
Lessons from a Teenager on Taking Action

Do you happen to know someone that is willing to “do whatever it takes” to accomplish a goal? Being in the personal development field, I am fortunate to know many people that are willing to do so. However, I had a great example of this that I wanted to share.

For those of you who listen to my All Access Club calls, you may remember the one with my coach, Mack Newton, who has coached many famous baseball and NFL players. Well, one of those listeners took what was said on that call to heart. Not did he only take it to heart, but he decided to put it to the test.

Steven, an 18-year old from Western Pennsylvania, had found me through his cousin who suggested Steven read a book from the Rich Dad series. From that book, The ABCs of Building a Business Team that Wins! Steven signed up for the All Access Club call and listened to the 1st recording he found, which was the “Chat with Champions” call featuring Mack Newton.

Long story short: Steven was so moved by what he heard on that call, that he traveled 3.5 DAYS by train to take a class with Mack Newton and see if what was said on the call was what was delivered in person. I know this to be the case, because Steven came to the class I happened to be attending that day, so we got a chance to talk.

Steven explained that he chose to take a 3.5 day journey after listening to that call because, “I dont like where I am in life and Mack said a lot of things that were true and made sense. I came to see if he was all talk or if he was for real.” Now, this is an example of what I think taking action is: You hear about something that you believe can help you make a significant improvement in your life and decide to do “whatever it takes” to make that improvement!

Steven went on to describe his experience as: “I was in a room with very successful people and I have never been challenged that way before in my life. I liked it, but it was so painful, I did not know if I was going to be able to go on. But, I pushed through it just like everybody else. I did not even notice at first but my legs were shaking – it was like I was having seizure! But, I DID it!”

When asked how Steven found the strength to prevail, he recounts the words that were part of the lesson during the training that day from Mack: “You can throw up, you can faint, you can die… but you cannot give up!” Steven then went on to say, “I usually give up fairly easily. But Mack really holds you accountable. Now, I realize, I can’t just give up! Mack explained that there are no shortcuts in life, so, if I want something, I need to stay with it, not give up so easily.”

Steven stayed around long enough to grab something to eat and then boarded the train for his 3.5 day journey home with an experience that will last him a lifetime. He learned that even when it feels like you can’t do it, if it’s important to you, don’t give up – you can surprise even yourself and come out stronger and happier on the other side.

He plans to come back and visit Mack Newton’s gym again in the Spring, bringing his father with him. Until then, he’ll keep doing the workout Mack showed him and making himself stronger mentally and physically so he can prevail in life the way he did in Mack’s class that day.

If you would like help setting and reaching for your goals, download Champion Level Goal Setting Program by visiting:

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The Power of One!

The Power of One

Since joining Mack Newton’s fitness program, I have had the opportunity to continue my growth with my mentor, and personal development coach, Mack Newton. Mack is a Master in his own right in many areas, including building and leading championship teams, goal setting, using Little Voice Mastery tools and, of course, physical fitness.

There are many, many lessons I could share with you, but today, I want to focus on one technique that has really made a huge difference for me as I continue to challenge myself to be stronger physically and mentally, every day.

If you are like me, you may be consciously choosing to take on daunting goals that will require you to stand in the heat and endure moments of mental and physical stress and discomfort – knowing that when you come through on the other side, you will be a stronger, healthier more competent person than before the challenge. It takes discipline to force yourself to step out of your comfort zone and trust in the process of growing by constantly playing a bigger game.

To help you with the process, I am going to share a technique that Mack shared with me and I have found particularly helpful in many areas of my life. This technique is breaking time or activities into very small pieces when doing something extremely challenging.

As Mack says, “I can do anything for a minute. Not for a day and definitely not for a month. But, I can do anything for a minute.” So, when I am pushing through a workout that has me shaking with what seems like an exhausted energy supply and no strength left, I tell myself, “One more, just one more.” One more push up. One more sprint. One more minute of holding this position. Managing the unit of time or effort into something small enough that I know I can achieve allows me to keep myself 100% present. This way, I can complete the process that will give me the improvements I am seeking for myself.

So, when you find yourself in an extremely demanding situation, consider trying to navigate your way through it by dealing with it in small, manageable pieces that allow you to stay present and give it your all. By doing this you will experience more wins and have the ability to take on greater things than you thought possible.

Be Awesome!


A Presidential Perspective

One of my team mates requested that I share this letter I sent to my team to my blog. She felt many of my readers would be interested in my experience of the dinner with President George W. Bush Jr. If you would like to share your comments, I invite you to post them on my facebook page. See letter below:


As a few of you know, last night Eileen and I had the honor of going to a dinner with former President George W. Bush at a fund raising event here in Phoenix. I was one of 32 people who were selected to attend a private reception with him, as well. It was quite an honor, regardless of your political affiliations. He was extremely personable, approachable, fun and funny and deeply confident…..and yes…. VERY articulate.

It was a bit of a reality check to be sitting literally 5 feet from a person who was at one time conceivably the most powerful leader on the planet! Yet, he came across like he was a great friend not someone aloof and distant.

He was promoted to be speaking on “faith-based Presidency.” I expected it to be very denominational, especially considering the fund raising was for Arizona Christian University. However, what I found was something much deeper.

In talking about faith, he was not talking necessarily about religion. He said as a leader you must have “crisp decision making” capability. He said that when there are so many things flowing at you simultaneously, you must have rock solid principles that are unwavering in order to be able to make those decisions.

So, in talking about “faith”, he was speaking about faith in a set of principles. For him it was principles that he learned from his family, his upbringing and his religion. He said that he admired Abraham Lincoln because he also was “principle based.”

Many times, we take the word “faith” and attach religious connotation to it. But what I took away, was as a leader, you must have a core of principles as your foundation and a faith in those principles as guiding lights toward how you address the world around you.

He said faith is hard. It requires discipline. And it requires tremendous patience. I agree.

As he recalled key moments in his Presidency, I began to see a different view of him. I began to understand that in spite of what people think about you, you have to have an eternal optimism about where you are going. An optimism that your set of principles that you have faith in, will take you and your team to the goal or to the “promised land.”

He said that America has a tendency to want to isolate and protect itself. He said that we have to resist that temptation, have faith in our founding principles and exercise extreme patience. He said freedom takes time to develop and grow. His global view was hugely optimistic.

I met one other President in my life and that was Clinton years ago. While the personalities of these two men are like night and day….the one thing I found in common with them both was their incredible optimism of the world we live in. Their global views and the way they sorted historical and current events made a person feel lucky to be alive.

While their views may have been different, they were both infectious with their ability to see the best in humanity and to arrange the evidence that we are all moving in the right direction…this gave me a new perspective on being a leader.

The President was right. You have to have faith in something bigger than you. A set of principles that is unwavering in the face of opposition. But a set of principles that sees the BEST in people. That sees principles such as freedom and equality as rock solid principles that will ultimately bring out the best in everyone.

He was right….it does take discipline and patience. If you let the drama of the moment alter your faith in the principles, you will never be an effective leader.

Eileen and I came away from the evening with a very warm feeling. A very different experience than what we expected. We were uplifted, we were included, we were emboldened, we were made to feel proud of who we are, what we stand for and where we are going, as did everyone present. That is what a leader does.

I also really got that if you are reading this…we are all in the right place at the right time with the right set of principles. We have to have faith in them and patience. We have to never forget to engage, include, be optimistic and personable. Our task is to foster freedom to live the dreams we and our communities were meant to realize. Our principles set out in our mission and Code of Honor have got to be rock solid.

You have your own principles as well, based upon your background. How much faith do you have in them? How much faith do you have in the consequences of adhering to those principles? Great questions to ask yourself. We all have pivotal moments in our lives. It is that foundational platform that you hold that determines the outcomes of those pivotal moments.

Like the President, I believe that these are the best of times and that we are all moving the right direction. It takes patience and discipline and faith.

It is an honor to be a part of all of you…

Be awesome!


Join my Club…One Month for $1.

My All-Access Club is your pass to creating extraordinary income and an extraordinary Life. Benefits include:

Open-Line Coaching Calls. Personal coaching during monthly all-member calls. Benefit from wisdom Ive gained 20+ years helping individuals and businesses achieve greater wealth and success.

One-on-One Tune Ups. Sign up for a business tune up-a live examination and plan for success on an all-member call. A $1,750 value. FREE, if you jump in the hot seat.

Chats with Champions. Meet powerhouse achievers in sports, business and life-wholl share their success secrets and experiences with you during monthly member calls.

Achievers Community. Share and learn in the members-only online discussion forum-like-minded people helping each other move forward in life and business.

Be Awesome Blueprint. Get tips and techniques to achieve success in any economy with an exclusive report each month from myself or other contributing experts.

Member-Only Discounts. All-Access Club Members get 15% off all Blair Singer products and 25% off full retail price of all programs.

Say goodbye to your morning specialty coffee and hello to the bigger, better you. Only $29.95 per month. Join Now and get your first month for only $1.

Master Your Destiny: June 20-21, 2009

Today, more than ever, your time and money are valuable commodities. You cant afford to let another day or dollar slip away. Its time to turn your life around, be who you want to be, and achieve your dreamsrecession or no recession!

The reason most people do not realize their dreams and 95% of businesses fail – in good times or in bad – is’nt because of products, services, hard work or whats happening outside. Its because of whats happening on the inside of the individual or businessthe biggest of which is not knowing how to sell. And, the toughest sell of all is the six inches between your earsyour own Little Voice.

Learn to take charge of your Little Voice and achieve anything you put your mind to. Join me for two solid days for my Sales and Leadership Mastery Program, June 20th-21st, 2009 in Scottsdale, Arizona.

The #1 skill for anyone to succeed in business and in their personal lives is the ability to sell. And the #1 blockage to making that happen and uncorking the flow of income and success is your Little Voice. In my 2-day program coming up, you will experience the ability to master your Little Voice once and for all as well as the Little Voice of others. Youll acquire the formula Ive given to hundreds of thousands of people and thousands of businesses over the last 25 years that made them prosper and grow.

I keep the program relatively small so that I can do lots of coaching and make sure everyone gets lots of hands on experience presenting, selling, drilling and winning. As of today, over half the seats are already taken, so if you want to partake in this high-powered weekend program, please register immediately.

Your investment is only $1495 – Special Pricing Now through June 5th 2009 Only. (Regular Tuition is $2995.) Hurry, while there are still seats left! Click here to register

The Day Amazon Died

What is faster than a speeding bullet? Faster than even the speed of light? You got it the speed of a thought!!!

As an entrepreneur, the last 72 hours have been the most amazing, frustrating and enlightening 72 hours of my entire 27 year business career. It was the day that I watched an industry die and the power of a thought win.

On Tuesday we did a massive launch of my new book “Little Voice”Mastery. The primary goal was to drive the book to number one best selling status for one purpose only. To build a community because we are so convinced that the message of “Little Voice” and winning the war between your ears is THE message for 2009 and beyond. With nearly 31 incredible joint venture partners and over a million people being reached the book raced in rankings from over 119,000th to 177 to 120 to 99 and then Amazon died. A measly several hundred book orders overran their back order system and they shut us down. With no one to talk to, since accounts are handled in India, the best that Amazon could do was issue a couple of Purchase Orders. One for 20 and another for 30 books. We pleaded with them to let us send them the thousands we had printed but alas bureaucracy won the day.

In my frustration, I suddenly realized that the goal had really already been achieved. The purpose for #1 was to get exposure to attract a community of like-minded people who know that the secret to 2009 and beyond is to Boycott the Recession by eliminating the depression, recession, stagnation, etc. from your brain first!!!

That community was only one click away from reality had Amazon allowed them to place the orderbut you know policy all we wanted to do was build the freakin community!! Yet I realized we were dealing with an industry that was dying in front of my eyes the book industry. It’s an old idea that is too slow because of its physicalness, its warehouses, and its bloated bureaucracy. It was like watching steamship companies trying to deal with the new Boeing 707s in the 60s. Too slow.

So what was the goal? A community of like minded people who, like our SalesPartners Franchise owners, have decided to Boycott the Recession particularly the one between your ears. (In a recent event in Northern California, Zig Ziglar and Rudy Guliani went up to several of our SalesPartners who were wearing T-shirts and commented that they were right on!)

Why? Because depression, recession, deflation and inflation are “Little Voice” issues that become economic issues if you cannot master them. So what are we doing? We are bypassing the old system. 2009 is about the speed of thought and the speed with which you can control and direct those thoughts.

To all those people who flooded to a nonresponsive site and who know that it is about your “Little Voice” we are giving the book away for free!! All we wanted was the community anyway. Our business is improving the quality of life for everyone through transformation of the marketplace. One way to transform it is to not allow yourself to get sucked into the paradigm of anything that slows you down, makes you small or inhibits the speed of your spirit.

And for all the others who were able to purchase the book, you win too. Youll get a Free, two-month membership to my exclusive Little Voice Mastery Club. Youre automatically enrolled as of today and youll be hearing from us shortly. Be awesome!!