have momentary peaks of success but consistent mediocrity.

On the flip side, if you have indomitable Spirit, but have not prepared or conditioned adequately, for whatever the task is…something will give out before the finish line. The problem with that is that if you are not careful, it can damage your Spirit. All of your will, power, fearlessness, great attitude gets negated because you did not prepare enough to have the tools to follow through.

I know that this has happened to you other times in your life as it has to me. So given the choice, which is more important? I have to tell you it is Spirit. Why? Well, because for me the disappointment of not achieving my desired outcome challenges my Spirit…I go from upset to anger to resourcefulness and intense determination to then do whatever I need to do to now over-prepare for the rematch of the failed endeavor or the next task. Practice even more…workout even harder…and you know what I discovered?

It is that your Spirit really comes into play, not in the heat of the final event…it is in those moments of lonely practice and isolated preparation when nobody is watching, when you are tired, when your “Little Voice” wants to say “What the heck,” when it seems like there is no reward for your current efforts. THAT is when your Spirit needs to kick in. A friend of mine by the name of Rod Smith who played for the Denver Broncos said it well. He said the Super Bowl is won in training camp.

I know my pattern in the face of setback…depression (lasts a few minutes)…then anger (lasts a couple hours) …then resourcefulness and determination which lasts the rest of my life. What is yours?

How prepared are you for the tasks at hand? How prepared is your Spirit, not only for the task, but for the required preparation?