Business Skills

What’s your selling personality?

If you’ve followed me for a while, you know that I like to talk about different sales personalities. I don’t believe that one size fits all molds for success.

What you really need to tap into is your individual sales personality.

What’s your selling personality?

You may say that your business’ selling protocol involves XYZ, but that’s not what I’m talking about.

Each member of your sales team has a different sales personality. If you’re not playing to their strengths, you’re not utilizing them properly.

In my book, SalesDogs, I talk more in-depth about the different personalities and strengths you may encounter on your sales team.

Do any of these types sound familiar?

  1. Pit Bull
    This is the stereotypical attack dog. These salespeople never take no for an answer and are very aggressive. All they need is a cuff to latch onto and they’ll never let go.
  2. Poodle
    This type of dog is charming and loves to be the center of attention. They’re the life of the party and always look good. Poodle salespeople know how to present well and how to get in front of people.

    They’re great networkers and make sales based on that networking skill, not cold calling.

  3. Chihuahua
    The chihuahua sales member is a data freak.

    If you google everything and are constantly on YouTube to gather data, you are a chihuahua personality. These people love the bits and bytes about competition. And, they’re the go-to person when you have questions about the ingredients of a product or the tech of a service.

  4. Golden Retriever
    On the other hand, if you have someone who loves doing things for people, you have a golden retriever on your hands. They’re out there doing favors and taking clients to lunch. They operate on the Law of Reciprocity… If you give, then you shall receive.

    Golden retrievers love the interaction and make great teachers.

  5. Basset Hound
    Lastly, you have the basset hound personality. These salespeople have the natural ability to build instant rapport. Clients naturally trust them. This type really gets where you’re coming from.

    If you have one on your team or you’re one yourself, you should focus on one-on-one deals. Basset hounds are really good at that.

    So, the point of these personality types isn’t to pick the best one. It’s to get you to play to your team’s strengths.

    Find out which personality types are in your kennel and coach them accordingly.

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Being your Authentic Self

I’ve been doing this for a long time. And, in my nearly 30 years of experience, there were many people that modelled me.

That’s okay if you’re new to the game. But, when it comes down to it, you need to be you.

Have you ever heard that you need to be like somebody else in order to be successful in your life?

You know, I’m a big advocate of modelling certain behaviors in order to learn something new. But, only to a certain extent. When you don’t know anything, modelling is not a bad strategy.

But at the end of the day, the secret to being able to make a lot of money in sales or in business is being your authentic self.

Now, I know that may sound trite to you. However, there’s one thing that I’ve found out after working with thousands of people all over the world.

There’s still a belief out there that, “I’m not good enough,” and “I have to be like somebody else in order to be successful.” This is true particularly when it comes to sales.

On the other side of the argument are the sales managers and business owners that believe that everybody on their team has to be just like them.

And you know, in my experience, that’s just not true.

Think about the famous basketball player Shaquille O’Neal. This guy was a seven-foot 300-pound center in the NBA. And, he was great at it!

But, imagine if all of a sudden he decided he wanted to be a horse jockey.

What’s going to happen?

The poor horse is going to die for one thing. And, he’ll never be competitive.

Being a jockey isn’t playing to his authentic self.

Is that any better or different than you trying to be somebody you’re not?

You need to play to your strengths.

Think about all those diagnostics and review programs that give you your strengths and weaknesses. Once you get the analysis, what does the coaching team normally say?

They tell you what you need to work on your weaknesses. But, I’m telling you right now that is a colossal waste of time.

Why in the world would you try to improve something you’re not designed to do?

The key in business is to play to your strengths based on what you’re good at. Don’t try to fix something that’s not fixable.

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Call a Timeout and Create a List of Goals

In my over 30 years of helping people and being on stage, there’s one thing that holds true. You may very well be your worst enemy.

Do you ever wonder how to tackle income limitations in your business?

I tell clients all the time that the problem isn’t your marketing strategy or sales team. It isn’t any of the usual suspects at all.

It may surprise you to learn that the biggest limitation on your income is you.

That’s right.

The hardest sale you’ll ever have is selling … to you.

Especially on days when your confidence levels are low, and you just don’t feel like getting out of bed. But, if you manufacture a positive mood and attitude, you can turn that around.

So, the next time you’re in a slump here are a couple of ways to give your attitude a positive boost:

#1 – Call a Timeout

Try doing jumping jacks, running around the block, or even standing up where you are. Just do something that allows you to change your physical state. This, in turn, automatically unlocks your mental and emotional state.

Are you or your team feeling a little sluggish?

Maybe you’re upset that the team is not doing so well?

Take a page out of my son’s football coach’s book – call a timeout.

Bring everyone together. Get the team jumping up and down, chant, or give each other high fives. Change their physical state to impact their mood and attitude.

#2 – Create a List of Goals

There are some days when you wake up and wonder why you’re doing all of this.

Why go through the pain and the stress? Why not curl up in bed and forget about everything?

If you’re just having one of those days, it’s time to come up with your list. This list includes all the compelling reasons why you want that goal.

Because I …

Want to provide for my family.

Want my parents to be proud of me.

Want to prove to myself that I can accomplish this.

Whatever your reasons, it’s your motivation to get out and work at your goal. So, pull the list out whenever you feel your drive taking a dip. Remind yourself why you get out and do the things you do each day.

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Make it a priority to gather testimonials

As you may know, I have over a dozen information products under my belt. I’ve also shared the stage with Robert Kiyosaki.

That means that I’ve amassed quite a potent track record of impacting individuals and companies. I’ve worked with people in over 75 countries in the last 30 years.

And despite all this time, I always make it a priority to gather testimonials.

But, how do you do it in a way that sounds natural and not pushy?

You may have different ways to get testimonials already. But, here’s how I do it:

First, take the top 10 customers for your business. If you’re new in business and don’t have any customers yet, five people work, too. Make sure that you know them really well.

Next, you’ll take them out for coffee or lunch. It’s up to you. Bring a notebook so you can take some notes.

Thank your customer for meeting you for lunch or coffee. Let them know that you’re trying to get a little feedback to build your business. Also, mention that you just want to ask a few questions.

At this point, if you did what I asked you to do and they’re a favorite customer, they’ll be happy with that.

Start with asking about the backstory. Say something like:

“What was it like before we started doing business with you?”

Listen to your customer and take some notes.

Ask more questions to establish a baseline for the “before” and “after” of doing business with you. Make sure to include questions like:

“What are your numbers like? Give me a ballpark percentage.”

“What was that like before?”

These types of questions generally lead to your client’s story. Write down everything they say and get their feedback.

At the end of it, let them know that you think this is awesome and get their permission to use what they said as a testimonial.

When you receive their permission, let the client know that you’ll write it up and give it to them. From there, they can review it or edit it as they please.

Most clients are happy to do this for you. And, even if you only get half of them to say yes, that’s five more testimonials than you had before.

Sometimes, you get a bonus from these meetings, too!

Often, in telling their stories, the conversation may lead to other business opportunities. Maybe it’s the new products or services that you offer. Or, maybe it’s a referral.

Either way, it’s a great way to enhance your business.

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Take control of your attitude and moods

This may surprise you to know, but even I go through times when I’m not at my highest energy. After all, I’m only human and I experience ups and downs just like everyone else.

The difference is that I do something about it when I feel my energy start to dip. Especially when I’m helping people.

Mood and attitude can have a huge impact on your success.

Maybe you’ve heard me say this before:

When two people come together in a selling situation, the one with the highest energy generally wins.


They’re attracted to the energy and confidence level in you. And, they have a level of confidence in you because of the confidence you have in yourself.

Now, we all have bad days. We experience days and situations where our energy isn’t at its highest level. That’s perfectly normal.

But, there are things we can do to elevate our mood levels and change our attitude. The next time you feel your energy dipping, consider these tips:

#1 – Be Careful Who You Hang Around With

You know the phrase “birds of a feather flock together.” The people that you surround yourself with can affect your energy.

If you’re trying to build a business and accomplish all the things you want, you can’t afford to have negative people around you. They bring you down.

I’m not saying that you have to get rid of your friends and family. You can still love them, but love them from a distance.

You have big ideas.

People are naturally skeptical. They may want to shoot you down and then you say, “That’s just the way they are.” Be careful about surrounding yourself with people who bring negative energy into your space.

You need to surround yourself with people who are positive and support you. There’s a difference between healthy, positive feedback and being negative and pessimistic. If you know people who take cheap shots around you, remove those people from your midst.

#2 – Have a Daily Routine

Start each day with a gratitude exercise. Listing what you’re grateful for helps you to begin each day focused in the right direction.

At the end of the day, write down all your wins. You should have at least 15 of them on there – big or small. Writing down a list of wins helps you anchor those wins inside of you all the time.

Take control of your attitude and moods. Use these tips to boost your positive energy levels.

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When is the end of your selling cycle?

I work with people and companies across different industries and from all walks of life. And one of the things I notice is that they all have a different answer for this question:

When is the end of your selling cycle?

Some people say that it’s pretty much complete once you close the deal. Others go one step further and say it’s when we delivered the goods and got paid.

That’s all really good.

But I’m going to tell you one thing that has served me and my customers for many years. This part is the end of the selling cycle that I live for. It’s what our team lives for.

Are you ready for it?

The final piece of the selling cycle that puts the big bow on it and ensures long-lasting income is the testimony.

As you probably understand, a testimonial is somebody else saying something good about you, your product, or service. In many cases, we love to get testimonials. When we get a good one, we write it down.

When you make it part of your selling cycle, it does magical things for you.

  1. Creates Focus

You’re going to create a habit of making sure that you deliver on what you promised. You’ll focus on that customer and make sure everything is okay.

That spells an exceptional customer experience for you and your business.

I know there are some people who don’t really want to go back to the customer. You may not want to know what’s going on over there.

What if they’re unhappy with their product or service? What if they have complaints?

If you never touch base with them again, you don’t need to hear it, right?

But, if your little voice is telling you all this, you have a problem that’s affecting your income right now. So, if that’s what you’re hearing, you need to fix that problem quickly.

  1. Gives You an Amazing Marketing Piece

Another reason you need to make testimonials a part of your selling cycle is marketing opportunities. This is social proof that you’re doing something right because your clients tell the stories. Not you.

So, make sure you add testimonials to the end of your selling cycle. It can boost your marketing efforts, credibility, and income.